02 December 2024
Disruptechs-Agora (DTA) 2024
Faculty and Research
EM Normandie Paris-Clichy Campus
Summary of speakers
Jérôme Béranger: Applications and ethical considerations of generative AI (such as ChatGPT) in medicine?
With the emergence of innovations and technological progress - illustrated in particular by the extremely rapid development of Large Language Model (LLM) type Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) systems such as ChatGPT - we are witnessing a gradual transformation of the ancient medicine of Hippocrates and the doctor-patient relationship. The challenges, risks and opportunities, hopes and concerns raised by these AGIs in healthcare justify increased and reinforced ethical vigilance. These digital applications, which are multiplying, diversifying and gaining in performance every day, are tending to change the role and practices of the healthcare professional in the medical analytical and decision-making process. This digital medicine will necessarily encourage doctors to train in these digital tools so that they can learn to navigate better in this new ecosystem of knowledge, while retaining their medical know-how and skills, as well as their critical thinking. Given the inevitable arrival of AGIs in medicine, this article looks at how we can understand and use this technological tool, within an evolving ethical framework, in order to maintain high-quality care for healthcare users.
Philippe Mouillier: How can the political sphere encourage a shift from purely curative measures (ambulatory or domiciliary care) to preventive measures? + How can long-term action be successful?
We need to rethink the direction of our healthcare policies, which are essentially focused on the therapeutic aspect of care. On the one hand, environmental and behavioural factors play a major role in the onset of chronic diseases, which are the leading cause of death worldwide. On the other hand, the ageing of the population and the chronicisation of certain diseases are leading to a steady increase in healthcare expenditure, as well as the regular emergence of diagnostic and therapeutic innovations. A proactive prevention policy would therefore make it possible to respond to two major challenges: limiting the onset of disease and therefore substantially improving the population's state of health; and relieving the healthcare system of heavy, avoidable expenditure, the increase in which poses a risk to the viability of the French social protection system. Prevention is therefore as much a public health issue as it is one of medium- and long-term financial sustainability. The resources devoted to preventive health care are certainly increasing, but they are fragmented, which is detrimental not only to the effectiveness of the policies pursued but also to their legibility, which poses a problem in terms of the efficiency of public spending. Finally, more broadly speaking, prevention requires a change in health culture and the integration of preventive approaches by all health professionals and by the general public directly.
Antoine Poignant : Digital technology and mental health: the therapeutic benefits of DTx and chatbots in the era of generative AI
Chatbots and DTx (Digital Therapeutics) in mental health, based on generative artificial intelligence (GAI), are gaining in popularity as psychological support tools. There are numerous functionalities, including mood monitoring, mindfulness exercises and cognitive behavioural therapy techniques. These chatbots can usefully complement conventional care, particularly for mild to moderate problems, by offering round-the-clock support and reducing barriers to access.
Part of the explanation for their effectiveness may lie in the structure of language. Language processes and cognition are implicated both in the pathogenesis of disorders and in the therapeutic approach to mental pathologies. Relational framework theory postulates that language and cognition are intimately linked through networks of learned relationships.
The IAGén's language models (LLM), trained on very large corpora of texts, can simulate these relational networks. They can understand and generate language based on complex contexts, making them potentially capable of working with the key concepts of Relational Frame Theory (RFT). ACT therapy, derived from RFT, uses linguistic techniques to modify the relationships between thoughts, emotions and behaviours.
Today, the integration of LLMs with language-based therapies such as ACT offers real prospects for improving the accessibility and effectiveness of mental health interventions. However, a balanced approach, combining these technologies with human expertise, remains essential to ensure optimal and ethical care.
Gérard Raymond: Digital health and patients
How digital health care, with the production of data, is changing the one-to-one relationship between carer and cared-for, and engaging the representation of organised citizens and associations as players in the healthcare system.
The proliferation of digital support and monitoring tools for people suffering from chronic diseases implies a profound transformation in the relationship between carer and patient. Involving patients in understanding the data they produce makes them players in their own health and care. This lay expertise requires healthcare professionals to adopt a position of dialogue and listening. The use and sharing of personal data within a team dealing with the patient is a guarantee of coordination and relevance in the medication strategy and also in the overall support and monitoring of the patient.
Today, the re-use of data enables research to be developed. In this area, associations are demonstrating every day their participation in the digital health strategy through their involvement in building a secure and ethical process that guarantees the "human guarantee" in research and AI.
- Baudier P., Chassy A., Jouannin A., Le Douaron P. et Tim Gérard, « Patient acceptance of a medical pre-diagnosis using Artificial Intelligence: the case of a health Chatbot used before a teleconsultation » - French
- Elouaer-Mrizak S. et Lébert D., « A fresh look at Big Pharma's productivity crisis » - French
- Masanet S. et Jutand M.A., « Introduction of 3D printing in a surgical department: what effects on professional practices? Initial points of interest » - French
- Lebert D., « The role of bioinformatics in Sanofi's vaccine R&D during the 2010 decade”
- Tavner B. et Serra , « Involving hospital teams in trials of robotic cabinets » - French
- Lombardo E., Quero C. et Billion J., « The impact of 4.0 technologies on the health of people with disabilities: opportunities and challenges for autonomy and social integration » - French
- Bieder C. et Servajean-hilst R., “Innovating for a desirable future for the healthcare system: the case of integrating ESG and patient experience in the pharmaceutical industry » - French
- Josip M. « Disruptive technologies in healthcare – innovative use cases of additive manufacturing »
International conférence about : ‘Disruptive Technologies & Healthcare’
Monday 2nd december 2024
on EM Normandie Paris-Clichy campus
Organised in partnership with the Fabrique du Futur and the Innovation Research Network (RRI)

