Ikram HILI

Ikram HILI


Assistant Professor in Languages

Research Coordinator Dubaï


Ikram Hili is an Assistant Professor of English Language, Literature, and Translation. She joined EM Normandie in 2023. She holds a Ph.D. in Modern American Literature from the Faculty of Letters, Arts and Humanities of La Manouba, Tunis, awareded in 2017. She is a former Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Indiana University Bloomington IUB and Smith College Massachusetts (2013). She was a postdoctoral fellow at IUB, awarded the 2018 Summer Repository Research Fellowship of the Institute for Advanced Study. Her main fields of interest are 20th Century American Poetry, Modern Manuscript Studies, Archival Work, Culture Studies, Translation, and Business Communication. Hili has taught several subjects ranging from literature, civilization, literary translation, and business translation to business and financial English, academic writing, oral communication, and soft skills. She is also Research Coordinator on Dubaï Campus.

Professional experience

Since 2023: Assistant Professor in Languages and Research Coordinator, EM Normandie
2022-2023: Adjunct Professor in Languages, EM Normandie
2020-2022: Assistant Professor in Languages, University of Sousse, Tunisia
2016-2020: Lecturer, University of Monastir, Tunisia
2010-2016: Professeure Agrégée Principale, University of Sousse, Tunisia

Foreign Languages & Humanities
Matières enseignées
2017 : PhD in Modern American Literature, University of La Manouba, Tunis


  • Hili, I 2021, 'Ideology in the Poetry of Sylvia Plath: From Manuscript to Published Poem', PhD in Modern American Literature, University of La Manouba, Tunisia.


    PhD Dissertation / Accreditation to Supervise Management Research

  • Reimer, Jennifer A. & Hili, I. 2022, 'Forms of Memoir: Four Case Studies in Movement, Migration and Transnational Life Writing', Forms of Migration: Global Perspectives on Im/migrant Art and Literature.


    Academic articles

  • Hili, I. 2019, 'Robert Lowell’s ‘Raw’ and ‘Cooked’ Poetics: From the Formal Traditions of the Modernists to the Transformations of the Confessionals', Humanities Bulletin, vol. 2.1, May, pp. 221-231.


    Academic articles

  • Hili, I. 2019, 'Sylvia Plath’s Poems as Poetic Tableaux', Plath Profiles: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Sylvia Plath Studies, vol. 11, pp. 98-107.


    Academic articles

  • Hili, I. 2019, '“I am Guarding it from Mess and Measure”: Poetics of Order/Disorder in Frank O’Hara’s “Urban Pastoral”', IAFOR Journal of Arts and Humanities, vol. 6.1, pp. 19-28.


    Academic articles

  • Hili, I. 2018, 'Mining the Riches of Sylvia Plath’s Manuscripts: ‘Finisterre’ as a Case Study', Alternative Realities: Myths, Lies, Truths, and Half Truths, vol. 6, Fall, pp. 164-176.


    Academic articles

  • Hili, I. 2018, 'Wallace Stevens’s ‘Flawed Words and Stubborn Sounds’: Poeticizing the Imperfect?', IAFOR Journal of Arts and Humanities, vol. 5.1, May, pp. 113-120.


    Academic articles

  • Hili, I. 2017, 'Social and Economic Mobility in Katherine Boo’s Behind the Beautiful Forevers', the TAELS International Conference, Hammamet, Tunisia, November 25-26.


    Academic communications

  • Hili, I. 2016, 'Excess in the Poetry of Plath: Gender Conflict and the Political Containment of her Age', the English Department and the LAD International Conference, April 4-6.


    Academic communications

  • Hili, I. 2016, 'Domesticity in the Poetry of Sylvia Plath between the Personal and the Political', the English Department and Association Actes Académiques International


    Academic communications

  • Hili, I 2018, 'Poems from Jordan by a Collection of Poets', Edited by Sondes Trabelsi.


    Research books