
Associate Professor in Sustainable Development


Fabien Martinez is an Associate Professor of Sustainable Development. He joined EM Normandie in 2017. He has a PhD in sustainable development management from Cardiff University, awarded in 2013. His thesis explores the challenges of integrating the issues related to sustainable development in company strategy and operations through a compatibility study and applying the concept of syncretism. His research interests are the complexity of theoretical challenges and harmonisation practices of strategic, economic and societal aspects faced by the ‘management’ in different types of organisations.

Professional experience

Since 2017: associate professor in sustainable development, EM Normandie

Economics, territories and sustainable development
Matières enseignées
Sustainable Development Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy
2013 : PhD in Management Studies, Cardiff Business School


  • Martinez, F 2013, 'Integrating Green into business operations and strategies: Compatibilty analysis and syncretic perspective', Ph.D. en Management Studies, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff, UK.


    PhD Dissertation / Accreditation to Supervise Management Research

  • Martinez, F 2023, 'Exploring the syncretic dynamics involved in dyadic business-NGO partnerships', Business Strategy and the Environment, vol. 32, issue 7, pp. 4068-4083. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 3 ; HCERES : B.


    Academic articles

  • Laré, A, Wehbi Sleiman, M & Martinez, F 2023, 'Les exigences en matière de développement durable dans la gestion d’une entreprise d’un pays en voie de développement : Entre discours déontique et action délibérée - Une étude de cas', Revue Recherches en Sciences de Gestion, vol. 155, n. 2, pp. 279-314, avril. FNEGE : 3 ; HCERES : B.


    Academic articles

  • Martinez, F 2020, ‘Vers un management durable ? Etat des lieux et perspective ‘supradisciplinaire’’, Nature Sciences Sociétés, vol. 28, n. 3-4, juillet/décembre, pp. 248-259. CNRS : 4 ; HCERES : C.


    Academic articles

  • Martinez, F 2020, ‘Vers un management durable ? Etat des lieux et perspective ‘supradisciplinaire’’, Nature Sciences Sociétés, vol. 28, n. 3-4, juillet/décembre, pp. 248-259. CNRS : 4 ; HCERES : C.


    Academic articles

  • Martinez, F 2019, 'On the role of faith in sustainability management: a conceptual model and research agenda', Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 153(3), pp. 787-807; CNRS: 2; FNEGE: 2; HCERES: A


    Academic articles

  • Martinez, F, Peattie, K and Vazquez-Brust, D 2019, ‘Beyond Win-Win: A Syncretic Theory on Corporate Stakeholder Engagement in Sustainable Development’, Business Strategy and the Environment, vol. 28(5), 896-908. CNRS: 4 ; FNEGE: 3 ; HCERES: B; ABS 3


    Academic articles

  • Martinez, F, Peattie, K and Vazquez-Brust, D 2019, ‘Beyond Win-Win: A Syncretic Theory on Corporate Stakeholder Engagement in Sustainable Development’, Business Strategy and the Environment, vol. 28(5), 896-908. CNRS: 4 ; FNEGE: 3 ; HCERES: B; ABS 3


    Academic articles

  • Pansera, M & Martinez, F 2017, 'Innovation for development and poverty reduction: An integrative literature review', Journal of Management Development, vol. 36, no. 1, pp.2-13; CNRS: 4; FNEGE: 4; HCERES: C


    Academic articles

  • Martinez, F, O’Sullivan, P, Smith, M & Esposito, M 2017, ‘Perspectives on the role of business in social innovation', Journal of Management Development, vol. 36(5), pp. 681-695. CNRS: 4 ; FNEGE: 4 ; HCERES: C


    Academic articles

  • Martinez, F, O’Sullivan, P, Smith, M & Esposito, M 2017, ‘Perspectives on the role of business in social innovation', Journal of Management Development, vol. 36(5), pp. 681-695. CNRS: 4 ; FNEGE: 4 ; HCERES: C


