mustafeed zaman

Mustafeed ZAMAN

Le Havre

Associate Professor in Digital Marketing


Mustafeed Zaman is an Associate Professor of Digital Marketing at EM Normandie Business School. He joined EM Normandie Business School in 2019. He has a PhD in Management Sciences from the Institute of Business Administration, University of Perpignan (France), awarded in 2018. His PhD thesis was on “Web Innovativeness and ICT Adoption in Tourism SMEs”. His area of specialization and research is Innovativeness, Digital Transformation, Marketing Strategy, Digital Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Information & Communication Technology, Technology Acceptance and Adoption, Digitalization of Services, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data and Travel, Tourism & Hospitality Management. Dr. Zaman has received multiple distinctions such as “Academic Excellence Award” for Pedagogical Innovation from Fondation EM Normandie, France (2021); "Valedictorian / Top of the Class" from Excelia Group (La Rochelle Business School), France (2012); "Best Paper Award" at the 8th International Conference on Service Management from the Virginia Tech, USA (2015); and "Best PhD Thesis Award" in Tourism Management from French Tourism Research Association (AFMAT) (2019).

Professional experience

Since 2019 : assistant professor in Digital Marketing, EM Normandie
2018-2019 : faculty in strategy,  EDHEC Business School
2015-2019 : part-time lecturer in marketing, Excelia Tourism & Hospitality School, La Rochelle
2016-2018 : lecturer & researcher in management sciences, Université de Perpignan Via Domitia

Matières enseignées
Services marketing Digital Marketing Strategy
2018 : PhD in Management Sciences, Université de Perpignan Via Domitia
Read the articles on the blog


  • Zaman, M 2018, 'Mesure de l'innovativité et facteurs d'adoption des innovations Web : le cas des Organismes de Gestion de Destination (OGD) français', PhD in Management Sciences, Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, Perpignan, France.


    PhD Dissertation / Accreditation to Supervise Management Research

  • Seyfi, S, Kuhzady, S, Rastegar, R, Vo-Thanh, T & Zaman, M (forthcoming), 'Exploring the dynamics of tourist travel intention before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A scoping review', Tourism Recreation Research. FNEGE : 4 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Rather, R-A, Zaman, M, Rasul, T, Nawaz, M-Z & Akhtar, N (forthcoming), 'Why do Customers Engage and Interact in Metaverse Tourism? An SOR Perspective', Current Issues in Tourism. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Seyfi, S, Nsom Kimbu, A, Tavangar, M, Vo-Thanh, T & Zaman, M (forthcoming), 'Surviving crisis: Building tourism entrepreneurial resilience as a woman in a sanctions-ravaged destination', Tourism Management. FNEGE : 1 ; ABS : 4.


    Academic articles

  • Vo-Thanh, T, Zaman, M, Thai, T.D-H, Hasan, R & Senbeto, D-L 2024, ‘Perceived Customer Journey Innovativeness and Customer Satisfaction: A Mixed-Method Approach’, Annals of Operations Research, vol. 333, pp. 1019-1044. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3 ; HCERES : A.


    Academic articles

  • Zaman, M, Tan, C.C, Islam, M.S & Salem, K.M (forthcoming), 'Hospitality customer intentions to write fake online reviews: A cross-cultural approach', International Journal of Hospitality Management. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Akram, Z, Zaman, M, Khan, M.A & Selem, K.M (forthcoming), 'Beyond the gilded lobby! Multilevel exploration of supervisory punishment’s influence in upscale hotels', Current Issues in Tourism. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Seyfi, S, Vo-Thanh, T & Zaman, M (forthcoming), 'Hospitality in the age of Gen Z: A critical reflection on evolving customer and workforce expectations', International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Qeidari, H.S., Seyfi, S, Hall, C.M, Vo-Thanh, T & Zaman, M 2024, ‘You wouldn’t want to go there’: What drives the stigmatization of a destination?', Tourism Recreation Research, vol. 49, issue 6, pp. 1247-1258. FNEGE : 4 ; ABS : 2 ; HCERES : C.


