
Associate Professor in Management and Organization


Camilla Quental is Associate Professor in Management and Organization Studies and she joined EM Normandie in 2024 after numerous professional experiences in France and abroad. She holds a PhD in Management Sciences from HEC Paris awarded in 2011. Her research interests include human resources, labor relations, gender and diversity issues, as well as ethics and sustainability in organizations. She has published numerous research articles and chapters on these topics. Camilla has extensive experience teaching different audiences, from undergraduate to executive education, in countries such as France, Brazil, China, Cambodia and the United Arab Emirates. She serves as Associate Editor of the journal Gender, Work & Organization and is member of the United Nations PRME (Principles of Responsable Management Education).

Professional experience

Since 2024 : Associate Professor in Management and Organization Studies, EM Normandie
2022-2024 : Associate Professor, New York University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
2017-2024 : Associate Professor, Audencia Business School

Organisational studies & HR Management
Matières enseignées
Business Ethics Organisational theory
2012 : Phd in Management Sciences, HEC Paris


  • Quental, C 2012, 'Becoming partner: Gender, professional identity and the glass ceiling in professional services firms', PhD in Management Sciences, HEC, Paris, France.


    PhD Dissertation / Accreditation to Supervise Management Research

  • Shymko, Y, Vershinina, N, Daskalaki, M, Azevedo, G & Quental, C 2024, 'From the cocoon to la chape de plomb: The birth and persistence of silence around sexism in academia', Gender, Work & Organization, vol. 31, no. 5, September. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Quental, C, Rojas Gaviria, P & del Bucchia, C 2023, 'The dialectic of (menopause) zest: Breaking the mold of organizational irrelevance', Gender' Work & Organization, vol. 30(5), pp. 1816-1838. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Shymko, Y, Vershinina, N, Daskalaki, M, Azevedo, G & Quental, C 2023, 'From the cocoon to la chape de plomb: The birth and persistence of silence around sexism in academia', Gender, Work & Organization. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Van Amsterdam, N, van Eck, D, Kjær, K.M, Brown, A, de Coster, M, Lafaire, A.P & Quental, C 2023, 'Feeling clumsy and curious. A collective reflection on using poetry as an unconventional method (at a conventional conference)', Gender, Work and Organization, vol. 30(3), pp. 1429-1449. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3


    Academic articles

  • Puppim de Oliveira, J.A, Mukhi, U, Quental, C & de Oliveira Cerqueira Fortes, P.J 2022, 'Connecting businesses and biodiversity conservation through community organizing: The case of babassu breaker women in Brazil', Business Strategy and the Environment, vol. 31(5), pp. 2618-2634. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Shymko, Y, Quental, C & Navarro Mena, M 2022, 'Indignação and declaração corporal: Luta and artivism in Brazil during the times of the pandemic', Gender, Work & Organization, vol. 29(4), pp. 1272-1292. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Reis, R, Quental, C & Eric Van Heck, E 2022, 'When three is better than two: How culture can bridge collaboration in globally distributed teams', M@n@gement, vol, 25(3), pp. 57-73. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Quental, C & Shymko, Y 2021, 'What life in favelas can teach us about the COVID‐19 pandemic and beyond: Lessons from Dona Josefa', Gender, Work & Organization, vol. 28 (2), pp. 768-782. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Rojas Gaviria, P, Del Bucchia, C & Quental, C 2020, 'The foreigner within us: Catharsis amid horror and confusion in menopause', Advances in Consumer Research, vol. 48, pp. 1106-1111. ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Quental, C 2020, 'Feminismo em comum: Para todas, todes e todos (Book Review)', Gender, Work & Organization, vol. 27 (3), pp. 421-424. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Mukhi, U & Quental, C 2019, 'Exploring the challenges and opportunities of the United Nations SDGs: A dialogue between a climate scientist and management scholars', Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, vol. 19 (3), pp. 552-564.


    Academic articles

  • Barel, Y, Fremeaux, S & Quental, C 2013, 'Ageism towards young and elderly people: Lessons from the Nordic diversity model', Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, vol. 90 (4), pp. 3-18. FNEGE : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Naschberger, C, Quental, C & Legrand, C 2012, 'Le parcours de carrière des femmes cadres : pourquoi est-il si compliqué et comment le faciliter?', Gestion : Revue Internationale de Gestion, vol. 37 (3), pp. 43-50.


    Academic articles

  • Quental, C 2016, 'Gender equality and sustainable economic growth: The case of women in public leadership positions in Nigeria', The Research & Ranking Report on Female Representation at State/Local Government Levels in Nigeria from 1999 to 2015, pp. 50-55, Winihin Jemide Series.


    Other academic contributions

  • Quental, C, Rojas Gaviria, P & del Bucchia, C 2023, 'The dialectic of (menopause) zest: Breaking the mold of organizational irrelevance for a Good Life', European Group for Organizational Studies, Cagliari, Italy.


    Academic communications

  • Quental, C, Shymko, Y. & Fotaki, M 2023, 'Between utopia and dystopia: Epistemologies of the South in Organization Studies', Organization Studies Workshop, Athens, Greece, May.


    Academic communications

  • Marilac Flor, C, Vinholi Rampazo, A & Quental, C 2023, 'The intersectional precariousness of black bodies prompted by the materialization of whiteness in higher education', European Group for Organizational Studies, Cagliari, Italy.