    Academic articles

  • Martinez, F 2015, 'A three-dimensional conceptual framework of corporate water responsibility', Organization & Environment, vol. 28, no. 2, pp.137-159; CNRS: 3; FNEGE: 3; HCERES: B


    Academic articles

  • Martinez, F, Figge, F, Castellano, S, Chakraborty, A & Silva-Gao, L 2023, ‘How did corporate responses to the Covid-19 pandemic correspond with CSR?’. Business Ethics, the Environment, and Responsibility, vol. 32, issue S3, pp. 161-165. FNEGE : 3.


    Other academic contributions

  • Martinez, F 2014, 'Corporate strategy and the environment: towards a four-dimensional compatibility model for fostering green management decisions', Corporate Governance, vol. 14, no. 6, pp.607-636


    Other academic contributions

  • Martinez, F 2012, 'The syncretism of environmental and social responsability with business economic performance', Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, vol. 23, no. 6, pp.597-614


    Other academic contributions

  • Martinez, F 2024, 'La conduite du changement dans un environnement organisationnel complexe : Une analyse de la dimension normative à l’aune du concept de syncrétisme', 24ème Colloque et séminaire doctoral international, Lyon, France, June 12-13.


    Academic communications

  • Martinez, F & Laré, A 2022, 'Corporate sustainability in the making: Insights from management of a Port in Africa', Annual Regional Sustainable Development 2022 - Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Regional Sustainable Development, Danang, Vietnam, July 21-22.


    Academic communications

  • Martinez, F 2020, ‘Drifting into Harmony, Conflict, or Else? Theorizing the Dynamics Involved in Business-NGO Partnerships', The Online Organization Studies Workshop: Sustainable Organizing, La Canée, Greece, May 20-22.


    Academic communications

  • Martinez, F 2020, ‘Drifting into Harmony, Conflict, or Else? Theorizing the Dynamics Involved in Business-NGO Partnerships', The Online Organization Studies Workshop: Sustainable Organizing, La Canée, Greece, May 20-22.


    Academic communications

  • Martinez, F 2019, ‘Connected, agile and morally inclusive: A model of organisational change in complex environments’, AOM specialized conference ‘Responsible Leadership in Rising Economy’, Bled, Slovenia, October 23-25.


    Academic communications

  • Martinez, F 2019, ‘Connected, agile and morally inclusive: A model of organisational change in complex environments’, AOM specialized conference ‘Responsible Leadership in Rising Economy’, Bled, Slovenia, October 23-25.


    Academic communications

  • Martinez, F 2019, ‘Organizational change in complex environments: The case of energy transition’, EURAM 2019 Conference, Lisbon, June 26-28.


    Academic communications

  • Martinez, F 2019, ‘Organizational change in complex environments: The case of energy transition’, EURAM 2019 Conference, Lisbon, June 26-28.


    Academic communications

  • Martinez, F 2016, 'A study of corporate sustainability from a faith development perspective', 11th Organization Studies Summer Workshop on “Spirituality, Symbolism, and Storytelling, Mykonos, Greece, May, 19-21


    Academic communications

  • Martinez, F 2015, 'Syncretism and paradigm change in business management', ARTEM 2015: Organizational Creativity, Nancy, France, March, 26-27


    Academic communications

  • Martinez, F 2014, 'Business, water resources and sustainability management: tensions and solutions', GRONEN 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June, 16-18


    Academic communications

  • Martinez, F, Peattie, K & Vazquez-Brust, D 2014, ‘Beyond win-win in sustainability management: A syncretic theory of reconciling paradigms.’, GRONEN 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 16-18.


    Academic communications

  • Martinez, F, Peattie, K & Vazquez-Brust, D 2014, ‘Beyond win-win in sustainability management: A syncretic theory of reconciling paradigms.’, GRONEN 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 16-18.


