
Professor in Supply Chain Management and Logistics


Jakob Puchinger is professor in Supply Chain Management and Logistics. He joined EM Normandie in 2022. He is also affiliate professor at the Laboratoire Génie Industriel at CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay and co-director of the Future Cities Lab with Centrale Pékin. Jakob Puchinger holds a doctoral degree from TU Wien obtained in 2006. His thesis investigated the combination of metaheuristics and integer programming for solving cutting and packing problems. His main research interests are in logistics and urban mobility, disruptive technologies and the optimization of the underlying transport systems. Jakob Puchinger co-authored more than 80 scientific publications, has supervised six theses and currently supervises five.

Professional experience

Since 2022: Professor in Supply Chain Management and Logistics, EM Normandie
Since 2019: Head of the Operations Management team at the Laboratoire Génie Industriel de CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay
Since 2019: Co-director of the Future Cities Lab at Centrale Pékin
2015-2022: Holder of the Anthropolis Chair and professor in Industrial Engineering at IRT SystemX and CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay.
2008-2014: Scientist, Senior Scientist, Head of Business Unit Dynamic Transportation Systems, Austrian Institute of Technology, Vienna, Austria
2009-2015: External Lecturer, Vienna University of Technology
2006-2008: Researcher, NICTA, University of Melbourne

Supply Chain & Management Digital
Matières enseignées
Supply Chain Management
2006 : PhD in computer science, TU Wien, Austria


  • Puchinger, J 2006, 'Combining Metaheursitics and Integer Programming for Solving Cutting and Packing Problems', Doctorat en Informatique, TU Wien, Autriche.


    PhD Dissertation / Accreditation to Supervise Management Research

  • Baltazar, J, Bouillass, G, Vallet, F, Puchinger, J & Perry, N (forthcoming), 'Integrating environmental issues into the design of mobility plans: insights from French practices', Transport Policy. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Liu, J, Abdin, A.F. & Puchinger, J 2024, 'Improving Critical Buildings Energy Resilience via Shared Autonomous Electric Vehicles - A Sequential Optimization Framework', Computers and Operations Research, vol. 163, March. ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Achamrah, F.E. & Puchinger, J (forthcoming), 'A gradient-descent-based framework for solving a stochastic two-echelon delivery problem with cargo-bikes', Transportation Research Part E. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Benhlima, O, Riane, F, Puchinger, J & Bahi, H 2024, 'Development of a Variable Multi-Modal Balanced Floating Catchment Area Approach for Spatial Accessibility Assessment', Geographical Analysis.


    Academic articles

  • Wang, H, Abdin, A, Fang, Y-P, Puchinger, J & Zio, E 2024, 'Coordinating dynamic traffic-power systems under decentralized and centralized decision environments', Computers & Industrial Engineering, vol. 196, October. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Su, Y, Dupin, N, Parragh, S.N & Puchinger, J (forthcoming), 'A Branch-and-Price Algorithm for the Electric Autonomous Dial-A-Ride Problem', Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. FNEGE : 1 ; ABS : 4.


    Academic articles

  • Turan, B, Hemmelmayr, V, Larsen, A & Puchinger, J 2024, 'Transition towards sustainable mobility: the role of transport optimization', Central European Journal of Operations Research, vol. 32, pp. 435-456. ABS : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Yu, S & Puchinger, J (forthcoming), 'Collaborative Truck-Robot Deliveries: Challenges, Models, and Methods', Annals of Operations Research. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Xianyi, Y, Abdin, A & Puchinger, J (forthcoming), ‘Optimal management of coupled shared autonomous electric vehicles and power grids: potential of renewable energy integration’, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies.


    Academic articles

  • Reyes Madrigal, L.M, Nicolaï, I & Puchinger. J (forthcoming), 'Pedestrian mobility in Mobility as a Service (MaaS): sustainable value potential and policy implications in the Paris region case', European Transport Research Review, Transport for Inclusive Societies, vol. 15.


    Academic articles

  • Belfadel, A, Hörl, S, Tapia, R.J, Politaki, D, Kureshi, I, Tavasszy, L & Puchinger, J (forthcoming), 'A Conceptual Digital Twin Framework for City Logistics', Computers, Environment and Urban Systems.


    Academic articles

  • Su, Y, Dupin, N & Puchinger, J 2023, 'A Deterministic Annealing Local Search for the Electric Autonomous Dial-A-Ride Problem', European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 309, issue 3, pp. 1091-1111. FNEGE : 1 ; ABS : 4 ; HCERES : A.