    Academic articles

  • Seyfi, S, Hall, C.M, Saarinen, J, Zaman, M & Vo-Thanh, T (forthcoming), 'Identifying constraints on Gen Z's path toward ethical tourism consumption and practices', Journal of Sustainable Tourism. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Ghaderi, Z, Beal, L, Zaman, M, Hall, M & Ahmad Rather, R 2024, 'How does sharing travel experiences on social media improve social and personal ties?', Current Issues in Tourism, vol. 27, issue 21, pp. 3478-3494. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Ghaderi,Z, Beal, L, Hall, M, Zaman, M, Rather, R.A, & Mat Som, A.P (forthcoming), 'Cybersecurity and Smart Tourist Destinations Resilience', Tourism Recreation Research. FNEGE : 4 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Kuhzady, S, Gorji, A.S, Parkand, R.R. Vo-Thanh, T & Zaman, M (forthcoming), 'Voices in the digital crowd: A discursive analysis of Airbnb boycott', Tourism Recreation Research. FNEGE : 4 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Sharifi-Tehrani, M, Seyfi, S, Vo-Thanh,T & Zaman, M (forthcoming), 'Women’s Network Resource Acquisition in Informal Rural Entrepreneurship: A Developed View of Opportunity versus Necessity Dichotomy', Journal of Travel Research. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 4.


    Academic articles

  • Zaman, M 2024, 'Comment tirer le maximum d’impacts positifs des JO de Paris ?', The Conversation, July 7.


    Academic articles

  • Zaman, M, Hasan, R, Vo-Thanh, T, Shams, R, Rahman, M & Jasim, K.M (forthcoming), 'Adopting the Metaverse in the Luxury Hotel Business: A Cost-Benefit Perspective', International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Sahadev, S, Chung, S, Zaman, M, Handoko, I, Vo-Thanh, T, Phong Nguyen, N & Kumra, R (forthcoming), 'Exploring The Antecedents of 'Deep' eWOM Providing Behaviour in Mobile Shopping: A Multi-Country Study', Information Technology and People. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Hosseini, S, Gorji, A.S,  Vo-Thanh, T & Zaman, M (forthcoming), 'Behind the hashtags: Exploring tourists' motivations in a social media-centered boycott campaign', Tourism Recreation Research. FNEGE : 4 ; ABS : 2 ; HCERES : C


    Academic articles

  • Seyfi, S, Michael Hall, C, Vo-Thanh, T & Zaman, M 2023, 'How does digital media engagement influence sustainability-driven political consumerism among Gen Z tourists?', Journal of Sustainable Tourism, vol. 31, issue 11, pp. 2441-2459. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 3 ; HCERES : B.


    Academic articles

  • Zaman, M, Vo-Thanh, T, Nguyen, C.T.K, Hasan, R, Akter, S, Mariani, M & Hikkerova, L (à paraître), 'Motives for posting fake reviews: Evidence from a cross-cultural comparison', Journal of Business Research. FNEGE : 2 ; CNRS : 2 ; HCERES : A ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Zaman, M, Michael, N, Michael, I & Hasan, R 2022, 'Does the use of big data make the websites more innovative? Evidence from the UAE', International Journal of Big Data Management, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 152-169.


    Academic articles

  • Séraphin, H, Zaman, M, Olver, S, Bourliataux-Lajoinie, S & Dosquet, F 2019, "Destination branding and overtourism". Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, vol. 38, pp. 1-4.


    Academic articles

  • Seraphin, H, Gowreesunkar, V, Zaman, M, & Lorey, T 2019, "Limitations of Trexit (Tourism Exit) as a Solution to Overtourism". Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, vol. 11(5), pp. 566-581.


    Academic articles

  • Seraphin, H, Gowreesunkar, V, Zaman, M, & Lorey, T 2019, "Limitations of Trexit (Tourism Exit) as a Solution to Overtourism". Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, vol. 11(5), pp. 566-581.


    Academic articles

  • Seraphin, H, Gowreesunkar, V, Zaman, M, & Bourliataux-Lajoinie, S 2019, "Community based festivals as a tool to tackle tourismphobia and antitourism movements". Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, vol. 39, pp. 219-223.


    Academic articles

  • Seraphin, H, Gowreesunkar, V, Zaman, M, & Bourliataux-Lajoinie, S 2019, "Community based festivals as a tool to tackle tourismphobia and antitourism movements". Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, vol. 39, pp. 219-223.


    Academic articles

  • Séraphin, H, Zaman, M, Olver, S, Bourliataux-Lajoinie, S & Dosquet, F 2019, "Destination branding and overtourism". Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, vol. 38, pp. 1-4.


