Master in Management

A Master in Management degree is the flagship training delivered by the 38 French "Grandes Écoles" (Business Schools), members of the French Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE). These schools are, in France and internationally, the reference in their fields of training.


Master's degree accredited by the French government and recognised internationally.

  • Master in management programme

    • TOP 3

      Post-Baccalaureate Business Schools in France

    • TOP 20

      After 2-year diploma Business Schools in France

    • 100%

      of the course can be taken abroad

  • The world as a playground

    The world as a playground

    Build a real international profile! Boston, São Paulo, Athens, Shanghai... discover new cultures and improve your language skills. Multiply your expatriations and even obtain a double degree in partnership with a partner university.

    • UK red flag icon

      100% taught in English

      Follow your entire course in English on any of the School's campuses.

    • Icon certification red

      2 years of international study

      Study at the School's campuses (France, UK, Ireland, UAE) and go on exchange to one of the School's 200+ partner universities around the world.

    • Red earth icon

      +1,000 international students

      Evolve in a multicultural environment and mix with students and professors of over 65 nationalities on the School's campuses.

    • Red language icon

      9 languages taught

      Follow your course 100% in English if you wish and learn or improve 1 or 2 modern languages from a choice of 9.

  • Entering professional life

    Get into professional life

    Projects, assignments, internships, business games, challenges... apply your knowledge and constantly confront the realities of the business world. With a two-year work-study track gain professional experience and land your first job before the end of your studies.

    • 92%

      of graduates are satisfied with their first job

    • 1 out of 2

      of graduates found a job thanks to the School

    • 96%

      of graduates in employment found their first job within three months

    • 50%

      have a job with an international focus

    • 30%

      of graduates manage a team

    • 2 out of 3

      carry out CSR-related assignments

  • A unique experience with thousands of memories.

    • A modern environment

      Benefit from quality infrastructures designed for your well-being and comfort: sports halls, Learning Centres, areas dedicated to community life, relaxation areas, etc. During your integration, take part in the Induction Days, a festive event to develop strong links during your integration.

      EM Normandie student
    • Associations as if it was raining

      Benefit from a dynamic community life with over 100 Projects and 100 events organised each year. Because community life is an integral part of your training, you can take part in a Community Project or an Association Project within one of the School's associations. You can even create your own project!

      Students' associations
  • Old school, Young app

    The gateway to your student experience, this intelligent collaborative platform offers you a multitude of tools to facilitate your daily life, get in touch with network members, choose your expatriations, consult internship, job and work-study offers... Ward provides you with ultra-personalised support thanks to its personalised suggestion engine based on artificial intelligence. Become more than ever an actor in your career, your progress and your employability!

    Mockup application Ward
  • With the Career Path, a tailor-made support system to build your professional project, define your objectives, evaluate your skills development and give meaning to each of your experiences.

    Analyse your feedback with a dedicated internal team and expert coaches and make the right choices. Meet professionals and discover their jobs and sectors of activity. Participate in workshops and learn how to sell yourself to recruiters and develop your attractiveness. Take personality tests and benefit from the precious advice of the Alumni.

    Parcours Carrière
  • Tailor-made excellence

    • Flexible courses

      Flexible courses

      Change campuses every year, discover a new environment, join your dream association and choose the subjects that inspire you. In the last year, choose a sector or a profession by choosing your specialisation.

      You can also opt for a 2-year work-study track, giving you a unique opportunity to combine theory and practice (under conditions).

    • Academic know-how

      Academic know-how

      Benefit from excellent courses taught by high-level professor-researchers and informed by their research work. Build on what you have learned and experiment through a permanent Test and Learn approach and participatory teaching. Develop your own skills and distinguish yourself through your specialisations.

    • Programme Grande École

      A programme that develops skills

      EM Normandie offers an innovative programme designed to prepare students for the challenges of the professional world. The programme focuses on the acquisition of skills in management, marketing, finance and entrepreneurship, with an educational approach combining theory and practice.

      Thanks to international experiences and renowned academic partnerships, students develop a wide-ranging vision and flexibility.

    • 131

      permanent professor-researchers

    • 95%

      management professors with a PhD

    • 60%

      of international professors

    • 3

      research chairs

    • 800

      high-level professional speakers

  • A School for life

    Your years of study will remain engraved for life and the support of the School will continue throughout your professional career. As soon as you enter EM Normandie, join the Alumni network of 28,000 members, students and graduates, in over 100 countries. Within this active and supportive community, you can make lasting friendships, participate in numerous events and boost your career.

    School for life
  • Any questions?

    • What is the difference between a MIM and an MBA degree?

      MIM stands for « Master in Management » also called « Master of Management ». With their growing popularity in recent years, MIM degrees are becoming complementary to the long-established Masters of Business Administration (MBAs).