    Academic articles

  • Freitas Gomes, I.S., Abdin,A.F, Puchinger, J & Perez, Y 2023, 'Unlocking flexible electric vehicle charging via new rate design', The Energy Journal, Vol. 45, no. 3, pp. 251-291. ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Enzi, M, Parragh, S.N & Puchinger, S 2022, 'The bi-objective multimodal car-sharing problem', OR Spectrum, vol. 44, pp. 307-348. CNRS : 3 ; HCERES : B.


    Academic articles

  • Yu, S, Puchinger, J & Sun, S 2022, 'Van-based robot hybrid pickup and delivery routing problem', European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 298, issue 3, pp. 894-914. CNRS : 1 ; FNEGE : 1 ; HCERES : A. 


    Academic articles

  • Laura Mariana Reyes Madrigal, L.M, Puchinger, J, Nicolaï, I & Boutueil, V 2021, 'The Place of Walking in Mobility as a Service: Appraisal of Active Modes for Sustainable MaaS Solutions', European Transport Conference 2021, Association for European Transport, Online, United Kingdom, September 13-15. 


    Academic articles

  • Mourad, A, Puchinger, J & Van Woensel, T 2021, 'Combining people and freight ows using a scheduled transportation line with stochastic passenger demands', International Journal of Production Research, Smart city for sustainable urban logistics, vol. 59, Issue 77, pp. 2116-2139. CNRS : 2 ; FNEGE : 2 ; HCERES : A.


    Academic articles

  • Vosooghi, R, Puchinger, J, Bischoff, J, Jankovic, M & Vouillon, A 2020, 'Shared Autonomous Electric Vehicle Service Performance: Assessing the Impact of Charging Infrastructure and Battery Capacity', Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Volume 81. CNRS : 3 ; HCERES : B.


    Academic articles

  • Vallet, F, Puchinger, J, Millonig, A, Lamé, G & Nicolai, I 2020, 'Tangible futures: Combining scenario thinking and personas|A pilot study on urban mobility', Futures, vol. 117. FNEGE : 3 ; HCERES : B.


    Academic articles

  • Yu, S, Puchinger, J & Sun, S 2020, 'Two-echelon urban deliveries using autonomous vehicles', Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, vol. 141. CNRS : 2 ; FNEGE : 2 ; HCERES : A.


    Academic articles

  • Mourad, A, Puchinger, J & Chu, C 2019, 'A survey of models and algorithms for optimizing shared mobility', Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, vol.123, pp. 323-346. CNRS : 2 ; HCERES : B.


    Academic articles

  • Bachir, D, Khodabandelou, G, Gauthier, V, El Yacoubi, M & Puchinger, J 2019, 'Inferring Origin-Destination Flows by Transport Mode using Mobile Phone Data', Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol. 101, pp. 254-275.


    Academic articles

  • Al Maghraoui, O, Vallet, F, Puchinger, J & Yannou, B 2019, 'Modeling traveler experience for designing urban mobility systems', Design Science, vol. 5.


    Academic articles

  • Vosooghi, R, Puchinger, J, Jankovic, M & Vouillon, A 2019, 'Shared Autonomous Vehicle Simulation and Service Design', Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol. 107, pp. 15-33.


    Academic articles

  • Al Maghraoui, O, Vallet, F, Puchinger, J & Yannou, B 2019, 'Stimulating usage problem generation: An urban mobility case study', Design Studies, vol. 64, pp. 27-63. 


    Academic articles

  • Mourad, A, Puchinger, J & Chu, C 2019, 'Owning or sharing autonomous vehicles: comparing different ownership and usage scenarios', European Transport Research Review, vol. 11.


    Academic articles

  • Hiermann, G, Hartl, R.F, Puchinger, J & Vidal, T 2019, 'Routing a Mix of Conventional, Plug-in Hybrid, and Electric Vehicles', European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 272, Issue 1, pp. 235-248. CNRS : 1 ; FNEGE : 1 ; HCERES : A.


    Academic articles

  • Vosoghi, R, Kamel, J, Puchinger, J, Leblond, V & Jankovic, J 2019, 'Robo-Taxi Service Fleet Sizing: Assessing the Impact of User Trust and Will ingness to Use', Transportation, vol. 46, pp.1997-2015.


    Academic articles

  • Bektas, T, Ehmke, J.F, Psaraftis, H.N & Puchinger, J 2019, 'The Role of Operational Research in Green Freight Transportation', European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 274, Issue 3, pp. 807-823. CNRS : 1 ; FNEGE : 1 ; HCERES : A.


