Hendrik Lohse

Hendrik LOHSE


Associate Professor in Organizational behaviour
Director of International Affairs


Hendrik Lohse is an Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour. He joined EM Normandie in 2016. He has a DBA in Business Administration from the Business Science Institute, Wiltz and IAE Lyon School of Management awarded in 2018. He has started to work on his thesis at Côte d'Azur University. His research focuses on the application of needs and motivation theories to higher education. Prior to joining EM Normandie, he was claims manager at Groupama Transport and a corporate lawyer at Grand Port Maritime du Havre. He has also worked as a consultant for the International Maritime Organization (IMO). He is Director of International Affairs at EM Normandie.

Professional experience

Since 2009: associate professor in port law, EM Normandie
2010-2016: director of the IPER, EM Normandie

Organisational studies & HR Management
Matières enseignées
Law Leadership Human Resources Management
2018 : DBA in Business Administration - Business Science Institute de Wiltz (Luxembourg)/IAE Lyon School of Management


  • Lohse, H 2018, ‘Managers engaging in professional doctoral studies in business and management - Motivational drivers, facilitators and barriers’, DBA in Business Administration, Business Science Institute de Wiltz (Luxembourg)/IAE Lyon School of Management


    PhD Dissertation / Accreditation to Supervise Management Research

  • Lohse, H 2011, 'Port reform as a key factor in improving the maritime supply chain – Critical appraisal of French port reform', 6th Supply Chain Colloquium, ITM Business School, Bombay, Inde, 19 février


    Academic communications

  • Alix, Y, Pelletier, J-F & Lohse, H 2010, 'Western-African port gateway and inland freight corridors: Redefinition of new competition for serving landlocked countries', American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, AAG, Washington D.C., USA, 10-14 avril 2010


    Academic communications

  • Lohse, H & Santistevan, D 2023, 'La communication du leadership', workshops dynamiques, Tunis, 11-14 décembre.


    Non Peer-reviewed Conference

  • Lohse, H 2015, 'LNG bunkering in ports - The case of the port of Le Havre', Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference, European Commission, Porto, Portugal, January, 30th


    Communications in professional conferences

  • Lohse, H 2013, 'La gestión del conocimiento como factor de desarrollo’', Foro internacional portuario, Ilo, Pérou, 15-16 mai


    Communications in professional conferences

  • Lohse, H 2013, 'Relaciones entre autoridad portuaria y operadores de terminales en el desarrollo de la actividad portuaria', Foro internacional portuario, Ilo, Pérou, 15-16 mai


    Communications in professional conferences

  • Lohse, H 2012, 'Evolution stratégique des Autorités Portuaires dans un contexte de développement des concessions', 9ème Conférence Panafricaine des ports APCP, Brazzaville, Congo, 4-6 décembre


    Communications in professional conferences

  • Lohse, H 2011, 'La legislacion portuaria europea: analisis comparativo', La logistica portuaria en el estrecho de Gibraltar, Université de Cadiz, Université Abdelmalek Esaadi, Tetuan, Maroc, 4-6 octobre


    Communications in professional conferences

  • Lohse, H 2011, 'Evolucion estrategica de las autoridades portuarias y coopéracion entre el sector publico y el sector privado', Seminario internacional de gestion portuairia – Guinea Ecuatorial, IPER, Université de Cadiz, Ecole Polytechnique de Madrid, Malabo, Guinée Equatoriale, 11-15 juillet


    Communications in professional conferences

  • Lohse, H & Mendes Colunga, J 2015, 'Projet pilote visant à déterminer le rôle potentiel de la facilitation du trafic maritime dans la réduction de la pauvreté', Rapport de Mission pour l’Organisation Maritime Internationale (OMI), pp. 1-100


    Research or consulting reports

  • Lohse, H & Mendes Colunga, J 2013, 'Projet pilote visant à déterminer le rôle potentiel de la facilitation du trafic maritime dans la réduction de la pauvreté', Rapport de Mission pour l’Organisation Maritime Internationale (OMI), pp. 1-48


    Research or consulting reports

  • Lohse, H & Mendes Colunga, J 2013, 'The role of maritime transport facilitation in the reduction of poverty, Douala, Cameroon', Rapport de Mission pour l’Organisation Maritime Internationale (OMI), pp. 1-83


    Research or consulting reports