jean-denis culie

Jean-Denis CULIE


Professor in Human Resources Management


Jean-Denis Culié is a Professor of Human Resource Management. He joined EM Normandie in 2009. He has a PhD in management science from the Université Pierre Mendès-France of Grenoble, awarded in 2009. His thesis is on organisations within competitive clusters: what influence is perceived by researchers on their career. His research interests are how careers are influenced by the use of resources belonging to the individual and resources available in the environment.

Professional experience

Since 2009: professor in human Resources, EM Normandie
2007-2009: graduate assistant, IAE de Grenoble et Génie Industriel, groupe Grenoble-INP
1996-2004: administrative director, Orchestre Les Musiciens du Louvre-Grenoble

Organisational studies & HR Management
Matières enseignées
Human Resources Management Methodology of the dissertation
2009 : PhD in Management Sciences, Université Pierre Mendès-France Grenoble


  • Culié, J-D 2009, 'Travailler dans une organisation adhérente à un pôle de compétitivité : quelle influence perçue par les chercheurs sur leur carrière ? L’exemple de Minalogic', PhD in Management Sciences, Université Pierre Mendès-France, Grenoble, France.


    PhD Dissertation / Accreditation to Supervise Management Research

  • Meyer, V, Culié, J-D, Philippe, X, Sorreda, T, Garcia, J-F & Tessier, L (forthcoming), 'The Great Resignation’: The ambivalences of the liquid employee facing a consumerist work relationship', European Management Journal. ABS 2; FNEGE 3.


    Academic articles

  • Philippe, X, Meyer, V & Culié, J.-D (forthcoming), '"Joindre l'agréable à l'utile". William Morris ou l'organisation esthétique du travail', Revue Française de Gestion. FNEGE : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Minchella, D, Culié, J-D & de Campos Ribeiro, G 2023, 'Like an elephant in the room. The emergence of informal interactions in the workplace', Culture and Organization, vol. 29, issue 6, pp. 528-547. FNEGE : 4 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Bernard, O & Culié, J-D 2016, 'Le dirigeant de petite entreprise sollicite une aide pour la création d’un système de contrôle de gestion : la légitimité du concepteur', Revue Management & Avenir, no. 86, pp.15-34, June-July.; CNRS: 4; FNEGE: 3; HCERES: B


    Academic articles

  • Alves, S & Culié, J-D 2016, 'Comment expliquer le départ volontaire des chercheurs ?', Revue Management & Avenir, no. 84, pp.31-51, March. CNRS: 4; FNEGE: 4; HCERES: C


    Academic articles

  • Valette, A & Culié, J-D 2015, 'Career scripts in clusters: a social position approach', Human Relations, vol. 68, no. 11, pp.1745-1767, November.; CNRS: 2; AERES: A; FNEGE: 2


    Academic articles

  • Culié, J-D, Khapova, S & Arthur, M 2014, 'Careers, clusters and employment mobility: the influences of psychological mobility and organizational support', Journal of Vocational Behavior, vol. 84, no. 2, pp.164-176, April.; CNRS: 2; AERES: A; FNEGE: 2


    Academic articles

  • Culié, J-D 2012, 'Travailler au sein d’un pôle de compétitivité ouvre-t-il des perspectives de carrière aux chercheurs ?', Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, vol. 85, pp.53-69, juillet-août-septembre.; CNRS: 3; AERES: B; FNEGE: 3


    Academic articles

  • Culié, J-D 2012, 'Travailler au sein d’un pôle de compétitivité ouvre-t-il des perspectives de carrière aux chercheurs ?', Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, vol. 85, pp.53-69, July-August-September.; CNRS: 3; AERES: B; FNEGE: 3


    Academic articles

  • Culié, J-D, Colle, R, Defélix, C, Hatt, C & Rapiau, M-T 2009, 'Quelle GRH pour les pôles de compétitivité ?', Revue Française de Gestion, vol. 35, no. 190, pp.143-161; CNRS: 4


    Academic articles

  • Defélix, C, Culié, J-D, Retour, D & Valette, A 2006, 'Les pôles de compétitivité, laboratoires d’innovation en ressources humaines ?', Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle, vol. 25, no. 3, pp.69-86; CNRS: 1 étoile


    Academic articles

  • Biétry, F & Culié, J-D (eds) 2016, 'Les coulisses d'une découverte majeure en Gestion des Ressources Humaines. Retour sur le concept de boundaryless career en compagnie de Michael B. Arthur', Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, no. 100, avril-mai-juin, pp.79-85


    Other academic contributions

  • Culié, J-D, Defélix, C & Retour, D 2009, 'Vers une gestion territoriale des parcours ? Emergence de dispositifs, évolution des représentations', Education permanente, no. 181, pp.23-33


    Other academic contributions

  • Philippe, X, Meyer, V, Culie, J-D & Bazin, Y 2024, 'Craft as a new work ethics. A journey into Michel Houellebecq's work', AIMS, Montréal, Canada, June 3-7.