    Academic articles

  • Ritzinger, U, Puchinger, J & Hartl, R.F 2016, 'A Survey on Dynamic and Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problems', International Journal of Production Research, vol. 54, Issue 1, pp. 215-231. CNRS : 2 ; FNEGE : 2 ; HCERES : A.


    Academic articles

  • Hiermann, G, Puchinger, J, Ropke, S & Hartl, R. F 2016, 'The Elec-tric Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Recharging Stations', European Journal of Operational Research, v. 252, Issue 3, August, pp. 995-1018. CNRS : 1 ; HCERES : A.


    Academic articles

  • Asamer, J, Reinthaler, M, Ruthmair, M, Straub, M & Puchinger, J 2016, 'Optimizing Charging Station Locations for Urban Taxi Providers', Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol 85, March, pp. 233-246. CNRS : 2 ; HCERES : A.


    Academic articles

  • Kang, L, Zhu, X, Wu, J, Puchinger, J, Ruthmair, M & Hu, B 2016, 'Modeling and solving the first train timetabling problem with minimal missed trains in subway networks', Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, vol. 93, Part A, November, pp. 17-36. CNRS : 2 ; FNEGE : A.


    Academic articles

  • Ritzinger, U, Puchinger, J & Hartl, R.F 2015, 'Dynamic Programming based Metaheuristics for the Dial-a-Ride Problem', Annals of Operations Research, vol. 236, Issue 2, January, pp. 341-358. CNRS : 2 ; HCERES : A.


    Academic articles

  • Hiermann, G, Prandtstetter, M, Rendl, A, Puchinger, J & Raidl, G.R 2015, 'Metaheuristics for Solving a Multimodal Home-Healthcare Schedul- ing Problem', Central European Journal of Operations Research, vol. 23, Issue 1, March, pp. 89-113. CNRS : 3 ; HCERES : B.


    Academic articles

  • Puchinger, J, Stuckey, P.J, Wallace, M & Brand, S 2011, 'Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition and Branch and Price Solving in G12', Constraints, vol. 16, n.1, January, pp. 77-99.


    Academic articles

  • Blum, C, Puchinger, J, Raidl, G.R & Roli, A 2011, 'Hybrid Meta-heuristics in Combinatorial Optimization: A Survey', Applied Soft Computing, vol. 11, Issue 6, September, pp. 4135-4151.


    Academic articles

  • Puchinger, J, Raidl, G.R & Pferschy, U 2010, 'The Multidimensional Knapsack Problem: Structure and Algorithms', INFORMS Journal on Computing, vol. 22, n. 2, Spring, pp. 250-265.


    Academic articles

  • Puchinger, J & Raidl, G.R 2007, 'Models and algorithms for three stage two dimensional bin packing', European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 183, n. 3, December, pp. 1304-1327.


    Academic articles

  • Reyes Madrigal, L-M, Nicolaï, I, Puchinger, J 2023, 'Pedestrian mobility in Mobility as a Service (MaaS): sustainable value potential and policy implications in the Paris region case', European Transport Research Review, Transport for Inclusive Societies,  vol. 15, (23), April.


    Other academic contributions

  • Puchinger, J (à paraître), Coordination d'un numéro spécial (à paraître) : special issue of Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies.


    Other academic contributions

  • Su, Y, Dupin, N, Parragh, Sophie N & Puchinger, Y 2024, 'Branch-and-Price for the Electric Autonomous Dial-A-Ride Problem', ROUTE, Mauerbach, Austria, May 26-29.


    Academic communications

  • Yu, S, Campbell, A.M, Ehmke, J.F & Puchinger, J 2023, 'Last-mile Robot Deliveries with Access Restrictions', 24ème édition du congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision ROADEF, Rennes, France, February 20-23.


    Academic communications

  • Yu, S, Campbell, A.M, Ehmke, J.F. & Puchinger, J 2023, 'Hybrid van-based robot deliveries', SynchroTrans, Lille, France, September 21-22.


    Academic communications

  • Su, Y, Dupin, N, Parragh, S.N & Punchinger, J 2023, 'A Column Generation Approach for the Electric Autonomous Dial-A-Ride Problem', 24ème édition du congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision ROADEF, Rennes, France, February 20-23.


    Academic communications

  • Su, Y, Parragh, S.N, Dupin, N & Puchinger, J 2023, 'The Bi-objective Electric Autonomous Dial-A-Ride Problem', 24ème édition du congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision ROADEF, Rennes, France, February  20-23.


