Mame Bigué GNINGUE

Le Havre

Associate Professor in Supply Chain Management, Logistics


Mame Gningue is an Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management and Logistics. She joined EM Normandie in 2011. She has a PhD in management science from the University of Le Havre-Normandy, awarded in 2011. Her thesis is on security risk management in the global supply chain: the case of the global transportation of cargo. Her research interests are supply chain management, risk management, performance management and decision support systems. Prior to her doctorate, she held posts in industrial operations management and supply chain risk management in a multinational environment.

Professional experience

Since 2011: associate professor in Supply Chain Management, EM Normandie

Supply Chain & Management Digital
Matières enseignées
Logistics Supply Chain Management Risk Management
2011 : PhD in management science, option Logistics, Université Le Havre-Normandie


  • Gningue, M, Bedoui, W & Venkatesh, V. G. (forthcoming), 'A Port Performance Measurement Approach Using a Sustainability Balanced Scorecard Based on Stakeholders’ Expectations', Maritime Policy & Management. ABS-2.


    Academic articles

  • Bedoui, W & Gningue, M 2019, 'Modèle de Pilotage de la Performance Globale basé sur les Perceptions des Parties Prenantes Portuaires', Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport, no. 75, pp. 29-62. CNRS 4 ; FNEGE : 4 HCERES: C


    Academic articles

  • Bedoui, W & Gningue, M 2019, 'Modèle de Pilotage de la Performance Globale basé sur les Perceptions des Parties Prenantes Portuaires', Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport, no. 75, pp. 29-62. CNRS 4 ; FNEGE : 4 HCERES: C


    Academic articles

  • Froufe, S & Gningue, M 2018, 'SCRM : de la pertinence de considérer les risques de misfits liés aux systèmes d’information', Revue Française de Gestion, vol. 44, no. 277, novembre-décembre. CNRS: 3 ; FNEGE: 2 ; HCERES: A


    Academic articles

  • Froufe, S & Gningue, M 2018, 'SCRM : de la pertinence de considérer les risques de misfits liés aux systèmes d’information', Revue Française de Gestion, vol. 44, no. 277, November-December. CNRS: 3 ; FNEGE: 2 ; HCERES: A


    Academic articles

  • Gningue, M 2014, 'Intégration améliorée de FMEA et HACCP pour la gestion du risque sécuritaire dans le transport international de marchandises conteneurisées', Les Cahiers Scientifiques du Transport, no. 66, pp.39-70; CNRS: 4; AERES: C; FNEGE: 4


    Academic articles

  • Fredouet, C-H, Boukachour, J, Boudebous, D & Gningue, M 2012, 'Prototype d’un système expert pour la sécurisation du passage portuaire du conteneur', Revue Française de Gestion Industrielle, vol. 31, no. 1, pp.9-33, avril.; CNRS: 4; AERES: C; FNEGE: 4


    Academic articles

  • Froufe, S, Gningue, M & Fredouet, C-H 2014, 'Expertise modeling and transportation risk management: an application to container transportation security risk management', Journal of International Logistics and Trade, vol. 12, no. 1, pp.75-97, April.


    Other academic contributions

  • Gningue, M & Tliche, Y 2023, ' How do new technologies impact supply chains’ vulnerability in industry 4.0?', Annual Regional Sustainable Development Conference, Ho-Chi-minh-City, Vietnam, July 17-18.


    Academic communications

  • Gningue, M 2019, Integrated performance analysis in ports: Case of Radès container terminal', International Conference on Business Management (ICM19 NY Conference), New York City, USA, April 26-29.


    Academic communications

  • Gningue, M 2019, Integrated performance analysis in ports: Case of Radès container terminal', International Conference on Business Management (ICM19 NY Conference), New York City, USA, April 26-29.


    Academic communications

  • Gningue, M, Kamissoko, D & Froufe, S 2017, 'Opportunité d’évaluer les risques en Supply Chain Management par l’approche de management des risques projet', LOGISTIQUA 2017, Rabat, Maroc, 27-28 avril


    Academic communications

  • Gningue, M, Kamissoko, D & Froufe, S 2017, 'Assessing Supply Chain Risk through a Project Risk Management Approach', 3rd International Conference on Decision Support System Technology (ICDSST 2017), Namur, Belgique, May, 29-31


    Academic communications

  • Gningue, M 2016, 'La Gestion de risque dans la supply chain : du secteur commercial au secteur humanitaire', GOL'16 (IEEE International Conference on Logistics Operations Management), Fez, Marocco, 23-25 mai


    Academic communications

  • Gningue, M 2017, 'Livrer par drones : les entreprises sont-elles prêtes ?', The Conversation, pp.0-0, September, 29.


    Articles in professional journals