jennifer harrison


Le Havre

Associate Professor in Human Resources Management


Jennifer A. Harrison is an Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management. She joined EM Normandie in 2019. She has a PhD in human resource management from York University, Toronto, Canada, awarded in 2015. Her thesis is on gratitude in supervisor-subordinate relationships and behavioural ethics. Her research interests are gender, diversity and inclusion, personal wellbeing, performance in the workplace and the career prospects of individuals. Before launching her research career, Jennifer held various strategic positions in medium-sized management consulting firms, advising FP 100 companies, as well as select high-growth small and medium-sized enterprises.

Professional experience

Since 2019: associate professor in human resources management, EM Normandie 
2015-2019: assistant professor, NEOMA Business School
2012-2014:  adjunct professor, Ontario Institute for Technology, Faculty of Business and Information Technology, Toronto, Canada 
2014: adjunct professor, Trent University, Toronto, Canada
2010-2014: adjunct professor, York University, Toronto, Canada

Organisational studies & HR Management
Matières enseignées
Human Resources
2015 : PhD in Human Resource Management, York University, Toronto, Canada
Read the articles on the blog


  • Harrison, J. A 2015, 'The things I will do for you: Investigating gratitude's effects on prosocial rule breaking willingness in supervisor-subordinate relationships', PhD en ressources humaines management, York University, Toronto, Canada.


    PhD Dissertation / Accreditation to Supervise Management Research

  • Harrison, J.A., Halinski, M. & Manroop, L. 2024, 'Happy, and they know it? The roles of positive affectivity, intrinsic motivation, and network building on LinkedIn on employment predictions', Career Development International, vol. 29, n° 6, pp. 656-673. FNEGE : 4 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Ito, A, Harrison, J.A. & Bligh, M (forthcoming), 'Supervisors' self-disclosure enhances subordinates' trust: The mediating role of subordinates' charismatic attributions', Journal of Management Development. FNEGE : 4 ; ABS : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Malik, A, Manroop, L & Harrison, J.A 2024, 'Bouncing back: HR professionals' experiences during times of disruption', Personnel Review, vol. 53, n. 8, pp. 2181-2208. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Halinski, M & Harrison, J.A 2020, 'The job resources-engagement relationship: the role of location', International Journal of Public Sector Management, vol. 33 No. 6/7, pp. 681-695. CNRS : 3 ; FNEGE : 4 ; HCERES : B. 


    Academic articles

  • Halinski, M & Harrison, J.A 2020, 'The job resources-engagement relationship: the role of location', International Journal of Public Sector Management, vol. 33 No. 6/7, pp. 681-695. CNRS : 3 ; FNEGE : 4 ; HCERES : B. 


    Academic articles

  • Budworth, M. H, Harrison, J. A & Chummar, S 2019, "Beyond feedback: understanding how feedforward can support employee development." Journal of Management Development, vol. 38(1), pp. 46-57. CNRS 4; FNEGE 4


    Academic articles

  • Budworth, M. H, Harrison, J. A & Chummar, S 2019, "Beyond feedback: understanding how feedforward can support employee development." Journal of Management Development, vol. 38(1), pp. 46-57. CNRS 4; FNEGE 4


    Academic articles

  • Harrison, J.A, Boekhorst, J.A & Yu, Y 2018, "HPWS and climate for inclusion: A moral  legitimacy lens". Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, vol. 37.5, pp. 491-505. CNRS, FNEGE.


    Academic articles

  • Harrison, J.A, Boekhorst, J.A & Yu, Y 2018, "HPWS and climate for inclusion: A moral  legitimacy lens". Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, vol. 37.5, pp. 491-505. CNRS, FNEGE.


    Academic articles

  • Harrison, J.A, Singh, P & Frawley, S 2018, "What does employee ownership  effectiveness look like? The case of a Canadian-based firm". Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration, vol. 35, pp. 5-19. CNRS 3; FNEGE 3 


    Academic articles

  • Harrison, J.A, Singh, P & Frawley, S 2018, "What does employee ownership  effectiveness look like? The case of a Canadian-based firm". Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration, vol. 35, pp. 5-19. CNRS 3; FNEGE 3 


    Academic articles

  • Samnani, A. K, Boekhorst, J.A & Harrison, J. A 2016, "Institutional-level bullying:  Exploring workplace bullying during union organizing drives". Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, vol. 89(2), pp. 377–395. CNRS 2; FNEGE 2.


    Academic articles

  • Samnani, A. K, Boekhorst, J.A & Harrison, J. A 2016, "Institutional-level bullying:  Exploring workplace bullying during union organizing drives". Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, vol. 89(2), pp. 377–395. CNRS 2; FNEGE 2.