DTA24 Conference Main Topics
Disruptive technologies are changing how we live, work, learn, and interact. Advances made in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain, Robotics, 3D printing, additive manufacturing etc. are transforming private and public organizations’ business models and competencies, highlighting the needs for adaptation at various -individual, collective, organizational, and societal- levels. These technologies are likely to provide individuals, organizations, and society at large with huge benefits, such as speed, efficiency, security, transparency, and traceability. But they are also likely to meet a variety of expectations and concerns that previous editions of the DisrupTech Agora (DTA) conferences have sought to address (e.g., ethics, appropriability, resilience, sustainability).
The aim of the 2024 DTA conference (DTA24) is to critically examine the impacts of disruptive technologies by focusing on the health sector.
The latter is a special case because it is profoundly affected by a series of new and emerging technologies throughout the life cycle of the healthcare process, from the upstream development of new molecules to downstream patient care and management. The foregoing points to both interesting research topics and practical questions for those involved in healthcare as a professional practice, an economic sector and a field of technological application.
DTA24 Conference Program
Since 2021 and its first edition, the DTA conferences have brought together the views of practitioners and researchers on the subject of new technologies and their effects on individuals, organizations and society. This year, the DTA24 conference is made-up with two parts. The first part is devoted to two eminent keynote speakers, one researcher and one practitioner, who will provide the audience with an open but constructive dialogue on how new technologies are currently changing the way healthcare professionals work. The first part of the conference takes the form of a round-table discussion. The second part of the conference is devoted to academic presentations in the form of a research seminar. Authors of selected papers will have the opportunity to assist keynote speakers, lecture and round table, and to be published in a special issue of the DTA24's partner journal: Innovations – Revue d’Economie et de Management de l’Innovation (I-REMI), in french.
Download the revue's Call for Papers
Round Table - Digital Health: Therapeutic Innovations, Ethical Challenges and Prevention Policies
The round table will run from 10.15am to 12pm. It will be co-hosted by Corinne Grenier and Angélique Chassy.
The round table will be followed by lunch with the participants to continue the discussions.

