diana santistevan



Associate Professor in Intercultural Management and Organizational Behavior
Head of HR & Organization Department


Diana Santistevan is an Associate Professor of Cross-Cultural Management and Organisational Behaviour. She joined EM Normandie in 2003. She has a PhD in management from the Université Paris-Dauphine-PSL, awarded in 2015. Her thesis is on management and engagement in dynamic and complex global teams. Her research interests are multi-teaming, boundary spanning, cross-cultural management and management of global teams. Prior to joining EM Normandie, she worked in human resources in private and public organisations in the USA. She is Head of the HR and Organisation department

Professional experience

Since 2003 : associate professor in intercultural management and organizational behaviour, EM Normandie

Organisational studies & HR Management
Matières enseignées
Organisational Behaviour Management Intercultural Management Human Resources
2015 : PhD in Management, Université de Paris-Dauphine-PSL


  • Santistevan, D 2015, 'Networks, relationships, and help: Creating and maintaining engagement in global virtual ‘open’ teams', PhD in Management, Université Paris-Dauphine-PSL, Paris, France.


    PhD Dissertation / Accreditation to Supervise Management Research

  • Santistevan, D, Thelisson, A-S & Vo, L-C (forthcoming) 'Coping with paradoxical tensions: : From negative emotion to virtuous cycles', M@n@gement. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Santistevan, D & Josserand, E 2019, 'Meta-teams: Getting global work done in MNEs', Journal of Management, vol. 45, no. 2, pp.510-539. CNRS: 1; FNEGE: 1; HCERES: A; ABS 4*


    Academic articles

  • Santistevan, D & Karjalainen, H 2015, 'The impact of culture on international management research: a comparison on Francophone and Anglophone research communities', Management International, vol. 19 (special issue), pp.180-200; CNRS: 3; AERES: B; FNEGE: 2


    Academic articles

  • Rozay, E & Santistevan, D 2012, 'Variété des équipes multiculturelles - vers des approches adaptées', Revue Economique et Sociale, vol. 70, no. 3, pp.53-60, September.


    Other academic contributions

  • Ekpenyong, E & Santistevan, D 2024, 'The role of boundary spanning and boundary spanning coordination promote interorganizational collaboration: the case of the move to sustainable development in Nigeria', EGOS Conference, Milan, Italy, July 3-6.


    Academic communications

  • Thelisson, A-S, Vo, L-C & Santistevan, D 2024, 'Adopting defensive responses to define work boundaries: insights from French female academics’ choices', EGOS Conference, Milan, Italy, July 3-6.


    Academic communications

  • Jeanbrun, S & Santistevan, D 2023, 'Meaningfulness in fluid organizations: How impact logic contributes to perceptions of a good life'39th EGOS Colloquium, Cagliari, Italy, July 6-8.


    Academic communications

  • Vo, L.C, Santistevan, D & Thelisson, A.S 2023, 'Navigating legalized (in)visibility: the experience of French female academics in STEM fields', AOM - Academy of Management annual conference, Boston, USA, August 3-8.


    Academic communications

  • Santistevan, D & Obermoller, A 2023, 'How multiple team members allocate engagement and what leaders can do about it', AOM - Academy of Management annual conference, Boston, USA, August 3-8.


    Academic communications

  • Santistevan, D & Vo, L.C & Thelisson, A.S 2022, 'Coping with negative tensions: From negative emotions to virtous cycles', Academic of Management conference (AOM), Seattle, USA, August 5-9.


    Academic communications

  • Santistevan, D & Vo, L.C 2020, ‘Individual response to paradox in organizations: The role of emotions’, virtual 36th EGOS Colloquium, Hambourg, Germany, July 2-4.


    Academic communications

  • Santistevan, D & Vo, L.C 2020, ‘Individual response to paradox in organizations: The role of emotions’, virtual 36th EGOS Colloquium, Hambourg, Germany, July 2-4.