    Academic articles

  • Manroop, L & Harrison, J.A 2016, "The ethics portfolio: Building and promoting ethical  culture in an organization". In T. Issa and R. Wolf (Eds.), Leadership and Personnel  Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, IGI Global: pp. 1-30. 


    Academic articles

  • Manroop, L & Harrison, J.A 2016, "The ethics portfolio: Building and promoting ethical  culture in an organization". In T. Issa and R. Wolf (Eds.), Leadership and Personnel  Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, IGI Global: pp. 1-30. 


    Academic articles

  • Frawley, S & Harrison, J.A 2016, "A social role perspective on trust repair". Journal of Management Development, vol. 35(8), pp. 1045-1055. CNRS 4; FNEGE 4.


    Academic articles

  • Stone, T.H, Foster, J, Webster, B, Harrison, J.A & Jawahar, J 2016, "Gender  differences in supervisors’ multi-dimensional performance ratings: Large sample evidence". Human Performance, vol. 29(5), pp. 428-446. CNRS; FNEGE 3


    Academic articles

  • Frawley, S & Harrison, J.A 2016, "A social role perspective on trust repair". Journal of Management Development, vol. 35(8), pp. 1045-1055. CNRS 4; FNEGE 4.


    Academic articles

  • Stone, T.H, Foster, J, Webster, B, Harrison, J.A & Jawahar, J 2016, "Gender  differences in supervisors’ multi-dimensional performance ratings: Large sample evidence". Human Performance, vol. 29(5), pp. 428-446. CNRS; FNEGE 3


    Academic articles

  • Harrison, J. A & Budworth, M. H 2015, "Unintended consequences of a digital presence: Hiring-related implications for job seekers". Career Development International, vol. 20(4), pp. 294-314. CNRS; FNEGE 4.


    Academic articles

  • Harrison, J. A & Budworth, M. H 2015, "Unintended consequences of a digital presence: Hiring-related implications for job seekers". Career Development International, vol. 20(4), pp. 294-314. CNRS; FNEGE 4.


    Academic articles

  • Manroop, L, Boekhorst, J. A & Harrison, J. A 2013, "The influence of cross-cultural  differences on job interview selection décisions". The International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 24(18), pp. 3512-3533. CNRS 3; FNEGE 3.


    Academic articles

  • Manroop, L, Boekhorst, J. A & Harrison, J. A 2013, "The influence of cross-cultural  differences on job interview selection décisions". The International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 24(18), pp. 3512-3533. CNRS 3; FNEGE 3.


    Academic articles

  • Samnani, A. K, Boekhorst, J. A & Harrison, J. A 2013, "The acculturation process: Antecedents, strategies, and outcomes". Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, vol. 86(2), pp. 166-183. CNRS  2; FNEGE 2. 


    Academic articles

  • Samnani, A. K, Boekhorst, J. A & Harrison, J. A 2013, "The acculturation process: Antecedents, strategies, and outcomes". Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, vol. 86(2), pp. 166-183. CNRS  2; FNEGE 2. 


    Academic articles

  • Samnani, A. K, Boekhorst, J. A & Harrison, J. A 2012, "Acculturation strategy and  individual outcomes: Cultural diversity implications for human resource management". Human Resource Management Review, vol. 22(4), pp. 323-335. CNRS 3; FNEGE 2.


    Academic articles

  • Samnani, A. K, Boekhorst, J. A & Harrison, J. A 2012, "Acculturation strategy and  individual outcomes: Cultural diversity implications for human resource management". Human Resource Management Review, vol. 22(4), pp. 323-335. CNRS 3; FNEGE 2.


    Academic articles

  • Harrison, J.A 2023, 'Message from the incoming Editor-in-Chief', Career Development International, vol. 3, p. 1 (editorial).


    Other academic contributions

  • Harrison, J.A 2024, 'Innovating for the Future: Policy, Purpose, and Organizations” CAR division', 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Chicago, USA, August 8-12.


    Academic communications

  • Ito, A., Harrison, J.A & Bligh, M. 2024, 'Sharing through self-disclosure: Conceptualization and measurement in organizations (OB Division)', 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Chicago, USA, August 8-12.


    Academic communications

  • Halinski, M., Harrison, J.A., & Boekhorst, J.A.2023, 'Looking before Leaping: The Impact of Work Engagement on Passive Job Search', AOM - Academy of Management annual conference, Boston, USA, August 3-8.


