Isabelle LACOMBE

Isabelle LACOMBE

Le Havre

Associate Professor in Finance
Grande Ecole Programme director


Isabelle Lacombe is an Associate Professor of Finance and Management Control. She joined EM Normandie in 2016. She has a PhD in management science from Université de Paris-Est in 1997 (CIFRE thesis). Her thesis is on the challenges of ABC/ABM in the services domain. Her research interests are the challenges of financial management of DSI in the context of digital progress. Isabelle had 23-year career prior to joining the school, 18 years of which were spent as a consultant in world-renowned companies (Arthur Andersen, BearingPoint and Deloitte) and 5 in management control in leading international groups: Hewlett-Packard and Tetra Laval. She is also Director of the Master in Management (Programme Grande Ecole).

Professional experience

Since 2016: professor in finance, EM Normandie
2014-2016: director in financial performance management, Deloitte Conseil
2013-2014: director in Financial performance management, Weave (OnePoint)
2006-2012: consultant (Senior Manager) in management control, BearingPoint
2004-2006: senior group controller, Sidel (groupe Tetra Laval)



Law, finance & control
Matières enseignées
Management Control Internal control Finance Financial Management
1997 : PhD Management Sciences, Institut de Recherche en Gestion, Université Paris-Est


  • Lacombe, I 1997, 'Les enjeux conceptuels de l'ABC/ABM dans le domaine des services : applications dans un cadre multinational', PhD Management Sciences, Institut de Recherche en Gestion Université Paris XII.


    PhD Dissertation / Accreditation to Supervise Management Research

  • Kheireddine, H, Lacombe, I &  Jarboui, A 2024, 'The Moderating Effect of Environmental Performance on the Relationship between Sustainability Assurance Quality and Firm Value: A Simultaneous Equations Approach', Benchmarking: an international journal, vol. 31, n° 10, pp. 3690-3722. ABS : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Kheireddine, H, Lacombe, I & Jarboui, Anis 2024, 'The trilogy in sustainability of environmental performance, assurance quality and firm value', Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, Vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 482-519. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Chahroun, R, Lacombe, I, Jarboui, A & Akrout, Z (forthcoming), 'Does asymmetric cost behavior differ between categories and country groups? A cross-countries comparative analysis', International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets. ABS : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Lacombe, I & Jarboui, A 2023, 'Governance and management of digital transformation projects: an exploratory approach in the financial sector', International Journal of Innovation Science, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 611-635. ABS : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Kouaib, A, Lacombe, I & Jarboui, A (forthcoming), 'Investment deviation from the optimal path: Does the examination of audit quality services matter? A French Study', Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting. ABS : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Lacombe, I 2020, 'La difficile articulation du pilotage des territoires dans le secteur public', Management & Avenir, n°118, pp. 15-36. CNRS : 4 ; FNEGE : 3 ; HCERES : B


    Academic articles

  • Lacombe, I 2020, 'La difficile articulation du pilotage des territoires dans le secteur public', Management & Avenir, n°118, pp. 15-36. CNRS : 4 ; FNEGE : 3 ; HCERES : B


    Academic articles

  • Lacombe, I 2018, 'La nécessaire adaptation des modèles de coûts des directions des systèmes d'information', Gérer & Comprendre, no. 133, pp.25-39, septembre. CNRS: 4; FNEGE: 3; HCERES: B


    Academic articles

  • Lacombe, I 2018, 'La nécessaire adaptation des modèles de coûts des directions des systèmes d'information', Gérer & Comprendre, no. 133, pp.25-39, September. CNRS: 4; FNEGE: 3; HCERES: B


    Academic articles

  • Lacombe, I & Valentin, F 2024, 'Pourquoi le green IT doit devenir une priorité pour les financiers ? Etude exploratoire au sein de grandes entreprises du CAC 40', 29ème conférence de l'AIM, Montpellier, France, May 27-29.


    Academic communications

  • Lacombe, I 2023, 'Le nuage cache-t-il les coûts informatiques ?', AIM, Djion, May 29-31.


    Academic communications

  • Lacombe, I 2019, ‘Le nuage cache-t-il les coûts informatiques ?’, 2nd International Conference on Digital Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Financing, Valence, Espagne, décembre 2-3.


    Academic communications

  • Lacombe, I 2019, ‘Le nuage cache-t-il les coûts informatiques ?’, 2nd International Conference on Digital Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Financing, Valence, Espagne, december 2-3.


    Academic communications

  • Lacombe, I 2018, 'Comment le contrôle de gestion d’une organisation publique peut-il prendre en compte les spécificités du territoire', 55ème colloque de l’Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française (ASRDLF), Caen, France, 4-6 juillet


    Academic communications

  • Lacombe, I 2017, 'Le pilotage financier d'une Direction des systèmes d'informations et le besoin de transparence dans un contexte de mise en commun des investissements ', 4ème Colloque International en Economie, Finance, Comptabilité et Transparence, Hammamet, Tunisie, 7-9 mai


    Academic communications

  • Lacombe, I & Bescos, PL 2000, "Case one – ABC-ABM at Hewlett-Packard Europe for customer support", in Tom Groot & Kari Lukka (eds) , Case Studies in Management Accounting, Financial Times/Prentice Hall, pp. 21-42


    Research books and book chapters

  • Lacombe, I 1997, "La comptabilité par activités : le cas de Hewlett-Packard" (ed.), Entreprise et performance globale - Outils, évaluation, pilotage, Economica, pp. 201-211


    Research books and book chapters

  • Lacombe, I 1999, "Improving profitability with activity-based management", in Steve Player (ed.), Arthur Andersen's Global Lessons in Activity-Based Management, John Wiley & sons, pp. 128-138


    Other pedagogical or professional contributions

  • Diard, C & Lacombe, I 2024, 'Le coût de l’imposture au travail', Harvard Business Review, December 23.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Tcheng, H & Lacombe, I 2000, 'Comment l'ABC-ABM s'inscrit-il dans la nouvelle économie ?', Echanges (DFCG), pp.28-30, July.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Lacombe, I 1998, 'L'application de l'ABC-ABM au domaine des services - Le cas de la maintenance informatique chez Hewlett-Packard', Revue Française de Comptabilité, pp.45-51, February.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Lacombe, I 2020, 'La nécessaire adaptation des modèles de coûts des directions des systèmes d’information', Vidéo FNEGE-Médias, Paris, September 8.


    Scientific dissemination videos

  • Lacombe, I 2020, 'La nécessaire adaptation des modèles de coûts des directions des systèmes d’information', Vidéo FNEGE-Médias, Paris, 8 septembre.


    Scientific dissemination videos