    Academic communications

  • Santistevan, D & Obermöller, A 2019, ‘The influence of leadership practices on work engagement of members of multiple teams’, EURAM 2019 Conference, Lisbon, June 26-28.


    Academic communications

  • Santistevan, D & Obermöller, A 2019, ‘The influence of leadership practices on work engagement of members of multiple teams’, EURAM 2019 Conference, Lisbon, June 26-28.


    Academic communications

  • Vo, L-C & Santistevan, D 2017, 'Microfoundations of institutional complexity: Delineating the difference between individual responses', 33rd EGOS Colloquium 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark, July, 5-8


    Academic communications

  • Vo, L-C & Santistevan, D 2017, 'Responding to institutional complexity: explaining the difference between individuals', 77th annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2017), Atlanta, USA, August, 4-8.


    Academic communications

  • Santistevan, D 2017, 'Integration or subgroup formation? The study of micro-processes of categorization in international teams', 7ème Conférence Internationale d'Atlas AFMI, Antananarivo, Madagascar, May, 2-4


    Academic communications

  • Santistevan, D 2017, 'Engagement allocation theory: a proposed theory of how members of multiple teams allocate their emotional, cognitive and physical selves', 77th annual meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2017), Atlanta, USA, August, 4-8


    Academic communications

  • Santistevan, D 2016, 'The Influence of leadership practices on the conditions of work engagement in dynamic global teams', 76th annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2016), Anaheim, CA, USA, August, 5-9


    Academic communications

  • Santistevan, D 2015, 'People management in uncertain environments: the case of global account teams', 3rd PAN-IIM World Management Conference, Indian Institute of Mangement Indore, Indore, India, December, 16-18


    Academic communications

  • Santistevan, D 2014, 'Rethinking leadership in ‘open teams’', British Academy of Management (BAM) 2014, Belfast, Ireland, 9-11 septembre


    Academic communications

  • Santistevan, D 2012, 'Les équipes multiculturelles : vers une approche psycho-sociale', Management interculturel, gestion de la diversité et intégration au travail des personnes mobiles. Enjeux d’identité, de performance et de reconnaissance, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 30-31 mars


    Academic communications

  • Santistevan, D 2012, 'Exploring the effect of social interactions on team development and performance in multicultural teams', PhD Camp, ESSEC Business School, Cergy-Pontoise, France, 28 février


    Academic communications

  • Lohse, H & Santistevan, D 2023, 'La communication du leadership', workshops dynamiques, Tunis, 11-14 décembre.


    Non Peer-reviewed Conference

  • Karjalainen, H & Santistevan, D 2024, ‘Cas en management interculturel  Vol. 2 / Cases in Intercultural Management Vol. 2’, Editions Management & Société (EMS), 240 p. January.


    Research books

  • Santistevan, D & Rozay, E 2011, "Sysecor: An American Expat in Paris", in H Karjalainen & R Soparnot (eds) , Cas en management interculturel, Editions EMS, Cormelles-Le-Royal, pp. 117-128


    Research books and book chapters

  • Karjalainen, H & Santistevan, D 2024, 'Comment gérer les différences culturelles ? Les nouveaux défis des managers à l’heure de la mondialisation', Cadre & Dirigeant Magazine, March 8. 


    Articles in professional journals

  • Santistevan, D 2023, 'Managers et travail à distance : comment booster les équipes ?', Monde des Grandes Ecoles et Universités, September 19.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Santistevan, D 2023, 'Les managers sont plus importants que jamais', Grandes Ecoles et Universités Magazine, no. 106, September, p. 33.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Santistevan, D & Tanquerel, S 2023, 'Leadership : la permission d'être vulnérable pour être plus efficace', Harvard Business Review, June 12.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Santistevan, D 2019, ‘Meta-team : Getting global work done in MNEs’, Vidéo FNEGE-Médias, Paris, juillet.


    Scientific dissemination videos

  • Santistevan, D 2019, ‘Meta-team : Getting global work done in MNEs’, Vidéo FNEGE-Médias, Paris, July.


    Scientific dissemination videos