Mohammed Hichame Benbitour

Mohammed Hichame BENBITOUR


Assistant professor in logistic
DA M2 IA for marketing strategy


Mohammed Hichame Benbitour is an assistant professor in supply chain management and joined EM Normandie Business School in 2021. He has a PhD in management science from the Ecole CentraleSupélec, obtained in 2018. His thesis focuses on the management of supplier operations in the automotive industry, where he studied various topics such as calculating components safety stocks, using advanced demand information in inventory control and improving internal cross-docking operations. His research interests are supply chain management, operations management, business analytics, demand forecasting, and sustainability. He is DA M2 IA for marketing strategy.

Professional experience

Since 2021: assistant professor in logistic, EM Normandie
2020: visiting researcher, London Business School

Supply Chain & Management Digital
Matières enseignées
Supply chain 4.0 issues. Purchasing and Logistics Fundamentals Strategic Logistics Management
2018 : PhD in Industrial Engineering, CentraleSupélec


  • Mahammed Hamdan, A, Hamdan, S, Benbitour, M-H & Jradi, S (forthcoming), ‘On the Fair Scheduling of Truck Drivers in Delivery Companies: Balancing Fairness and Profit’, Central European Journal of Operations Research. ABS :1.


    Academic articles

  • Benbitour, M-H, Jradi, S & Ruiggiero, J (forthcoming), 'Decoding Worldwide Efficiency: Linking Government Spending, Corruption, Gender Inequality, and Renewable Energy Practices', Journal of Environmental Management. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Benbitour, M.H, Ban, G.Y & Chen, B.B 2023, 'Selling Personalized Substitutes and Co-Purchases in Online Grocery Retail', Informs, Phoenix, USA, October 15-18.


    Academic communications

  • Mahmoud, A, Benbitour, M.H, Jemai, A, Sahin, E & Baratte 2023, 'Integrated Shipment and Production Planning: A mixed-integer linear programming approach with multiple suppliers and Due Dates', International Conference on Networking, Sensing & Control, Marseille, France, October 25-27.


    Academic communications

  • MohitMahmoud, A, Benbitour, M.H, Jemai, A, Sahin, E & Baratte 2023, 'Integrated Planning of Orders with Priorities and Due Dates in the Automotive Industry: A Proposition of a mixed-integer linear programming approach', Computers & Industrial Engineering Conference, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, October 30-November 2.


    Academic communications

  • Gah-Yi, B, Boxiao, B.C & Benbitour, M.H 2022, 'Selling personalized upgraded substitutes and co-purchases in online grocery retail', INFORMS Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, USA, October 16-19.


    Academic communications