    Academic articles

  • Michael, N, Zaman, M & Gorpe, T.S 2018, "A case study of developing leadership and creativity skills in higher education (HE) students", e-Review of Tourism Research, vol. 15(4/5), pp. 282-313


    Academic articles

  • Michael, N, Zaman, M & Gorpe, T.S 2018, "A case study of developing leadership and creativity skills in higher education (HE) students", e-Review of Tourism Research, vol. 15(4/5), pp. 282-313


    Academic articles

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L, Boulin, J.L & Corne, A 2017, "Intégration des innovations Web: défi relevé pour les OGD français?", Management & Avenir, vol. 91, pp. 163-184.


    Academic articles

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L, Boulin, J.L & Corne, A 2017, "Intégration des innovations Web: défi relevé pour les OGD français?", Management & Avenir, vol. 91, pp. 163-184.


    Academic articles

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L & Vo Thanh, T 2016, "Does managerial efficiency relate to customer satisfaction? The case of Parisian boutique hotels. International Journal of Culture", Tourism and Hospitality Research, vol. 10(4), pp. 455-470.


    Academic articles

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L & Thanh, T.V 2016, "Weight of criteria in hotel selection: An empirical illustration based on TripAdvisor criteria". European Journal of Tourism Research, vol. 13(1), pp. 132-138.


    Academic articles

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L & Thanh, T.V 2016, "Weight of criteria in hotel selection: An empirical illustration based on TripAdvisor criteria". European Journal of Tourism Research, vol. 13(1), pp. 132-138.


    Academic articles

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L & Vo Thanh, T 2016, "Does managerial efficiency relate to customer satisfaction? The case of Parisian boutique hotels. International Journal of Culture", Tourism and Hospitality Research, vol. 10(4), pp. 455-470.


    Academic articles

  • Zaman, M & Vo-Thanh, T 2024, 'Do I Really Need to Adopt Metaverse? The Case of Luxury Hotels', AFMAT, Paris, France, May 15-17.


    Academic communications

  • Hasan, R., Zaman, M., & Koles, B 2023, 'Travellers’ Intent to Use Chatbots on Websites and Social media Platforms prior to, during, and after their Trips', 24th Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress, Canterbury, UK, July 11-14.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Hasan, R, Vo-Thanh, Tan 2023, 'Understanding Travelers’ Intention to Use Chatbots: A Mixed-Method Approach', AFMAT Conference, Gérone, Spain, May 31 - June 2.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M & Vo Thanh, T 2020, ‘Weight of Attributes and Value Co-Creation: The Case of Hotel Industry’, International Conference on Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Industry, Bangkok, Thailand, January 16-17.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M & Vo Thanh, T 2020, ‘Weight of Attributes and Value Co-Creation: The Case of Hotel Industry’, International Conference on Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Industry, Bangkok, Thailand, January 16-17.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Béal, L, Chapuis,J.-M, Montargot, N & Voillard, L 2019, 'Hotel Dynamic Pricing at Destination Level: Exploratory Analysis of La Baule (France)', 3rd Revenue Management & Pricing in Services Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, December 2-3.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Vo Thanh, T & Botti, L 2019, "Mesure de l'innovativité perçue: le cas des restaurants", 6ème Conférence de l'Association Francophone de Management du Tourisme (AFMAT), Perpignan, France, 21-22 May.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Béal, L, Chapuis,J.-M, Montargot, N & Voillard, L 2019, 'Hotel Dynamic Pricing at Destination Level: Exploratory Analysis of La Baule (France)', 3rd Revenue Management & Pricing in Services Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, December 2-3.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M & Béal, L. 2019, " À l'ère du Big Data, quels rôles pour les OGD? Le cas de Charentes Tourisme", 6ème Conférence de l'Association Francophone de Management du Tourisme (AFMAT), Perpignan, France, 21-22 Mai


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M & Béal, L. 2019, " À l'ère du Big Data, quels rôles pour les OGD? Le cas de Charentes Tourisme", 6ème Conférence de l'Association Francophone de Management du Tourisme (AFMAT), Perpignan, France, 21-22 May


