
Professor in Marketing
Head of Marketing Department


Julian Hofmann is an Professor of Marketing. He joined EM Normandie in 2016. He has a PhD in Management Science from the University of Cologne, Germany, awarded in 2012. His thesis is on brand management. His research interest is brand management, focusing on the entertainment and sport industries. He is the Head of Marketing Department.

Professional experience

Since 2016: associate professor in marketing, EM Normandie
2013-2016: assistant professor of marketing, University of Southern, Denmark
2012-2013: postdoctoral researcher, University of Cologne, Germany 
2007-2012: research assistant & doctoral student, University of Cologne, Germany
2005-2006: graduate teaching assistant & grading assistant, Lund University, Sweden 
2004-2007: graduate teaching assistant & grading assistant,University of Hamburg, Germany

Matières enseignées
Introduction to Marketing Marketing International Marketing Customer relations
2012 : PhD in Management, University of Cologne, Germany
Read the articles on the blog


  • Hofmann, J 2012, 'Essays on Human Brands and Meta-Analysis in Marketing', PhD in Management, Université de Cologne, Cologne, Germany.


    PhD Dissertation / Accreditation to Supervise Management Research

  • Schnittka, O, Hofmann, J, Johnen, M, Erfgen, C & Rezvani, Z 2023, 'Brand Evaluations in Sponsorship versus Celebrity Endorsement', International Journal of Market Research, vol. 65, issue 1, Janvier, pp. 124-144. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 2 ; HCERES : B.


    Academic articles

  • Behrens, R, Zhang Foutz, N, Franklin, M, Funk, J, Gutierrez-Navratil, F, Hofmann, J & Leibfried, U 2021, 'Leveraging analytics to produce compelling and profitable film content', Journal of Cultural Economics, vol. 45, juin, pp 171–211. CNRS 3, HCERES B. 


    Academic articles

  • Behrens, R, Zhang Foutz, N, Franklin, M, Funk, J, Gutierrez-Navratil, F, Hofmann, J & Leibfried, U 2021, 'Leveraging analytics to produce compelling and profitable film content', Journal of Cultural Economics, vol. 45, juin, pp 171–211. CNRS 3, HCERES B. 


    Academic articles

  • Lavissière, A, Mandjak, T, Hoffmann, J & Fedi, L 2020, 'Port marketing as manifestation of sustainable marketing in a B2B context', Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 35, N. 3, pp. 524–536. CNRS : 3 ; FNEGE : 3 ; HCERES : B ; ABS 2 


    Academic articles

  • Lavissière, A, Mandjak, T, Hoffmann, J & Fedi, L 2020, 'Port marketing as manifestation of sustainable marketing in a B2B context', Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 35, N. 3, pp. 524–536. CNRS : 3 ; FNEGE : 3 ; HCERES : B ; ABS 2.


    Academic articles

  • Hofmann, J, Schnitta, O, Johnen, M & Kottermann, P 2019, ‘Talent or popularity: What drives market value and brand image for human brands?’, Journal of Business Research, vol. 124, pp. 748-758. CNRS : 2 ; FNEGE : 2 ; HCERES : A ; ABS 3


    Academic articles

  • Mandjak, T, Lavissière, A, Hofmann, J, Bouchery, Y, Lavissière, M-C, Faury, O & Sohier, R 2019, 'Port marketing from a multidisciplinary perspective: A systematic literature review  and lexicometric analysis', Transport Policy, vol. 84, pp 50-72. CNRS: 3 ; HCERES: B ; ABS 2


    Academic articles

  • Hofmann, J, Schnitta, O, Johnen, M & Kottermann, P 2019, ‘Talent or popularity: What drives market value and brand image for human brands?’, Journal of Business Research, vol. 124, pp. 748-758. CNRS : 2 ; FNEGE : 2 ; HCERES : A ; ABS 3


    Academic articles

  • Mandjak, T, Lavissière, A, Hofmann, J, Bouchery, Y, Lavissière, M-C, Faury, O & Sohier, R 2019, 'Port marketing from a multidisciplinary perspective: A systematic literature review  and lexicometric analysis', Transport Policy, vol. 84, pp 50-72. CNRS: 3 ; HCERES: B ; ABS 2


    Academic articles

  • Hofmann, J, Clément, M, Völckner, F & Hennig-Thurau, T 2017, 'Empirical Generalizations on the Impact of Stars on the Economic Success of Movies', International Journal of Research in Marketing, vol. 39, no. 2, pp.442-461, June.; CNRS: 2; FNEGE: 1; HCERES: A; ABS 4


    Academic articles

  • Volckner, F & Hofmann, J 2007, 'The price-perceived quality relationship: A meta-analytic review and assessment of its determinants', Marketing Letters, vol. 18, no. 3, pp.181-196; CNRS: 2


    Academic articles

  • Gundlach, H & Hofmann, J 2017, 'Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Tablet News Apps', Journal of Media Business Studies, vol. 28.