    Academic communications

  • Mahmoud, A.H, Chouaki, T, Hörl, S & Puchinger, J 2022, 'Extending JSprit to solve electric vehicle routing problems with recharging', The 13th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT), Porto, Portugal, March 20-22.


    Academic communications

  • Laura Mariana Reyes Madrigal, L.M, Nicolaï, I, Puchinger, J & Boutueil, V 2022, 'Quelle est la place de la marche dans les solutions de Mobility as a Service (MaaS) ? Exploration des solutions en Île de France et perspectives d'incitation pour des pratiques de mobilité durable avec MaaS', UGI-IGU, Paris, France, 18-22 juillet.


    Academic communications

  • Ritzinger, U, Koller, H & Puchinger, J 2021, 'A digital twin based decision support system for dynamic vehicle routing problems', International Conference on Operations Research (OR), Bern, Switzerland, August 31 - Sepember 3.


    Academic communications

  • Su, Y, Dupin, N & Puchinger, J 2022, 'A Column-generation-based heuristic for the Electric Autonomous Dial-a-Ride Problem', 23ème congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Villeurbanne-Lyon, France, February 23-25.


    Academic communications

  • Chouaki, T, Hörl, S & Puchinger, J 2022, 'Implementing reinforcement learning for on-demand vehicle rebalancing in MATSim', The 13th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT), Porto, Portugal, March 20-22.


    Academic communications

  • Su, Y, Dupin, N & Puchinger, J 2021, 'A Deterministic Annealing Local Search for the Electric Autonomous Dial-a-Ride Problem', 22ème Congrès annuel de la société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), Mulhouse, France, April 26-30.


    Academic communications

  • Su, Y, Dupin, N & Puchinger, J 2021, 'A Column-generation-based heuristic for the Electric Autonomous Dial-a-Ride Problem', ODYSSEUS, Tanger, Morocco, May 4-9. 


    Academic communications

  • Su, Y, Fan, W, Puchinger, J & Shen, M 2021, 'Deep-Learning Approach for Network Trac Assignment with Incomplete Data', Transportation Research Board - 100th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., USA, January 21-22.


    Academic communications

  • Belfadel, A, Hörl, S, Tapia, R.J & Puchinger, J 2021, 'Towards a Digital Twin Framework for Adaptive Last Mile City Logistics', International Conference on Smart Sustainable Technologies, Split, Croatia, Septembre 8-11. 


    Academic communications

  • Gomes, I.S.F, Abdin, A, Puchinger, J & Perez, Y 2021, 'Is one meter enough? Assessing the impacts of domestic electric vehicle-only rate adoption via submetering.. Energy, COVID, and Climate Change', 1st IAEE Online Conference, Paris, France, June 6-9. 


    Academic communications

  • Chouaki, T & Puchinger, J 2020, 'Agent based simulation for the design of a mobility service in the Paris-Saclay area', 23rd EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting (EWGT), Paphos, Cyprus, September, 16-18.


    Academic communications

  • Yu, S, Puchinger, J & Sun, S 2020, 'Urban deliveries using robots in a two echeleon system', 21ème Conférence annuelle de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), Montpellier, France, February 19-21.


    Academic communications

  • Enzi, M, Parragh, S & Puchinger, J 2019, 'A user-centered approach for the multimodal car- and ride-sharing problem', 30th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO), Dublin, Ireland, June 24.


    Academic communications

  • Mourad, A, Puchinger, J & Van Woensel, T 2019, 'Combining people and freight flows using a scheduled transportation line with stochastic passenger demands', 20ème Conférence annuelle de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), Le Havre, France, February 19-21. 


    Academic communications

  • Al Maghraoui, O, Vosooghi, R, Mourad, A, Kamel, J, Puchinger, J, Vallet, F & Yannou, B 2019, 'Shared Autonomous Vehicle Services and User Taste Variations: Survey and Model Applications', 22nd Euro Working Group on Transportation Meeting - EWGT, Barcelona, Spain, September 18-20


    Academic communications

  • Vosooghi, R, Kamel, J, Puchinger, J, Leblond, V & Jankovic, M 2019, 'Robo-Taxi Service Fleet Sizing: Assesisng the Impact of User Trust and Willingness to Use', Transportation Research Board 98th Annual Meeting, Washington, USA, January 13-17.


    Academic communications

  • Mourad, A, Puchinger, J & van Woensel, T 2019, 'Combining people and freight flows using a scheduled transportation line with stochastic passenger demands', 7th INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop, Vienne, Austria, July 15-18.


