
Associate Professor in Economics


Cathy Rubinos is an Associate Professor of Economics and she joined EM Normandie in 2024. She holds a Ph.D. in Sustainability from Arizona State University awarded in 2017. Her dissertation focused on the governance and resilience of common-pool resources, particularly water resources in agricultural development. Her research centers on understanding how ecological, social, and institutional factors influence the resilience of social-ecological systems. Recently, she has developed a keen interest in social and environmental innovation, women's entrepreneurship, and informality. Her research employs a multi-method approach, incorporating qualitative insights from both contemporary and historical case studies, formal mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, and Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA).

Professional experience 

Since 2024 : Associate Professor in Economics, EM Normandie
2019-2022 : Assistant Prrofessor, Universidad del Pacifico, Peru
2013-2018 : Researcher Associate, Center for Behavior, Insitutions and The Environment, Arizona State University, USA
2011-2013 : Researcher Associate, Arizona State University, USA
2004-2011 : Head of the Economics Department, Exporters Association, Peru

Economics, territories and sustainable development
Matières enseignées
Economic Policies Sustainable Business
2017 : PhD in Sustainability, Arizona State University, USA


  • Rubinos, C 2017, ‘Commons governance for robust systems: irrigation systems study under a multi-method approach’, PhD in Sustainabilty, Arizona State University, USA.


    PhD Dissertation / Accreditation to Supervise Management Research

  • Heredia, Flores, A., Gonzalez E., McIntyre, J & Rubiños, C 2023, 'A Configuration Approach to Explain Corporate Environmental Responsibility Behavior of the Emerging Economies Firms at Industry 4.0', Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 395, April. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Heredia, J, Rubiños, C, Flores, A, Heredia, W & Zúñiga, R.A 2022, 'A configurational approach to explain non-market strategies in emerging economies', European Journal International Management, vol. 18.2-3, pp. 203-230.


    Academic articles

  • Cancino, N, Rubiños, C & Vargas, S 2022, 'Social Capital and Soil Preservation, Is There a Connection? Evidence from The Peruvian Cacao Farms', Journal of Rural Studies, vol. 94, pp. 462-476. ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Rubiños, C & Bernedo Del Carpio, M 2022, 'Institutional Fit in the Water Sector', Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Science.


    Academic articles

  • Heredia, J, Rubiños, C, Vega, W, Heredia, W & Flores, A 2022, 'New « Strategies to Explain Organizational Resilience on the Firms: A Cross-Countries Configurations Approach', Sustainability, vol. 14 (3).


    Academic articles

  • Heredia, J, Flores, A, Heredia, W & Rubiños, C 2020, 'What Drives New Product Innovation In China? An Integrative Strategy Tripod Approach', Thunderbird International Business Review, Vol. 62, Issue 4,


    Academic articles

  • Rubiños, C & Anderies, J.M 2020, 'Integrating Collapse Theories to Understand Socio-Ecological Systems Resilience', Environmental Research Letters, vol. 15.


    Academic articles

  • Boudesseul, J & Rubiños, C 2019, 'The other angle of Maslow’s pyramid: How scarce environments trigger lowopportunity-cost innovations', Behavioral and Brain Sciences, vol. 42.


    Academic articles

  • Bernstein, MJ, Mancha-Cisneros, MM, Tyson, M, Brady, U, Rubiños, C, Shin, HC, Vallury, S, Smith-Heisters, S, Ratajczyk, E, Anderies, JMa & Janssen, M 2019, 'Mapping Ostrom’s Common-Pool Resource Systems Coding Handbook to the Coupled Infrastructure Systems Framework to enable comparative research', International Journal of the Commons, vol. 13, Issue 1.


    Academic articles

  • Ratajczyk, E, Brady, U, Baggio, J.A, Barnett, A.J, Perez-Ibarra, I, Rollins, N, Rubiños, C, Shin, H.C, Yu, D.J, Aggarwal, R, Anderies, J.M & Janssen, M.A 2016, 'Challenges and Opportunities in Coding the Commons: Problems, Procedures, and Potential Solutions in Large-N Comparative Case Studies'. International Journal of the Commons, vol. 10, issue 2.


    Academic articles

  • Barnett, A J, Baggio, J.A, Shin, H.C, Yu, D.J, Perez-Ibarra, I, Rubiños, C, Brady, U, Ratajczyk, E, Rollins, N, Aggarwal, R, Anderies, J.M & Janssen, M.A 2016, 'An iterative approach to case study analysis: insights from qualitative analysis of quantitative inconsistencies', International Journal of the Commons, vol. 10, issue 2.


    Academic articles

  • Baggio Jacopo, A, Barnett, A, Perez-Ibarra, I, Brady, U, Ratajczyk, E, Rollins, N, Rubiños, C, Shin, H.C, Yu, D.J, Aggarwal, R, Anderies, J.M & M. A. Janssen, M.A 2016, 'Explaining Success and Failure in the Commons: The Configural Nature of Ostrom’s Institutional Design Principles', International Journal of the Commons, vol. 10, issue 2.


    Academic articles

  • Eakin, H, York, A, Aggarwal, R, Waters, S, Welch, J, Rubiños, C, Smith-Heisters, S, Bausch, C & Anderies, J.M 2015, 'Cognitive and institutional influences on farmers’ adaptive capacity: insights into barriers and opportunities for transformative change in central Arizona', Regional Environmental Change.


    Academic articles

  • Bausch, J.C, Eakin, H, Smith-Heisters, S,York, A, White, D.D, Rubiños, C & Rimjhim, M 2015, 'Aggarwal “Development pathways at the agriculture–urban interface: the case of Central Arizona', Agriculture and Human Values, vol. 1-1.


    Academic articles