davcik nebojsa

Nebojsa DAVCIK


Associate Professor in Marketing


Nebojsa Davcik is an Associate Professor of Marketing. He joined EM Normandie in 2020. He has a PhD in economics from the Università degli studi di Padova, awarded in 2010. His thesis is on factors that have a positive influence on branding strategies in the food industry. His research interests are in the broad field of brand management and marketing concepts, based on research and quantitative methods. Prior to joining the doctorate programme at the Università degli studi di Padova, he worked as a market development consultant for SMEs in the food industry.

Professional experience

Since 2020: associate professor in marketing, EM Normandie
2012-2019: research fellow and sssistant professor of marketing, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Business Research Unit (BRU-IUL), Lisbon, Portugal 
2011-2012: visiting professor, London School of Commerce
2010-2012: managing director, FINAT d.o.o.

Matières enseignées
International Marketing Digital Marketing Strategy
2010 : PhD in Economics and Management, Università degli studi di Padova, Italy
Read the articles on the blog


  • Davcik, N 2010, 'Brand value drivers and performances: Evidence from the food industry', PhD in Economics and Management, Università degli studi di Padova, Padova, Italy.


    PhD Dissertation / Accreditation to Supervise Management Research

  • Fisar, M, Greiner, B, Huber, C, Katok, E, Ozkes, A, Davcik, N & al 2024, 'Reproducibility in Management Science', Management Science, vol. 70, issue 3, pp. 1343-20. FNEGE : 1 ; ABS : 4 ; FT50.


    Academic articles

  • Davcik, N, Sharma, P & Markovic, S (forthcoming), 'Ethical Ramifications of the Dark Side of Business Practices in the International Business Area', Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility. FNEGE : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Davcik, N, Cardinali, S, Sharma, P & Cedrola, E 2021, 'Exploring the role of international R&D activities in the impact of technological and marketing capabilities on SMEs', performance?', Journal of Business Research, vol. 128, May, pp. 650-660.CNRS 2 ; FNEGE 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Davcik, N, Cardinali, S, Sharma, P & Cedrola, E 2021, 'Exploring the role of international R&D activities in the impact of technological and marketing capabilities on SMEs', performance?', Journal of Business Research, vol. 128, May, pp. 650-660.CNRS 2 ; FNEGE 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Sharma, P, Leung, T-Y, Kingshott, R, Davcik, N & Cardinali, S 2020, 'Managing uncertainty during a global pandemic: An international business perspective', Journal  of Business Research, vol. 116, pp. 188-192, August. CNRS : 2 ; FNEGE : 2 ; HCERES : A ; ABS : 3


    Academic articles

  • Sharma, P, Leung, T-Y, Kingshott, R, Davcik, N & Cardinali, S 2020, 'Managing uncertainty during a global pandemic: An international business perspective', Journal  of Business Research, vol. 116, pp. 188-192, August. CNRS : 2 ; FNEGE : 2 ; HCERES : A ; ABS : 3


    Academic articles

  • Marques, C, Da Silva, RV, Davcik, N & Tamagnini Faria, R 2020, 'The role of brand equity in a new rebranding strategy of a private label brand', Journal of Business Research, vol. 117, septembre, pp. 497-507. CNRS : 2; FNEGE : 2; HCERES : A; ABS 3.


    Academic articles

  • Marques, C, Da Silva, RV, Davcik, N & Tamagnini Faria, R 2020, 'The role of brand equity in a new rebranding strategy of a private label brand', Journal of Business Research, vol. 117, septembre, pp. 497-507. CNRS : 2; FNEGE : 2; HCERES : A; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Kingshott, R.P.J, Sharma, P, Hosie, P & Davcik, N 2019, 'Interactive impact of ethnic distance and cultural familiarity on the perceived effects of free trade agreements', Asia Pacific Journal of Management, vol. 36(1), pp. 135-160.


    Academic articles

  • Davcik, N & Grigoriou, N 2019, 'How an unequal intra-firm resources distribution affect market share', Marketing Intelligence & Planning, vol. 38 No. 2, pp. 167-180.


    Academic articles

  • Davcik, N & Grigoriou, N 2019, 'How an unequal intra-firm resources distribution affect market share', Marketing Intelligence & Planning, vol. 38 No. 2, pp. 167-180.