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Vo Thanh, T & Botti, L 2019, "Mesure de l'innovativité perçue: le cas des restaurants", 6ème Conférence de l'Association Francophone de Management du Tourisme (AFMAT), Perpignan, France, 21-22 Mai.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L, Michael, N & Michael, I 2018, « Factors of ICT Adoption: A Comparative Analysis Between France and UAE », TTRA (Travel and Tourism Research Association) Europe Chapter Conference, Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 26 april.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M & Dauxert, T 2018, « L'usage stratégique des avis en ligne dans l'innovation des services et de co-création de valeur : le cas du secteur hôtelier », 21ème Conférence internationale - Etienne Thil, IMMD, Roubaix, France, 5 oct.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L, Michael, N & Michael, I 2018, « Factors of ICT Adoption: A Comparative Analysis Between France and UAE », TTRA (Travel and Tourism Research Association) Europe Chapter Conference, Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 26 april.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Vo Thanh, T & Botti, L 2018, « Quel rôle étique pour le(s) site(s) web d'un territoire touristique? », 5ème Conférence de l'Association Francophone de Management du Tourisme (AFMAT), FNEGE - Cité Universitaire de Paris, Paris, France, 22 - 25 mai.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M & Dauxert, T 2018, « L'usage stratégique des avis en ligne dans l'innovation des services et de co-création de valeur : le cas du secteur hôtelier », 21ème Conférence internationale - Etienne Thil, IMMD, Roubaix, France, 5 oct.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M & Dauxert, T 2018, "Use of e-WOM in Service Innovation : The Case of Parisian Hotels", TTRA (Travel and Tourism Research Association) Europe Chapter Conference, Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, april 26.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Vo Thanh, T & Botti, L 2018, « Quel rôle étique pour le(s) site(s) web d'un territoire touristique? », 5ème Conférence de l'Association Francophone de Management du Tourisme (AFMAT), FNEGE - Cité Universitaire de Paris, Paris, France, 22 - 25 may.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Béal, L, Chamot, S & Laherrère, J 2018, « Revenue Management de Destination (RMD) et Pérennité des territoires touristiques: Une expérience inédite de Charentes Tourisme (France) », Colloque - Réinvention des territoires touristiques, Université de Lausanne, Sion, Suisse, 14 septembre. 


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M & Dauxert, T 2018, "Use of e-WOM in Service Innovation : The Case of Parisian Hotels", TTRA (Travel and Tourism Research Association) Europe Chapter Conference, Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, april 26.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Béal, L, Chamot, S & Laherrère, J 2018, « Revenue Management de Destination (RMD) et Pérennité des territoires touristiques: Une expérience inédite de Charentes Tourisme (France) », Colloque - Réinvention des territoires touristiques, Université de Lausanne, Sion, Switzerland, september 14. 


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L, Michael, N, Michael, I & Beal, L 2018, "Measuring the Innovativeness of Tourism Websites: The Case of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)", 13ème Asia Tourism Forum, Université d'Angers, Angers, France, 8 june. 


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L, Michael, N, Michael, I & Beal, L 2018, "Measuring the Innovativeness of Tourism Websites: The Case of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)", 13ème Asia Tourism Forum, Université d'Angers, Angers, France, 8 june. 


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L & Boulin, J.L 2017, « Facteurs d’adoption des Innovations Web dans l’organisation : Le cas des OGD français », 4ème conférence de l’AFMAT (Association Francophone de Management du Tourisme), IAE de La Rochelle et Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de La Rochelle, La Rochelle, France, may 5.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L & Vo Thanh, T 2017, « Facteurs d’adoption des Innovations Web : Le cas des hôtels indépendants en France », 48ème conférence internationale annuelle – TTRA (Travel and Tourism Research Association), Hôtel Hilton, Québec, Canada, 22 juin. 


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L & Vo Thanh, T 2017, « Facteurs d’adoption des Innovations Web : Le cas des hôtels indépendants en France », 48ème conférence internationale annuelle – TTRA (Travel and Tourism Research Association), Hôtel Hilton, Québec, Canada, june 22. 


