
Assistant Professor in Management and Organisations Studies

Academic Director of Graduate Program International Marketing and Business Development


Louis Vuarin is an Assistant Professor in Management and Organization Studies, and he joined EM Normandie in 2024. He holds a PhD in Management Science from ESCP, awarded in 2020. As a teacher-researcher specializing in organization theory and innovation management, his work focuses particularly on epistemic processes, which involve how individuals reason, produce knowledge, and make sense of truth and justification within organizations. He is the Academic Director of the Master 2/MSc in International Marketing and Business Development.

Professional experience

Since 2024 : Assistant Professor in Management and Organization Studies, EM Normandie
2021-2024 : Post-doc and in charge of education, lPP - Ecole Polytechnique et Télécom Paris
2011-2015 : Risk manager 

Organisational studies & HR Management
Matières enseignées
Leadership Negotiation Sociology of organisations
2020 : Doctorat en Sciences de Gestion, ESCP Europe


  • Vuarin, L & Steyer, V (forthcoming), 'La résilience organisationnelle face à l'Intelligence artificielle : examen critique du concept de "Human In The Loop', Innovations - Revue d'Economie et de Management de l'Innovation. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Vuarin, L & Massé, D (forthcoming), 'Bringing together multiple and diverse forms of resistance to innovation: A rhetorical approach to the anti-5G movement', M@n@gement. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Vuarin, L, Gomez, P & Massé, D 2023, 'Intelligence artificielle et innovation responsable : Cartographie des concepts et analyse de leur performativité', Innovations (IREMI, IJEIM), vol. 72, pp. 103-147. FNEGE : 2. 


    Academic articles

  • Vuarin, L & Steyer, V 2023, 'L’explicabilité de l’IA : un idéal trahi par sa mise en œuvre organisationnelle ?', Réseau.x. CNRS : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Vuarin, L &Steyer, V 2023, 'La transparence dans la législation européenne sur l’intelligence artificielle (AI Act) : une exigence à double tranchant', Bulletin 151 « IA & Normes » de l’AFIA (Association Française d’Intelligence Artificielle).  


    Other academic contributions

  • Vuarin, L, Aubert-Hassouni, C & Massé, D 2023, 'The disinformation business within the resistance to 5G: the role of scientific discourses in co-institutionalizing social movements of resistance to innovation', 39th EGOS Colloquium, Cagliari, Italy.  


    Academic communications

  • Vuarin, L 2023, 'The underground society of the catacombs of Paris: secrets and secrecy as coordination mechanisms in loosely coupled organizational contexts', 39th EGOS Colloquium, Cagliari, Italy.


    Academic communications

  • Vuarin, L & Massé, D 2022, 'Démêler l’écheveau épistémique des mouvements de résistances aux nouvelles technologies : le cas de l’opposition à la 5G', XXXIe Conférence Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS), Annecy, France.


    Academic communications

  • Colin, L & Vuarin, L 2022, 'L’explicabilité de l’IA comme objet frontière : le cas des « robots tueurs »', 27ème conférence de l'AIM, Carry le Rouet, France.


    Academic communications

  • Vuarin, L & Steyer, V 2021, 'Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) at work: Organizing AI epistemic robustness', 37th EGOS Colloquium, Amsterdam, Netherlands.


    Academic communications

  • Vuarin, L 2019, 'Spies, Freemasons, AA Members, Rioters, Exorcists: The Cognitive Process Of Organizational Arcana', Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism (SCOS), York, UK, July 8-11.


    Academic communications

  • Vuarin, L 2019, 'Le management d'une ignorance opportune : le cas des organisations secrètes', 7ème Congrès "Philosophie(s) du management" de la Société de Philosophie en Sciences de Gestion, Paris, France, May 16-18. 


    Academic communications

  • Vuarin, L 2019, 'A process perspective on functional ignorance: The initiation phase in secret organizations', 35th EGOS Colloquium, Edinburgh, UK, July, 4-7.  


    Academic communications

  • Minier, H & Vuarin, L 2018, 'Murmures et apartés au sein des intercommunalités de l’Yonne: L’évolution conjointe entre leadership et innovation administrative révélée par l’usage et le partage de petits secrets', 7ème Colloque AIRMAP, Biarritz. France, May 31 - June 1. 


    Academic communications

  • Vuarin, L 2018, 'Sept patterns de Stratégies Cognitives de Créativité (SCC)', XXVIIe Conférence Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS), Montpellier, France, 6-8 juin. 


    Academic communications

  • Berlinski, E & Vuarin, L 2018, 'The desirable black-box of machine learning models', 34th EGOS Colloquium, Tallinn, Estonia.


    Academic communications

  • Vuarin, L 2018, 'The cognitive process of organizational arcana', Interdisciplinary Workshop on Secrecy in Organisations, Oxford, UK, July 2-3. 


    Academic communications

  • Vuarin, L 2017, 'How to create a terrorist? Empirical evidences for a cognitive facet of secrets and secrecy in organizations', 33rd EGOS Colloquium, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 6-8 July.  


    Academic communications

  • Vuarin, L 2023, 'Voyage entre la collecte des données et l’analyse', in Gaillard, H., Cloarec, J., Senn, J., and Grandazzi, A., L’expérience de thèse en management, Éditions Management et Société.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Buquet, R & Vuarin., L 2022, 'Theranos: Blood Makes Headlines in Silicon Valley', International Journal of Case Studies in Management, vol. 20 (1).


    Research books and book chapters

  • Glaser, A, Steyer, V & Vuarin, L (forthcoming), 'Facebook: Organiser ce lien qui nous (dés)unit', International Journal of Case Studies in Management.


    Case studies

  • Fournier, C, Sitte de Longeval, O, Steyer, V & Vuarin, L 2023, 'BOEING 737 MAX : chronique d'un crash organisationnel annoncé', Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques.


    Case studies

  • Vuarin, L, Steyer, V & Jouini, S 2022, 'L’(in)explicabilité de l’IA : au-delà de la technique, l’enjeu organisationnel et politique', Le Monde.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Steyer, V, Vuarin, L & Jouini, S 2021, ' IA : Pourquoi il faut ouvrir la boîte noire', Polytechnique Insights, vol. 11(17).


    Articles in professional journals

  • Buquet, R & Vuarin, L 2018, 'Startups frauduleuses : l’aveuglement complice des investisseurs', The Conversation, October.  


    Articles in professional journals