    Academic communications

  • Quental, C, Shymko, Y & Fotaki, M 2021, 'Pacifying, empowering and transforming: Alternative organizing at the margins - the Case of “Favela Feminista” in São Paulo', European Group for Organizational Studies, Amsterdam, Holland.


    Academic communications

  • Quental, C, Rojas Gaviria, P & Del Bucchia, C 2020, 'Menopause in the workplace and the post-menopausal zest: A discourse analysis. Gender', Work & Organization Conference, Kent, UK.


    Academic communications

  • Azevedo, G & Quental, C 2019, 'Brazil is not for beginners: The complications of a semi-Western case of racial inclusion', European Group for Organizational Studies, Edinburgh, UK.


    Academic communications

  • Jones, E.B, Ramsdell, K, Reid, E.M, Gatrell, C.J, Humberd, B.C, Quental, C, Ramsdell, K, Bartunek, J.M & Clair, J.A 2018, 'New directions on gendered norms and practices in organizations: The good, the bad, and the ugly', Academy of Management Conference.


    Academic communications

  • Quental, C, Atewologun, D, Lupu, I & Doldor, E 2016, 'Negotiating privilege and disadvantage in elite professional careers', Gender, Work & Organization Conference.


    Academic communications

  • Bardon, T, Quental, C & Josserand, E 2016, 'Building consistent career self-narratives through identity work in the consultancy profession', Academy of Management Annual Meeting.


    Academic communications

  • Quental, C, Reis, R.S & Sant’Anna, A 2015, 'National culture and global leadership: A cross-cultural study', 15th EURAM Conference.


    Academic communications

  • Quental, C & Kelan, E 2015, 'The gendered construction of skills in the promotion to partner', Academy of Management Conference.


    Academic communications

  • Quental, C 2013, 'Professional identity and gender in the path to partnership in professional services firms', 13th EURAM Conference.


    Academic communications

  • Legrand, C, Naschberger C & Quental, C 2013, 'L’équilibre vie professionnelle - vie personnelle : Point de vue des cadres', 5ème Congrès de l’Association Française de Sociologie.


    Academic communications

  • Naschberger, C, Quental, C & Legrand, C 2013, 'Etapes de carrière et perception des enjeux en matière d’équilibre vie professionnelle -vie personnelle chez les cadres hommes et femmes', 24ème Congrès AGRH.


    Academic communications

  • Quental, C & Kelan, E 2012, 'Gender in professional service firms: New findings and a research agenda', Academy of Management Conference, Boston, USA.


    Academic communications

  • Naschberger, C, Legrand, C & Quental, C 2012, 'Développement des carrières : perception des cadres sur les leviers et les freins en matière d’évolution professionnelle', 23ème congrès de l’Association francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH).


    Academic communications

  • Quental, C 2011, 'Excellence, leadership and success in the path to partnership in professional services firms: The experience of partners in the US and in France', 27th European Group for Organizational Studies Colloquium.


    Academic communications

  • Saraiva, L.A & Quental, C 2024, 'Cracks in diversity: Pink money, depoliticization and conservatism in Brazil' In Forson, C., Healy, G., Özturk, M. and Tatli, A. (Eds.), Research Handbook on Inequality and Work. Edward Elgar Publishing.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Mukhi, U & Quental, C 2023, 'New Normal and Old Wisdom: Converging CEO and Academic Perspectives for Responsible Management Education and Leadership' In Responsible Management of Shifts in Work Modes–Values for Post Pandemic Sustainability, vol. 2, pp. 35-50. Emerald Publishing Limited.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Naschberger, C, Quental, C & Legrand, C 2017, 'The leaky leadership pipeline in France. A study of career levers and barriers to foster women’s leadership development' In Cunningham, C. M., Crandall, H. M. and Dare, A. M. (Eds.), Gender, Communication, and the Leadership Gap, pp. 151-169. Information Age Publishing.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Ajao, R, Bozionelos, G & Quental, C. 2017, 'Gender, poverty and leadership: The case of the Chibok girls' In Flynn, P. M., Gudic, M. and Tan, T. K. (Eds.), Beyond the Bottom Line: Integrating Sustainability into Business and Management Practice. Greenleaf Publishing.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Quental, C & Reis, R.S 2014, 'Global talent management in Brazil: Jeitinho as a managerial talent. In Al Ariss, A. (Ed.), Global Talent Management: Challenges, Strategies and Opportunities, pp. 123-140. Springer.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Quental, C 2013, 'Women in professional services firms' In Burke, R., Vinnicombe, S., Moore, L. and Blake Beard, S. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Promoting Women’s Careers, pp. 289-303. Edward Elgar Publishing.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Naschberger, C, Quental, C & Legrand, C 2013, 'Le parcours de carrière des femmes cadres. Pourquoi est-il si compliqué et comment le faciliter ?' In St-Onge, S. and Guerrero, S. (Eds.), Gestion des Carrières, pp. 472-484.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Quental, C, Naschberger, C & Legrand, C 2016, 'Mulheres na empresa : Sair do «labirinto» antes de quebrar o «teto de vidro»'.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Quental, C 2015, 'Comment être repéré comme talent quand on est une femme', L’Usine Nouvelle.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Quental, C 2025, 'Menopause in Organizations : Education for All', Vidéos Fnege Médias, January.


    Scientific dissemination videos