    Academic communications

  • Kamel, J, Vosooghi, R, Puchinger, J, Ksontini, F & Sirin, G 2018, 'Exploring the Impact of User Preferences on Shared Autonomous Vehicle Modal Split: A Multi-Agent Simulation Approach', 21st annual meeting of the EURO Working Group on Transportation (EWGT), Braunschweig, Germany, September 17-19.


    Academic communications

  • Puchinger, J, & Yu, S 2018, 'A two-echelon vehicle routing problem with un manned ground vehicles for city logistics', 29th European Conference On Operational Research (EURO), Valencia, Spain, July 8-11.


    Academic communications

  • Vosooghi, R, Puchinger, J, Jankovic, M & Sirin, G 2017, 'A critical analysis of travel demand estimation for new one-way carsharing systems. Workshop on Modelling', Analysis and Control of Intelligent Mobility-on-Demand Systems at IEEE ITSC, Yokohama, Japan, October 16-19.


    Academic communications

  • Al Maghraoui, O, Vallet, F, Puchinger, J & Yannou, B 2017, 'Framing key concepts to design a human centered urban mobility system', 21th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED), Vancouver, Canada, August 21-25.


    Academic communications

  • Mourad, A, Puchinger, J & Chu, C 2017, 'Owning or sharing autonomous vehicles: comparing di erent ownership and usage scenarios', VeRoLog 2017, The sixth meeting of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics optimization, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 10-12.


    Academic communications

  • Al Maghraoui, O, Vallet, F, Puchinger, J & Yannou, B 2017, 'Un cadre conceptuel pour concevoir le systeme de mobilite urbaine', 12ème Congrés International de Génie Industriel CIGI, Compiègne, France, 3-5 mai.


    Academic communications

  • Mourad, A, Puchinger, J & Chu, C 2017, 'Privately owned autonomous vehicles in a ride-sharing application', 18ème édition du congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), Metz, France, February 22-24.


    Academic communications

  • Hiermann, G, Puchinger, J, Hartl, R.F & Vidal, T 2016, 'Tour planning with a hybrid heterogeneous electric fleet', 17ème édition du congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), Compiègne, France, February 10-12.


    Academic communications

  • Asamer, A, Reinthaler, M, Ruthmair, M & Puchinger, J 2015, 'Optimizing Charging Station Locations for Urban Taxi Providers', 4th INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics Society Workshop, Berlin, Germany, July 6-8.


    Academic communications

  • Ruthmair, M, Gouveia, L, Puchinger, J & Santos, D 2015, 'Models for Electric Vehicle Routing Problems with Load-Dependent Energy Consumption', Verolog 2015, The fourth meeting of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization, Vienna, Austria, June 8-10.


    Academic communications

  • Hiermann, G, Hartl, R.F, Puchinger, J & Vidal, T 2015, 'Hybrid Heterogeneous Fleet Routing with City Center Restrictions', Verolog 2015, The fourth meeting of the EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization, Vienna, Austria, June 8-10.


    Academic communications

  • Hiermann, G, Hartl, R.F, Puchinger, J & Vidal, T 2015, 'Hybrid Heterogeneous Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and recharging stations', 6th International Workshop in Freight Transportation and Logistics (ODYSSEUS), Ajaccio, Corsica, May 31 - June 5.


    Academic communications

  • Hiermann, G, Puchinger, J & Hartl, R.F. 2013, 'The Electric Fleet Size and Mix Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows', VeRoLog 2013: The second meeting EURO Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization, Southampton, UK, July 7-10.


    Academic communications

  • Prandtstetter, M, Straub, M & Puchinger, J 2013, 'On the way to a multi-modal energy efficient route', 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE (IECON), Vienna, Austria, November 10-13.


    Academic communications

  • Ritzinger, U, Puchinger, J & Hartl, R.F 2012, 'Real-World Patient Transportation', ODYSSEUS 2012, 5th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, Mykonos, Greece, May 21-25.


    Academic communications

  • Prandtstetter, M, Rendl, A & Puchinger, J 2012, 'The Influence of Accurate Travel Times on a Home Health Care Scheduling Problem', ODYSSEUS 2012, 5th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, Mykonos, Greece, May 21-25.


    Academic communications

  • Ritzinger, U, Puchinger, J & Hartl, R.F 2011, 'A restricted dynamic programming algorithm for the dial-a-ride problem', MIC 2011: 9th Metaheuristic International Conference, Udine, Italy, July 25-28.