    Academic communications

  • Ito, Ai, Harrison, J.A. & Bligh, M. 2023, 'Opening up: New theory and evidence on the role of self-disclosure in organizations', AOM - Academy of Management annual conference, Boston, USA, August 3-8.


    Academic communications

  • Babalola, B., Qu, Y., Ali, M., Harrison, J.A., & Usman, M 2023, 'A Reparatory Model of Ethical Silence ', AOM - Academy of Management annual conference, Boston, USA, August 3-8.


    Academic communications

  • Halinksi, M & Harrison, J.A 2020, ‘Engaging to disengage? The role of job search behaviors in work engagement and job crafting’, AOM Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, August 7-11. (virtual).


    Academic communications

  • Halinksi, M & Harrison, J.A 2020, ‘Engaging to disengage? The role of job search behaviors in work engagement and job crafting’, AOM Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, August 7-11. (virtual).


    Academic communications

  • Harrison, J.A, Halinski, M & Al-Shatti, E 2020, ‘In good company? Impression management by association and career outcomes for student job seekers’, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada annual conference, St John’s, Canada, June 12-15.


    Academic communications

  • Harrison, J.A, Halinski, M & Al-Shatti, E 2020, ‘In good company? Impression management by association and career outcomes for student job seekers’, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada annual conference, St John’s, Canada, June 12-15.


    Academic communications

  • Harrison, J.A, Budworth, M.H & Halinksi, M 2019, "Exploring the role of  gratitude in predicting job search behavior". European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 29 May - 1 June. Turin, Italy.


    Academic communications

  • Halinski, M & Harrison, J.A 2019, "Revealing parents’ supportive job search behaviors". Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Niagara Falls, ON.  


    Academic communications

  • Harrison, J.A, Budworth, M.H & Halinksi, M 2019, "Exploring the role of  gratitude in predicting job search behavior". European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 29 May - 1 June. Turin, Italy.


    Academic communications

  • Halinski, M & Harrison, J.A 2019, "Revealing parents’ supportive job search behaviors". Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Niagara Falls, ON.  


    Academic communications

  • Harrison, J.A, Boekhorst, J.A & Halinski, M 2019, "Departing from the status  quo: Examining the interactive effects of work engagement and gratitude on prosocial rule Breaking". European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 29 May - 1 June, Turin, Italy. 


    Academic communications

  • Harrison, J.A, Boekhorst, J.A & Halinski, M 2019, "Departing from the status  quo: Examining the interactive effects of work engagement and gratitude on prosocial rule Breaking". European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, 29 May - 1 June, Turin, Italy. 


    Academic communications

  • Halinski, M & Harrison, J.A 2018, "Engaging employees near and far: A field  investigation of employee engagement and proximity to head office". Southern Management Association Annual Meeting, Lexington, KY.


    Academic communications

  • Harrison, J.A, Kakarika, M & Bligh, M.C 2018, "Leader gossip and follower  indebtedness: A social exchange perspective". 3rdInternational Leadership Symposium, Crete, Greece,  May 25-29. 


    Academic communications

  • Harrison, J.A, Kakarika, M & Bligh, M.C 2018, "Leader gossip and follower  indebtedness: A social exchange perspective". 3rdInternational Leadership Symposium, Crete, Greece,  May 25-29. 


    Academic communications

  • Harrison, J.A, Budworth, M.H & Halinksi, M 2018,"Increasing job search gratitude among business school students". International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, QC, May.


    Academic communications

  • Harrison, J.A, Budworth, M.H & Halinksi, M 2018,"Increasing job search gratitude among business school students". International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, QC, May.


    Academic communications

  • Halinski, M & Harrison, J.A 2018, "Engaging employees near and far: A field  investigation of employee engagement and proximity to head office". Southern Management Association Annual Meeting, Lexington, KY.


    Academic communications

  • Halinksi, M & Harrison, J.A 2018, "Employee engagement in distributed offices:  Interactive effects of job resources". “Distances in Organizations" Workshop at McGill University, September, Montreal, QC. 


    Academic communications

  • Budworth, M.H, Harrison, J.A & Chummar, S 2017 "The feedforward interview: Improving relationships to improve performance". European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Dublin, Ireland. 


    Academic communications

  • Harrison, J.A & Budworth, M.H 2017, "Prosocial rule-breaking as a dyadic consequence  of gratitude in supervisor-subordinate relationships". Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Montreal, QC. 


    Academic communications

  • Harrison, J.A & Budworth, M.H 2017, "Prosocial rule-breaking as a dyadic consequence  of gratitude in supervisor-subordinate relationships". Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Montreal, QC. 