    Academic communications

  • Martinez, F 2013, 'A multi-level responsiveness model for fostering sustainable management decisions: the case study of a UK Brewery', ABIS ‘Sustainability and Finance’ Colloquium, Nyenrode Business University, Breukelen, The Netherlands, October, 15-17


    Academic communications

  • Martinez, F 2011, 'Integrating green into business strategies and operations: a multi-faceted approach', Corporate Responsibility Research Conference 2011, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom, September, 13-14


    Academic communications

  • Martinez, F 2011, 'The syncretism of environmental and social responsibility with business economic performance', First International Symposium on Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Development, London Metropolitan School, London, United Kingdom, April, 19


    Academic communications

  • Martinez, F 2010, 'Rationale for Corporate Philanthropy: Syncretism & Altruism. The Case of Homelessness in Mulhouse (France)', Corporate Responsibility Research Conference (CRRC), Marseille, France, September 15-17.


    Academic communications

  • Martinez, F 2010, 'Rationale for Corporate Philanthropy: Syncretism & Altruism. The Case of Homelessness in Mulhouse (France)', Corporate Responsibility Research Conference (CRRC), Marseille, France, September 15-17.


    Academic communications

  • Martinez, F, Vazquez-Brust, D, Peattie, K & Zokaei, K 2010, 'Venturing towards the symbiosis of lean and green: The case of Adnams (Southwold, UK). Climate Change and Green Growth: Innovating for Sustainability', The Greening of Industry Network Conference, South Korea, June 13-16.


    Academic communications

  • Martinez, F, Vazquez-Brust, D, Peattie, K & Zokaei, K 2010, 'Venturing towards the symbiosis of lean and green: The case of Adnams (Southwold, UK). Climate Change and Green Growth: Innovating for Sustainability', The Greening of Industry Network Conference, South Korea, June 13-16.


    Academic communications

  • Martinez, F 2010, 'Homelessness under capitalism: commodifiability & attachment contingencies', International Symposium on Poverty Alleviation Strategies: Experiences and New Ideas, Haliç Congress Centre, Istanbul, Turkey, October, 13


    Academic communications

  • Martinez, F 2023, ‘Corporate sustainability’ In Concise Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibility, International Centre for Corporate Responsibility (ICCR), Nottingham University Business School (Ed.), London, Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 55-60.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Martinez, F 2018, 'A knowledge management model for corporate water responsibility' in R. Meir (ed.), Handbook of knowledge management for sustainable water systems, Wiley, February.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Rhee, J.H, Lenssen, G & Martinez, F 2017, ‘The role of corporate sustainability in Asian development: A case study handbook in the Automotive and ICT industries’, Springer, p.165.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Rhee, J.H, Lenssen, G & Martinez, F 2017, ‘The role of corporate sustainability in Asian development: A case study handbook in the Automotive and ICT industries’, Springer, p.165.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Martinez, F 2017, "Toward inclusive economic, social and environmental progress in Asia: An introduction", in J.H. Rhee, G. Lenssen & F. Martinez (eds) , The role of corporate sustainability in Asian development: A case study handbook in the Automative and ICT industries, Springer


    Research books and book chapters

  • Martinez, F, Vazquez-Brust, D, Peattie, K & Zokaei, K 2012, ‘Achieving greener growth: a business perspective for proactive commitment’ in D. Vazquez-Brust & J. Sarkis (Eds.), Green growth: Managing the transition to a sustainable economy, vol. 1, pp. 191-212, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Martinez, F, Vazquez-Brust, D, Peattie, K & Zokaei, K 2012, ‘Achieving greener growth: a business perspective for proactive commitment’ in D. Vazquez-Brust & J. Sarkis (Eds.), Green growth: Managing the transition to a sustainable economy, vol. 1, pp. 191-212, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, New York, London: Springer.


    Research books and book chapters

  • 2020

    Articles in professional journals

  • 2020

    Articles in professional journals