Using media in your learning
Use social media to prepare for and contribute to your classes.
In my classes I try to meet students in the place in which they spend a good deal of their time, i.e. social media. Watching a YouTube video or sharing a photo online is something that they do every day. So why not extend these practices to class?
I use social media on a daily basis to share information and chat with my students, both to enhance their learning and make my teaching more effective.Agnis Stibe
Professor in Transformation
Use the digital platforms that you use on a daily basis to engage with your learning both in and outside the classroom. This is a great way to share your research results with the whole group.
Watch short videos before your classes and familiarise yourself with the key concepts to be addressed in class. Research subjects which relate to future lessons (blog articles, podcasts, YouTube videos etc.) and share them on dedicated Facebook and LinkedIn groups.
Student testimonial:
It was a pleasure to attend Professor Stibe’s lessons. Not only did the class benefit from his own personal experiences and anecdotes (especially those on MIT Media Lab), but he also encouraged students to adopt a very proactive learning method using a range of formats including presentations, video pitches, YouTube videos and more. Moreover, Professor Stibe knows exactly how to use teaching methods to get his passion across and motivate students.
Kilian F.
Use podcasts and TV series to continue your work remotely
During the pandemic, innovative digital solutions have enabled teaching staff and students to keep communicating effectively. In addition to online lessons, myself and my colleague Xavier Philippe have set up a podcast series to demonstrate to students that it is possible to continue their work on organisational theory remotely. As we have been unable to observe in situ, we have used TV series which have turned out to be an excellent analysis tool. Teams on the Oxford campus have cultivated a climate of trust which combines both flexibility and intelligence.
Yoann Bazin
Professeur in Human Ressources and OrganizationXavier Philippe
Associate Professor in Sociology of Work
Develop your ability to adapt and use collective intelligence. Use new technology to keep building on your skills remotely, by analysing podcasts and TV series.
Game of Thrones - Hollywood - La Job
Student testimonial:
For our project, we had to infiltrate an association or project of our choice in groups of four to study its internal operations and structure. We had to pose as volunteers.
We looked at organisations such as homeless charities and sport clubs (e.g. Quidditch). Our group set itself the challenge of getting involved in a rowing club. In England rowing is a national sport, and is particularly popular in Oxford. Each university has his own team. We observed that the rowing club is a very closed circle, and we were not really able to get involved. The experience was however a steep learning curve. We learned how to push ourselves out of our comfort zone, and how to obtain information on site. We met people from the club and learned more about it.
In phase two, we joined an association which uses gardening to help disabled people get back into work. It was really interesting. At the end of the project, we had to hand in a file analysing the organisation and suggesting potential improvements, which counted towards our continuous assessment. Our professor gave us lots of help with this. He met with each group separately to suggest progress areas, and prepared video tutorials for us explaining various working methods .Laura F.
Position yourself as an expert on your LinkedIn posts
Since 2018, students who study geopolitics and market influence modules have been learning how to reflect and reiterate the basics of geopolitics on their LinkedIn posts. They work individually or in groups on their critical thinking in relation to sensitive and sometimes divisive issues, by drafting a text of not more than 500 words and using infographics to complement their words. We encourage publishing of the best LinkedIn posts with any adjustments and corrections made with the professor.
Brigitte DAUDET
Assistant professor in Regional Development
Learn to create concise text together with one clear and original image. Express an expert viewpoint, taking a didactic and educational approach to a complex geopolitical subject. Defend your infographic in a five-minute verbal presentation to your audience, and answer any questions.