    Academic communications

  • Culie, J-D, Meyer, V, Philippe, X, Garcia, J-F, Sorreda, T & Tessier, L 2024, 'Big Quit after Covid-19: The ambivalences of liquid employees facing a consumerist work relationship', 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Chicago, USA, August 8-12.


    Academic communications

  • Meyer, V, Culie, J-D, Garcia, J-F, Philippe, X, Sorreda, T & Tessier, L 2023, '“Big Quit” in post-Covid pandemic: The liquid employees facing organizational consumerism', 39th EGOS Colloquium, Cagliari, Italy, 6-8 July.


    Academic communications

  • Culié, J.D, Meyer, V & Philippe, X 2020, ‘Boredom in dehumanized organizations: a Heideggerian journey into Michel Houellebecq’s novels’, virtual 36th EGOS Colloquium, Hambourg, Germany, July 2-4.


    Academic communications

  • Culié, J.D, Meyer, V & Philippe, X 2020, ‘Boredom in dehumanized organizations: a Heideggerian journey into Michel Houellebecq’s novels’, virtual 36th EGOS Colloquium, Hambourg, Germany, July 2-4.


    Academic communications

  • Culié, J-D & Minchella, D, 2019, ‘When an elephant brings informal interactions in a bank’, EURAM 2019 Conference, Lisbon, June 26-28.


    Academic communications

  • Culié, J-D & Minchella, D, 2019, ‘When an elephant brings informal interactions in a bank’, EURAM 2019 Conference, Lisbon, June 26-28.


    Academic communications

  • Vo, L-C & Culié, J-D 2019, ‘Connecting institutional logics and institutional work: pragmatic reasoning schemas as a connecting device’, Academy of Management (AOM) 79th Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, August, 9-13.


    Academic communications

  • Vo, L-C & Culié, J-D 2019, ‘Connecting institutional logics and institutional work: pragmatic reasoning schemas as a connecting device’, Academy of Management (AOM) 79th Annual Meeting, Boston, USA, August, 9-13.


    Academic communications

  • Loux, P & Culié, J-D 2018, 'Relational Capabilities: How can they be dynamic? The Case of Business Schools', 34th EGOS Colloquium, Tallin, Estonia, July, 5-8.


    Academic communications

  • Culié J-D, Khapova S-N, Arthur M-B 2018, ‘Intelligent careers and intelligent regions: how regional clusters learn through professionals’ careers enactment?’, International Conference on the changing nature of careers, XLRI School of Management, Jamshedpur, India, December 14-15.


    Academic communications

  • Culié J-D, Khapova S-N, Arthur M-B 2018, ‘Intelligent careers and intelligent regions: how regional clusters learn through professionals’ careers enactment?’, International Conference on the changing nature of careers, XLRI School of Management, Jamshedpur, India, December 14-15.


    Academic communications

  • Loux, P & Culié, J-D 2017, 'Barriers to the development of dynamic relational capabilities: The case of Business Schools', SMS special conference - Transforming Entrepreneurial Thinking into Dynamic Capabilities, Banff, Canada, June, 1-4


    Academic communications

  • Vo, L-C, Culié, J-D & Mounoud, E 2016, 'Microfoundations of decoupling: from the perspective of coping theory', 76th annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM 2016), Anaheim, CA, USA, August, 5-9


    Academic communications

  • Loux, P & Culié, J-D 2016, 'Revisiting dynamic capabilities and their microfoundations: a study in the context of Business Schools', 32nd annual IMP Conference, Poznan, Poland, Aug, 30-Sept, 3


    Academic communications

  • Vo, L-C, Culié, J-D & Mounoud, E 2016, 'Microfoundations of decoupling: A typology of emotions as coping strategies', 32nd EGOS Colloquium, Naples, Italy, July, 7-9