    Other academic contributions

  • Hennig-Thurau, T, Volckner, F, Clement, M & Hofmann, J 2013, 'Ocean’s Eleven – Die maximale Wirkung von Stars?', KOMPAKT (Marketing Club Köln/Bonn e. V.), vol. 2013/1, no. 1, pp.35-35


    Other academic contributions

  • Hofmann, J & Rasolofoarison, D 2022, 'How Music Fandom is Acted Out in 2022', Economics of the Music Industry conference, Hamburg, Germany, Decelber 1-2.


    Academic communications

  • Hofmann, J & Kovarski, O 2023, 'The specificities of word-of-mouth creation through events'EMAC Annual conference of the European Marketing Association, Odensen, Denmark, May 23-26.


    Academic communications

  • Hofmann, J & Rasolofoarison, D 2022, 'Where is fandom acted out in 2022? An update on places of fan practices', Fan Studies Network – North America Conference Online, October 13-16.


    Academic communications

  • Gundlach, H & Hofmann, J 2019, Information Search. Behavioural Economies. Relevance Decisions. To what extent do machine algorithms of Internet intermediaries replace the opinions of journalist in consumers' relevance assessment of information and formation of opinion?', 2019 Annual Conference of the European Media Management Association, Limassol, Cyprus, June 5-7.


    Academic communications

  • Gundlach, H & Hofmann, J 2019, Information Search. Behavioural Economies. Relevance Decisions. To what extent do machine algorithms of Internet intermediaries replace the opinions of journalist in consumers' relevance assessment of information and formation of opinion?', 2019 Annual Conference of the European Media Management Association, Limassol, Cyprus, June 5-7.


    Academic communications

  • Hofmann, J 2019, ‘What influences the success of visitor attractions? A meta-analytic review of visitor satisfaction drivers’, EMAC 48th Annual Conference, Hamburg, Germany, May 28-June, 1.


    Academic communications

  • Hofmann, J 2019, ‘What influences the success of visitor attractions? A meta-analytic review of visitor satisfaction drivers’, EMAC 48th Annual Conference, Hamburg, Germany, May 28-June, 1.


    Academic communications

  • Schulz, P, Clement, M, Burmester, A & Hofmann, J 2019, ‘The role of professional critics for product success – a meta-analysis', 2019 Annual Conference of the European Media Management Association, Limassol, Cyprus, June 5-7.


    Academic communications

  • Schulz, P, Clement, M, Burmester, A & Hofmann, J 2019, ‘The role of professional critics for product success – a meta-analysis', 2019 Annual Conference of the European Media Management Association, Limassol, Cyprus, June 5-7.


    Academic communications

  • Lavissière, A, Mandjak, T & Hofmann, J 2018, 'A nested business network model: The network Rubik’s Cube', 26th Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME 2018), Mombasa, Kenya, Sept, 11-14.


    Academic communications

  • Lavissière, A, Mandjak, T & Hofmann, J 2018, ‘A Business to Business approach of Port Marketing’, 26th Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME 2018), Mombasa, Kenya, Sept, 11-14.


    Academic communications

  • Clement, M, Schulz, P, Burmester, A & Hofmann, J 2018, 'The impact of critical reviews on the success of digital entertainment products', BI-Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Thought Leaders’ Conference on Generalizations in Marketing: Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, Oslo, Norway, June, 3-5


    Academic communications

  • Lavissière, A, Mandjak, T & Hofmann, J 2018, ‘A Business to Business approach of Port Marketing’, 26th Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME 2018), Mombasa, Kenya, Sept, 11-14.