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L & Boulin, J.L 2017, « Facteurs d’adoption des Innovations Web dans l’organisation : Le cas des OGD français », 4ème conférence de l’AFMAT (Association Francophone de Management du Tourisme), IAE de La Rochelle et Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de La Rochelle, La Rochelle, France, 5 mai.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L, Corne, A & Peypoch, N 2016, "Benchmarking of Hospitality Sector: Operational Performance and Customer Satisfaction", TTRA (Travel and Tourism Research Association) Europe Chapter Conference, Shannon College of Hotel Management, Shannon, Ireland, 20-24 april.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L, Boulin, J-L, Corne, A & Peypoch, N 2016, « Intégrer l’innovation dans ses pratiques : le cas des DMO françaises et de leurs sites web », 3ème conférence de l’AFMAT (Association Francophone de Management du Tourisme), INSEEC Business School – Campus Alpes-Savoie, Chambéry, France, may 4.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L, Michael, M & Michael, I 2016, "The use of ICT as a tool of Nation Branding: The case of UAE DMO websites", TTRA (Travel and Tourism Research Association) Asia Pacific Chapter, Middlesex University Dubai, Dubai, UAE, 4 dec.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L, Michael, M & Michael, I 2016, "The use of ICT as a tool of Nation Branding: The case of UAE DMO websites", TTRA (Travel and Tourism Research Association) Asia Pacific Chapter, Middlesex University Dubai, Dubai, UAE, 4 dec.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L & Vo Thanh, T 2016, "Weight of Hotel Attributes: Application to Guests of Disneyland Paris Hotels", 6th Advances in Hospitality & Tourism Marketing & Management Conference, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China,  14 july.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L,  Boulin, J-L,  Corne, A & Peypoch, N 2016, « Analyse de sites Web d’organisations de marketing de destinations (OMD): proposition d’une méthode multicritère », 84ème congrès de l’Acfas (Association francophone pour le savoir), ESG (École des sciences de la gestion), UQAM (Université de Québec à Montréal), Montréal, Canada, 13 mai.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L & Vo Thanh, T 2016, "Weight of Hotel Attributes: Application to Guests of Disneyland Paris Hotels", 6th Advances in Hospitality & Tourism Marketing & Management Conference, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China,  14 july.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L,  Boulin, J-L,  Corne, A & Peypoch, N 2016, « Analyse de sites Web d’organisations de marketing de destinations (OMD): proposition d’une méthode multicritère », 84ème congrès de l’Acfas (Association francophone pour le savoir), ESG (École des sciences de la gestion), UQAM (Université de Québec à Montréal), Montréal, Canada, may 13.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L, Corne, A & Peypoch, N 2016, "Benchmarking of Hospitality Sector: Operational Performance and Customer Satisfaction", TTRA (Travel and Tourism Research Association) Europe Chapter Conference, Shannon College of Hotel Management, Shannon, Ireland, 20-24 april.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L, Boulin, J-L, Corne, A & Peypoch, N 2016, « Intégrer l’innovation dans ses pratiques : le cas des DMO françaises et de leurs sites web », 3ème conférence de l’AFMAT (Association Francophone de Management du Tourisme), INSEEC Business School – Campus Alpes-Savoie, Chambéry, France, 4 mai.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Vo Thanh, T & Botti, L 2015, "The Weight of Hotel Attributes for Visitors of Disneyland Paris and Co-creation of Value", 8th International Conference on Services Management: Creating Value, Innovation in Delivering Services, Virginia Tech, Washington D.C. USA, 28 november.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Vo Thanh, T & Botti, L 2015, « The Weight of Hotel Attributes for Visitors of Disneyland Paris and Co-creation of Value », 8th International Conference on Services Management: Creating Value, Innovation in Delivering Services, Virginia Tech, Washington D.C. USA, 28 november.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Vo Thanh, T & Botti, L 2015, « Image projetée et image perçue d’une destination: le cas de la France », 2ème Conférence de l'Association Francophone de Management du Tourisme (AFMAT), EM Strasbourg Business School, University de Strasbourg, France, 13 mai.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Vo Thanh, T & Botti, L 2015, « Image projetée et image perçue d’une destination: le cas de la France », 2ème Conférence de l'Association Francophone de Management du Tourisme (AFMAT), EM Strasbourg Business School, University de Strasbourg, France, 13 may.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L. & Vo Thanh, T 2015, « Assessing the Global Performance of Hotels: the French Case », TTRA (Travel and Tourism Research Association) Europe Chapter Conference, MCI Management Center, Innsbruck, Austria, 22 april.


    Academic communications

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L. & Vo Thanh, T 2015, « Assessing the Global Performance of Hotels: the French Case », TTRA (Travel and Tourism Research Association) Europe Chapter Conference, MCI Management Center, Innsbruck, Austria, 22 april.


    Academic communications

  • Sohier, A, Sohier, R & Zaman, M 2024, 'L’Économie maritime de la Polynésie française, un merritoire extra-continental au coeur des grands enjeux océaniques', Editions Sefacil, 191p.


    Research books

  • Zaman, M 2024, ‘L’application mobile comme outil de lutte contre le gaspillage alimentaire’, in  Laré, A. et Saadaoui, K Fiches de Développement durable et RSE : Rappels de cours et exercices corrigés, Ed. Ellipses, p. 247-254, fiche 21, juillet. 