    Academic communications

  • Warren, L, Culié, J-D, Karjalainen, H & Loux, P 2014, 'How do Business Schools achieve their evolutionary fit? A dynamic capabilities approach', 28th ANZAM Conference 2014, Sydney, Australia, December, 3-5


    Academic communications

  • Khapova, S.N., Culié, J-D & Arthur, M.B. 2013, 'Work, careers and innovation within a regional cluster', 6th Annual People and Organization Conference, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, U.S.A., 4-5 octobre


    Academic communications

  • Warren, L, Culié, J-D, Karjalainen, H & Loux, P 2013, 'Business Schools as transformational institutions : developing dynamic capabilities for entrepreneurial impact', British Academy of Management 2013, BAM, Liverpool, U.K., 10-12 septembre


    Academic communications

  • Culié, J-D & Valette, A 2013, 'Revisiting boundaries through a career script approach', 29th European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, EGOS, Montréal, Canada, 4-6 juillet


    Academic communications

  • Culié, J-D & Valette, A 2012, 'Self-reinforcing processes between careers and clusters : a career script approach', 28th European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, EGOS, Helsinki, Finland, 04-07 juillet


    Academic communications

  • Culié, J-D 2011, 'Satisfaction at work: A forgotten dimension of boundaryless careers', 27th European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, EGOS, Göteborg, Suède, 7-9 juillet


    Academic communications

  • Culié, J-D 2011, 'Satisfaction at work: A forgotten dimension of boundaryless careers', 27th European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS) Colloquium, EGOS, Göteborg, Sweden, 7-9 juillet


    Academic communications

  • Culié, J-D 2008, 'Les pôles de compétitivité amènent-ils les chercheurs à imaginer différemment leur évolution de carrière ? Le cas de Minalogic', 19ème Congrès de l’Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (AGRH), Dakar, Sénégal, 9-11 novembre


    Academic communications

  • Culié, J-D, Meyer, V & Philippe, X 2022, "Les salariés houellebecquiens, particules élémentaires du néo-libéralisme", Séminaire I « Michel Houellebecq », Observatoire des écritures contemporaines, Nanterre, France, 24 novembre.


    Non Peer-reviewed Conference

  • Culié, J-D & Tanquerel, S 2023, 'La formation des managers, source de détresse dans l’organisation liquide', Harvard Business Review, June 13.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Minchella, D, Culié, J-D & de Campos Ribeiro, G 2023, 'Travail hybride : que deviennent les interactions informelles ?', Harvard Business Review, November 3.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Culié, J-D, Joffre, C, Minchella, D & Perret, V 2023, 'Cahier : Tiers-Lieux et Organisation : quels dialogues ?', Management & Avenir, 2023/6, no. 138., pp. 65-66


    Articles in professional journals

  • Culié, J-D 2022, 'Bien vivre. Comment libérer l'initiative chez nos salariés ?', Université des Entrepreneurs Normands, Deauville, 8 novembre.


    Communications in professional conferences

  • Bernadas, C & Culié, J-D 2016, 'Silver Economie : Opportunités en Normandie', Rencontres e-Santé "Parcours Patient", Pôle TES, Caen, France, 20 octobre


    Communications in professional conferences

  • Culié, J-D 2013, 'Comment dynamiser l'animation de la gestion des carrières', Club ANVIE, Paris, 17 décembre


    Communications in professional conferences

  • Culié, J-D 2012, 'Pôles de compétitivité : quelles innovations managériales?', 3ème Université de l’Entreprise, ESC Brest, Brest, France, 8 mars


    Communications in professional conferences

  • Culié, J-D 2012, 'Pôles de compétitivité : quelles innovations managériales?', 3ème Université de l’Entreprise, ESC Brest, Brest, France, 8 mars


    Communications in professional conferences

  • Culié, J-D 2011, 'Vers une GRH humaniste ?', Les Carrefours du Management, EM Normandie, Caen, France, 8 décembre


    Communications in professional conferences

  • Culié, J-D 2011, 'Vers une GRH humaniste ?', Les Carrefours du Management, EM Normandie, Caen, France, 8 décembre


    Communications in professional conferences

  • Bernadas, C, Culié, J-D, Mouakhar, K & Vo, L-C 2017, 'Projet Ardeco, Rapport final', pp. 1-248


    Research or consulting reports