      The main difference between an MBA degree and a MIM is that an MBA degree usually targets people who are already in the business environment and have several years of experience whereas Masters in Management target mostly recent graduates who have little or no professional experience seeking to acquire management and leadership skills. 

      Gain hard and soft skills by joining a Master in Management degree built on participative course formats that encourage confrontation with the reality of the professional world: practical exercises, missions, challenges, company projects, etc.

      How to choose between a MiM and an MBA?

    • Why join a Master in Management programme?

      By joining a Master in Management, multiply your experiences and boost the attractiveness of your profile:

      Immerse yourself in the professional world
      Thanks to courses covering all facets of business and management, develop fundamental skills while applying them to real business situations. Benefit from teaching methods punctuated by internships, company assignments, challenges, serious games, case studies, etc. With the work-study programme available at the end of the course, accelerate your professionalisation and find a job before the end of your studies.

      Become a multidisciplinary expert
      Choose your specialisation and become an expert sought after by recruiters: marketing, finance, communication, human resources, events, information systems, auditing, logistics, international trade, etc. Develop the hard and soft skills that will make you a professional prepared for the business world.

      Develop your international mindset
      Study in a French business school established in France, the UAE, Ireland and UK, mix with students and professors from all over the world. Develop an international business vision, improve your language skills and prepare for your future international career or in a globally established company.

      Get involved in community life
      Experience unforgettable human adventures by joining a humanitarian cause, organising sports or cultural events, participating in the construction of an environmental project, etc. Develop new skills, challenge yourself with concrete projects, and transform your passion into a profession!

    • How to choose a Master in Management training?

      Faced with the multitude of options and courses available, choosing the Master in Management education best suited to your profile can sometimes be complex. Here are a few tips to help you find your way around.

      Have a wide choice of opportunities to find your way
      After a 3-year degree, you may not already have an established professional project. Before committing yourself to a particular speciality, position or field of activity, you may want to explore various options in the first year in order to confirm your choices for the last year. The flexibility offered in such a training course (options, subjects, campuses, expatriations, etc.) help you refine your career plan.

      Find specialisations in line with your aspirations
      There are more than 400 different specialisations across all Business Schools’ Master in Management programmes in France. To make sure you make the right choice, choose the schools that offer a wide range of specialisations to open up a maximum of possibilities. Also analyse their expertise in the proposed sectors: experts' interventions, thematic seminars, publications by professors-researchers, projects entrusted by companies, etc.

      Join an internationally recognised school
      Universities, Institute of Business Administration (IAE), Business Schools, Grandes Écoles, ... there are many institutions offering management training. Several indicators can help you in your choice. First of all, international accreditations such as EQUIS, AACSB et AMBA are essential guarantees of quality. "Visas", "grades", "labels" as well as national and international rankings also guarantee the quality of courses.

      Evaluate the quality of companies and Alumni networks
      To get your career off to a good start, rely on the strength of your school's Alumni network and its partnerships with the professional world. Assess the quality of the job offers shared by the network, the number of Alumni around the world and the dynamism of the student and graduate community. 

      Accreditations, labels and rankings: a guarantee of quality
      Accreditations, labels and national and international rankings testify to the excellence of a school and its programmes. In all three areas, EM Normandie wins all the accolades thanks to its exemplary performance in key areas: strategy, pedagogy, faculty, research, international relations, corporate relations and the future of graduates.

  • Accreditations

    EM Normandie is triple accredited with EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA. Less than 1% of business schools in the world hold this triple crown.

    It has held EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System) accreditation since 2016, AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) accreditation since 2014 and AMBA (Association of MBAs) accreditation since 2022.

    It is also a member of the Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE), a highly selective circle that includes 38 of the 400 Business Schools in France.

    • EQUIS Accredited
    • AACSB Accredited
    • Nouveau logo AMBA texte noir
    • CGE management schools promote the CGE label
  • Labels

    The EM Normandie Master in Management is entitled to deliver a Master's degree in business administration. This authorisation is validated by the Commission d'Evaluation des Formations et des Diplômes de Gestion (CEFDG). The "visa Bac+5" and "grade de Master" are a recognition of the quality of EM Normandie's training, its pedagogy and its teaching staff and guarantee that students have the necessary skills to integrate successfully into the job market. Valid for 5 years, this label has been renewed in 2020.

    • State-approved diploma
    • Diploma conferring the grade of Master
    • CEFDG
  • National and international rankings

    Built around criteria specific to each publication, these rankings assess the quality of teaching, international openness, the quality of research and teaching staff, accreditations and labels, as well as the professional integration of graduates and relations with the business world.
    The EM Normandie Master in Management is ranked in the Top 3 of Post Baccalaureate Schools in several national rankings and is also in the Top 100 of the best Masters in Management worldwide by the Financial Times (2023).

    • Financial Times