    Research books and book chapters

  • Islam, R, Johard, L, Bahrami, M.R & Zaman, M 2023, 'An Analytic Hierarchy Process for Student Motivation' In Jezic, G., Chen-Burger, J., Kusek, M., Sperka, R., Howlett, R.J., Jain, L.C. (eds) Agents and Multi-agent Systems: Technologies and Applications 2023. KES-AMSTA 2023. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol 354. Springer, Singapore, pp. 277-288.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Zaman, M, Vo Thanh, T, & Botti, L 2020, ‘Tackling Overtourism and Related Perverse Impacts by Using DMO Website as Tool of Social Innovation’ in H. Séraphin, T. Gladkikh,  & T. Vo Thanh (Eds.), Overtourism - Causes, Implications and Solutions, pp. 131-147. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Zaman, M, Vo Thanh, T, & Botti, L 2020, ‘Tackling Overtourism and Related Perverse Impacts by Using DMO Website as Tool of Social Innovation’ in H. Séraphin, T. Gladkikh,  & T. Vo Thanh (Eds.), Overtourism - Causes, Implications and Solutions, pp. 131-147. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Zaman, M, Dauxert, T & Michael, N 2020, 'Kid-friendly digital communication for hotels and service adaptation: Empirical evidence from family hotels', In H. Séraphin, & V. Gowreesunkar (Eds.), Children in Hospitality and Tourism - Marketing and Managing Expériences, pp. 123-136. De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Zaman, M, Dauxert, T & Michael, N 2020, 'Kid-friendly digital communication for hotels and service adaptation: Empirical evidence from family hotels', In H. Séraphin, & V. Gowreesunkar (Eds.), Children in Hospitality and Tourism - Marketing and Managing Expériences, pp. 123-136. De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Séraphin, H, Ambaye, M, Yallop, A, Gowreesunkar, V & Zaman, M 2020, 'Beyond KidZania: A new framework for identifying the potential impacts of resort mini-clubs', In H. Séraphin, & V. Gowreesunkar (Eds.), Children in Hospitality and Tourism - Marketing and Managing Expériences, pp. 11-30, De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Séraphin, H, Ambaye, M, Yallop, A, Gowreesunkar, V & Zaman, M 2020, 'Beyond KidZania: A new framework for identifying the potential impacts of resort mini-clubs', In H. Séraphin, & V. Gowreesunkar (Eds.), Children in Hospitality and Tourism - Marketing and Managing Expériences, pp. 11-30, De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L & Peypoch, N, 2018, « Adoption des innovations TIC dans les organismes de gestion des destinations: Comment relever les défis des nouvelles compétences? » In: Fabry, N. et J. Spindler (Eds.), Le tourisme: un domaine de compétence partagé, Paris : L'Harmattan, pp. 171-184.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Zaman, M, Botti, L & Peypoch, N, 2018), « Adoption des innovations TIC dans les organismes de gestion des destinations: Comment relever les défis des nouvelles compétences? » In: Fabry, N. et J. Spindler (Eds.), Le tourisme: un domaine de compétence partagé, Paris : L'Harmattan, pp. 171-184.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Zaman, M & Botti, L 2016, « Compétitivité des iles de la Caraïbe : Une approche multicritères », In: Séraphin, H. et F. Dosquet (Eds.),  Évènementiels dans la Caraïbe : Atouts et limites pour le tourisme et le territoire, Paris, L’Harmattan, pp. 90-106.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Zaman, M & Botti, L 2016, « Compétitivité des iles de la Caraïbe : Une approche multicritères », In: Séraphin, H. et F. Dosquet (Eds.),  Évènementiels dans la Caraïbe : Atouts et limites pour le tourisme et le territoire, Paris, L’Harmattan, pp. 90-106.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Zaman, M 2023, 'Sur-tourisme : une nouvelle voie par le tourisme créatif ?', Monde des Grandes Ecoles et Universités, October 23.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Béal, L & Zaman, M 2019, ‘Comment les plates-formes mettent la main sur le développement touristique des territoires’, The Conversation, 27 juin.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Béal, L & Zaman, M 2019, ‘Comment les plates-formes mettent la main sur le développement touristique des territoires’, The Conversation, june 27.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Zaman, M 2024, ‘What is Deep Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) ?’, Vidéo Fnege Medias, May.


    Scientific dissemination videos

  • Zaman, M 2023, ‘Comprendre les motivations pour poster de faux avis’, Vidéo FNEGE Médias, June.


    Scientific dissemination videos