    Academic communications

  • Ito, A, Harrison, J.A & Bligh, M.C 2017, "Unveiling the curtain: A social identity  perspective on leader self-disclosure and positive effects on followers' perceptions of climate for inclusion". International Leadership Association, Brussels, Belgium. 


    Academic communications

  • Ito, A, Harrison, J.A & Bligh, M.C 2017, "Unveiling the curtain: A social identity  perspective on leader self-disclosure and positive effects on followers' perceptions of climate for inclusion". International Leadership Association, Brussels, Belgium. 


    Academic communications

  • Budworth, M.H, Harrison, J.A & Chummar, S 2017 "The feedforward interview: Improving relationships to improve performance". European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Dublin, Ireland. 


    Academic communications

  • Harrison, J.A & Budworth, M.H 2015, "Manipulating gratitude in supervisor-subordinate relationships: A test across three independent samples". European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Oslo, Norway, May.


    Academic communications

  • Harrison, J.A & Budworth, M.H 2015, "Manipulating gratitude in supervisor-subordinate relationships: A test across three independent samples". European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Oslo, Norway, May.


    Academic communications

  • Budworth, M.H & Harrison, J.A 2015, "Youth unemployment: A field test of two interventions for increasing self-efficacy". European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Oslo, Norway, May.


    Academic communications

  • Budworth, M.H & Harrison, J.A 2015, "Youth unemployment: A field test of two interventions for increasing self-efficacy". European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, Oslo, Norway, May.


    Academic communications

  • Budworth, M.H & Harrison, J.A 2014, "Methods for studying phenomenon online: Finding a digital sample". International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France, July.


    Academic communications

  • Budworth, M.H & Harrison, J.A 2014, "Methods for studying phenomenon online: Finding a digital sample". International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France, July.


    Academic communications

  • Harrison, J.A & Budworth, M.H 2013, "Unintended consequences of an online  presence: Effects on hiring-related décisions". Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.


    Academic communications

  • Harrison, J.A 2013, "More than an emotion: An exploration of boredom among highly  skilled professionals". Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Calgary, AB


    Academic communications

  • Harrison, J.A & Budworth, M.H 2013, "Unintended consequences of an online  presence: Effects on hiring-related décisions". Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.


    Academic communications

  • Harrison, J.A 2013, "More than an emotion: An exploration of boredom among highly  skilled professionals". Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Calgary, AB


    Academic communications

  • Harrison, J. A, Singh, P & Latham, S 2013, "Antecedents to HR reputation and group- level performance: An affective theory perspective". Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.


    Academic communications

  • Harrison, J.A & Singh, P 2013, "Where’s the ‘employee’ in employee ownership  research? Uncovering employee perceptions of a profit sharing culture". Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Calgary, AB. 


    Academic communications

  • Harrison, J. A, Singh, P & Latham, S 2013, "Antecedents to HR reputation and group- level performance: An affective theory perspective". Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.


    Academic communications

  • Harrison, J.A & Singh, P 2013, "Where’s the ‘employee’ in employee ownership  research? Uncovering employee perceptions of a profit sharing culture". Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Calgary, AB. 


    Academic communications

  • Boekhorst, J. A & Harrison, J. A 2013, "The role of shared perceptions of morally  legitimate HRM practices in fostering a climate of inclusion and voice behaviours". Canadian Industrial Relations Association Conference, Toronto, ON.    


    Academic communications

  • Boekhorst, J. A & Harrison, J. A 2013, "The role of shared perceptions of morally  legitimate HRM practices in fostering a climate of inclusion and voice behaviours". Canadian Industrial Relations Association Conference, Toronto, ON.    


    Academic communications

  • Manroop, L, Boekhorst, J.A & Harrison, J.A 2012, "The influence of cross-cultural  differences on interview judgment and evaluation". Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, St John’s, NFLD.


    Academic communications

  • Manroop, L, Boekhorst, J.A & Harrison, J.A 2012, "The influence of cross-cultural  differences on interview judgment and evaluation". Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, St John’s, NFLD.


    Academic communications

  • Samnani, A, Boekhorst, J.A & Harrison, J.A 2011, "Fitting in or standing out?  Understanding minority patterns of assimilation or distinctiveness". Southern Management Association, Savannah, GA.


    Academic communications

  • Samnani, A, Boekhorst, J.A & Harrison, J.A 2011, "Fitting in or standing out?  Understanding minority patterns of assimilation or distinctiveness". Southern Management Association, Savannah, GA.


    Academic communications

  • 2025

    Articles in professional journals