Jérôme Béranger
A health economist, doctor in digital ethics and lecturer, Jérôme Béranger is the co-founder and CEO of GoodAlgo, a company specialising in algorithmic support, data enhancement and the ethical evaluation of digital projects. He is also a researcher (PhD) associated with the CERPOP at INSERM, University of Toulouse 3, and an "AI & Ethics" expert for the EuropIA Institute. His research focuses on the moral and societal approach to the digital revolution. He has published several books on the subject, including "La responsabilité sociétale de l'Intelligence Artificielle" (ISTE, March 2021) and "L'AI consciente n'est plus une utopie" (De Boeck Supérieur, May 2024). He sits on a number of scientific and ethics committees within national public and private bodies (notably the Conseil du Numérique en Santé and the Comité Stratégique de Filière CSF: "Numérique de confiance"). Finally, he is a member of the administration team of the Persée Foundation, dedicated to innovation in cancer research in the Pays de la Loire region.

Philippe Mouillier
Philippe Mouiller was born in Roanne (Loire) on 20 September 1969.
He began his political career as mayor of Moncoutant (Deux-Sèvres) and then regional councillor for Poitou-Charentes. He was elected Senator in September 2014.
A member of the Senate Social Affairs Committee since the start of his term of office, he specialises in the field of medico-social care. He has produced several reports and initiated a number of bills in this area. He set up the Disability Study Group in January 2023.
He was a member of the Conseil National Consultatif des Personnes Handicapées and the Haut Conseil du Financement de la Protection Sociale for 3 years.
He was elected Chairman of the Social Affairs Committee in 2023 and became a member of the supervisory board of the Caisse d'Amortissement de la Dette Sociale and the Fonds de Réserve pour les Retraites.

Antoine Poignant
He has been working in the field of healthcare marketing and strategy for 20 years, and is heavily involved in the digital transformation of the healthcare sector. He is the founder of Connected Doctors (marketing departments) and La Blouse Blanche (training programmes and publications). He has contributed to the launch of numerous innovations (products, devices, services) and institutional communications on the French and international markets. His expertise includes digital communication, e-strategies and the digital transformation of the healthcare sector towards Connected Care, through AI and telemedicine. He trained as an emergency doctor (SAMU 77), graduated from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Medical Anthropology, has a Masters in Human Immunology and Immunopathology, and two CES in Neurophysiology and Medical Psychology. He has also completed a DU in Biological and Medical Engineering. Passionate about neuroscience and Buddhism, he has been practising oriental martial arts and meditating for many years. He also works as a hypnotherapist (combining hypnosis and brief psychotherapy).

Gérard Raymond
Born in 1949, Gérard RAYMOND's life was turned upside down in 1984 when he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. He managed to overcome the constraints of the disease by practising sport assiduously, which led him to set up a succession of associations to promote the development of physical activity and sport among people with diabetes. It was in this context that he set up a partnership with the Association Française des Diabétiques (AFD), joining its national board in 1998. He then served as President and Secretary General of the AFD, driving forward a process of transformation within the association, which has now become a federation, culminating in the creation of the Diabète LAB in 2015, which he initiated.
He was elected to head France Assos Santé in June 2019, driven by the desire to move patient and user associations from representation to full participation, so that they can become a force for change and take their share of responsibility in building the healthcare system of the future.
Keen to broaden the collective's levers for action beyond advocacy, he is convinced that associations must seize on the uses of digital technology in healthcare to influence changes in the healthcare system, in particular by carrying out specific studies among patients.
At the same time, he defends these causes within the Health Data Hub, of which he has been Vice-Chairman since 2019.
In 2021, Gérard RAYMOND was appointed a member of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE) and promoted to the rank of Knight of the Legion of Honour.
Bibliography: "Quelle santé voulons-nous?" (2011), published by Les carnets de l'info.
Research seminar
Workshop 1. New technologies in health and pharma: from bioinformatics and 3D printing to health chatbots and the challenges of productivity and acceptability’.
Animation: Angélique Chassy
Workshop 2. Tomorrow's health: robotics, social integration and additive manufacturing
Animation: Corinne Grenier
Programme for the day
9.30 - 10.00 am: Welcome coffee
10.00 - noon: Round table discussion (with a 10-minute break)
noon - 2.00 pm: Lunch
2.00 - 4.00 pm: Presentation workshops
4.00 - 4.15 pm: Coffee break
4.15 - 4.45 pm: Summary of the workshops; prospects for the call for articles in Innovation magazine, conclusion of the day's proceedings