    Academic communications

  • Hofmann, J, Schnittka, O, Kottemann, P & Johnen, M 2018, ''Talent or popularity? An empirical analysis of the determinants of the brand image of human brands through the example of professional football players', 3rd Sport Marketing and Sponsorship Conference, San Diego, USA, March, 8-10


    Academic communications

  • Hofmann, J, Kottemann, P, Schnittka, O & Johnen, M 2018, 'Talent or popularity? An empirical analysis of the determinants of the brand image of human brands through the example of professional football players', 47th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC 2018), Glasgow, United Kingdom, May, 29-June, 1


    Academic communications

  • Lavissière, A, Mandjak, T & Hofmann, J 2018, ''A nested business network model: The network Rubik’s Cube', 26th Annual Conference of the International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME 2018), Mombasa, Kenya, Sept, 11-14


    Academic communications

  • Schnittka, O, Hofmann, J, Johnen, M & Erfgen, C 2018, 'Fighting for the budget: Analyzing mediating and moderating drivers of the comparative effect of sponsorships and celebrity endorsements', 3rd Sport Marketing and Sponsorship conference, San Diego, USA, March, 8-10


    Academic communications

  • Schnittka, O, Hofmann, J, Johnen, M & Erfgen, C 2017, 'Sponsorships vs. celebrity endorsement: Analyzing mediators for their different impact on brand image', 46th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC 2017), Groningen, Netherlands, May, 23-26


    Academic communications

  • Gundlach, H & Hofmann, J 2016, 'What drives competition in information search markets? - An empirical study of the relevant market, the consumer behaviour, and the effects on media business models', 11th Annual Conference of the European Media Management Association (EMMA 2016), Porto, Portugal, June, 2-4.


    Academic communications

  • Hofmann, J, Clément, M, Völckner, F & Hennig-Thurau, T 2016, ''Empirical generalizations on the impact of stars on the economic success of movies', 11th Annual Conference of the European Media Management Association (EMMA 2016), Porto, Portugal, June, 2-4


    Academic communications

  • Hofmann, J & Kwiatkowski, G 2015, 'On event attendees’ determinants of spending – Integrating meta-analytic findings with empirical research', 24th Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality, Reykjavik, Iceland, October, 1st-3rd


    Academic communications

  • Hofmann, J 2013, '“Rosen-stars” or “Adler-stars”? A meta-analytic review', 5th ESEA European Conference in Sports Economics, Esbjerg, Denmark, Sept, 19-20


    Academic communications

  • Hofmann, J 2013, 'A meta-analysis of the impact of stars on economic success of movies', 7th MAER-Net Colloquium, Greenwich, United Kingdom, September, 5-7


    Academic communications

  • Hofmann, J 2009, 'The power of stars across industries', 22nd Doctoral Colloquium of the 38th Annual Conference of the European Marketing Academy, Nantes, France, May, 26-29


    Academic communications

  • Hofmann, J 2013, 'r-equivalent – A silver bullet with regard to missing correlations?', 1st Workshop on Synthesizing Complex Statistical Models, Koln, Germany, March, 8


    Non Peer-reviewed Conference

  • Hofmann, J 2014, "Stars als Human Brands im Sport", in H Preuß, F Huber, H Schunk & T Könecke (eds) , Marken und Sport, Wiesbaden, Germany, pp. 215-233


    Research books and book chapters

  • Hofmann, J & Heidemann, B 2011, "Markendifferenzierung durch die Nutzung von Human Brands", in F Völckner, C Willers & T Weber (eds) , Markendifferenzierung – Innovative Konzepte zur erfolgreichen Markenprofilierung, Wiesbaden, Germany, pp. 295-314


    Research books and book chapters

  • Völckner, F & Hofmann, J 2009, "The price-perceived quality relationship: A meta-analytic review and assessment of its determinants", in J Cadogan (ed.), Marketing Strategy – Six-Volume Set, London, United Kingdom


    Research books and book chapters

  • Sohier, R, Sohier, A, Pantin-Sohier, G & Hoffman, J 2023, 'Luxe et rap : la bonne formule pour une image de marque plus cool ?', The Conversation, November 23.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Hofmann, J 2019, 'How e-learning can improve student’s autonomy and foster active participation', Blog EM Normandie, 5 novembre. 


    Articles in professional journals

  • Hofmann, J 2019, 'How e-learning can improve student’s autonomy and foster active participation', Blog EM Normandie, November 5. 


    Articles in professional journals

  • Hofmann, J 2019, « Empirical generalizations on the impact of stars on the economic success of movies », Vidéo FNEGE Medias, Paris, juin.


    Scientific dissemination videos

  • Hofmann, J 2019, « Empirical generalizations on the impact of stars on the economic success of movies », Vidéo FNEGE Medias, Paris, june.


    Scientific dissemination videos