    Academic communications

  • Becket, R, Brand, S, Brown, M, Duck, G.J, Fischer, T.F.J, Huang, J, Marriott, K, Nethercote, N, Puchinger, J, Rafeh, R, Stuckey, P.J & Wallace, M.G 2008, 'The Many Roads Leading to Rome: Solving Zinc Models by Various Solvers', 7th International Workshop on Constraint Modelling and Reformulation


    Academic communications

  • Brand, S, Duck, G.J, Puchinger, J & Stuckey, P.J 2007, 'A Rulebased System for Model Transformation', 6th International Workshop on Constraint Modelling and Reformulation, Providence, USA, September 23.


    Academic communications

  • Brand, S, Duck, G.J, Puchinger, J & Stuckey, P.J 2007, 'A Rulebased System for Model Transformation', 6th International Workshop on Constraint Modelling and Reformulation, Providence, USA, September 23.


    Academic communications

  • Puchinger, J 2023, 'Current and future research on urban mobility and logistics with a special focus on last-mile robot deliveries', Seminar on Urban Transportation by Future Cities Lab, Paris, December 6.


    Non Peer-reviewed Conference

  • Gall, T, Vallet, F, Reyes Madrigal, L-M, Hörl, S, Abdin, A, Chouaki, T & Puchinger, J 2023, 'Sustainable Urban Mobility Futures', Palgrave Macmillan-Ed., December. 187p.


    Research books

  • Mahmoud, A, Chouaki, T & Puchinger, J 2021, 'The Integration of Innovative Mobility into the Urban Transport Network: A Literature Review', in Mira-Bonnardel S., Antonialli F., Attias D. (eds). The Robomobility Revolution of Urban Public Transport, Springer, pp.153-166.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Al Maghraoui, O, Puchinger, J & Vallet, F 2021, 'Recommendations for a User Centered Design of Mobility Solutions', in Mira-Bonnardel S., Antonialli F., Attias D. (eds). The Robomobility Revolution of Urban Public Transport., Springer, pp. 133-152.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Raidl, G.R, Puchinger, J & Blum, C 2019, 'Metaheuristic Hybrids', in Handbook of Metaheuristics (third edition).


    Research books and book chapters

  • Brandstätter, G, Gambella, C, Leitner, M, Malaguti, E, Masini, F, Puchinger, J et al 2016, 'Overview of Optimization Problems in Electric Car Sharing System Design and Management', in Herbert David; Karl F. Doerner; Gustav Feichtinger; Peter M. Kort; Andrea Seidl. Dynamic Perspectives on Managerial Decision Making Essays in Honor of Richard F. Hartl, Springer


    Research books and book chapters

  • Ritzinger, U & Puchinger, J 2013, 'Hybrid Metaheuristics for Dynamic and Stochastic Vehicle Routing', in Hybrid Metaheuristics.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Blum, C, Puchinger, J, Raidl, G.R & Roli, A 2011, 'Hybrid Metaheuristics', in Hybrid Optimization The Ten Years of CPAIOR.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Raidl, G.R, Puchinger, J & Blum, C 2010, 'Metaheuristic hybrids', In M. Gendreau and J. Y. Potvin, (Eds.), Handbook of Metaheuristics. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Vol. 146. Springer, 2nd edition.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Puchinger, J, Raidl, G.R & Pirkwieser, S 2009, 'MetaBoosting: Enhancing Integer Programming Techniques by Metaheuristics', In V. Maniezzo, T. Stuetzle, and S. Voss, (Eds.), Matheuristics: Hybridizing Metaheuristics and Mathematical Programming. Annals of Information Systems, Vol. 10. Springer.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Pirkwieser, S, Raidl, G.R & Puchinger, J 2008, ' A Lagrangian Decom-position/Evolutionary Algorithm Hybrid for the Knapsack Constrained Max-imum Spanning Tree Problem', in C. Cotta and J. van Hemert (Eds.), Recent Advances in Evolutionary Computation for Combinatorial Optimization. Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 153. Springer.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Raidl, G. R & Puchinger, J 2008, 'Combining (integer) linear programming techniques and metaheuristics for combinatorial optimization', To appear in C. Blum et al., editors, Hybrid Metaheuristics - An Emergent Approach for Combinatorial Optimization. Springer.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Puchinger, J 2023, 'Les vélo-taffeurs – tendance ou mode de vie d’avenir ?', Monde des Grandes Ecoles et Universités, October 9.


    Articles in professional journals