    Academic articles

  • Davcik, N, Sharma, P, Chan, R & Roy, R 2019, 'An introduction to the special issue on the past, present and future research on deliberate lookalikes', Journal of Product & Brand Management, vol. 28(6), pp. 701-706


    Academic articles

  • Davcik, N, Sharma, P, Chan, R & Roy, R 2019, 'An introduction to the special issue on the past, present and future research on deliberate lookalikes', Journal of Product & Brand Management, vol. 28(6), pp. 701-706


    Academic articles

  • Kingshott, R.P.J, Sharma, P, Hosie, P & Davcik, N 2019, 'Interactive impact of ethnic distance and cultural familiarity on the perceived effects of free trade agreements', Asia Pacific Journal of Management, vol. 36(1), pp. 135-160.


    Academic articles

  • Ly, A, Esperança, J & Davcik, N 2018, 'What drives Foreign Direct Investments (FDI): the role of language, geographical distance, information flow and technological similarity', Journal of Business Research, vol. 88(7), pp. 111-122.  


    Academic articles

  • Ly, A, Esperança, J & Davcik, N 2018, 'What drives Foreign Direct Investments (FDI): the role of language, geographical distance, information flow and technological similarity', Journal of Business Research, vol. 88(7), pp. 111-122.  


    Academic articles

  • Sharma, P, Davcik, N & Pillai, K.G 2016, 'Product Innovation as a Mediator in the Impact of R&D Expenditure and Brand Equity on Marketing Performance'. Journal of Business Research, vol. 69(12), pp. 5662-5669.


    Academic articles

  • Sharma, P, Davcik, N & Pillai, K.G 2016, 'Product Innovation as a Mediator in the Impact of R&D Expenditure and Brand Equity on Marketing Performance'. Journal of Business Research, vol. 69(12), pp. 5662-5669.


    Academic articles

  • Davcik, N & Sharma, P 2016, 'Marketing resources, performance, and competitive advantage: A review and future research directions'. Journal of Business Research, vol. 69(12), pp. 5547-5552. 


    Academic articles

  • Davcik, N & Sharma, P 2016, 'Marketing resources, performance, and competitive advantage: A review and future research directions'. Journal of Business Research, vol. 69(12), pp. 5547-5552. 


    Academic articles

  • Davcik, N, & Sharma, P 2015, 'Impact of Product Differentiation, Marketing Investments and Brand Equity on Pricing Strategies: A Brand Level Investigation', European Journal of Marketing, vol. 49(5/6), pp. 760-781.


    Academic articles

  • Davcik, N, & Sharma, P 2015, 'Impact of Product Differentiation, Marketing Investments and Brand Equity on Pricing Strategies: A Brand Level Investigation', European Journal of Marketing, vol. 49(5/6), pp. 760-781.


    Academic articles

  • Davcik, N, da Silva, R.V & Hair, J 2015, 'Towards a Unified Theory of Brand Equity: Conceptualizations, Taxonomy and Avenues for Future Research', Journal of Product and Brand Management, vol. 24(1), pp. 3-17


    Academic articles

  • Davcik, N, da Silva, R.V & Hair, J 2015, 'Towards a Unified Theory of Brand Equity: Conceptualizations, Taxonomy and Avenues for Future Research', Journal of Product and Brand Management, vol. 24(1), pp. 3-17


    Academic articles

  • Davcik, N 2014, 'The use and misuse of structural equation modeling in management research: A review and critique', Journal of Advances in Management Research, vol. 11(1), pp. 47-81.


    Academic articles

  • Davcik, N 2014, 'The use and misuse of structural equation modeling in management research: A review and critique', Journal of Advances in Management Research, vol. 11(1), pp. 47-81.


    Academic articles

  • Davcik, N 2013, 'An empirical investigation of brand equity: Drivers and their consequences', British Food Journal, vol. 115 (9), pp. 1342-1360.


    Academic articles

  • Davcik, N 2013, 'An empirical investigation of brand equity: Drivers and their consequences', British Food Journal, vol. 115 (9), pp. 1342-1360.


    Academic articles

  • Davcik, N & Rundquist, J 2012, 'An exploratory study of brand success: Evidence from the food industry'. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, vol. 24(1), pp. 91-109.


    Academic articles

  • Davcik, N & Rundquist, J 2012, 'An exploratory study of brand success: Evidence from the food industry'. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, vol. 24(1), pp. 91-109.


    Academic articles

  • Boesso, G, Davcik, N & Favotto, F 2009, 'Health-Enhancing Products in the Italian Food Industry: Multinationals and SMEs Competing on Yogurt', The Journal of Agrobiotechnology Management and Economics, vol. 12(2), pp. 155-166.  


    Academic articles

  • Boesso, G, Davcik, N & Favotto, F 2009, 'Health-Enhancing Products in the Italian Food Industry: Multinationals and SMEs Competing on Yogurt', The Journal of Agrobiotechnology Management and Economics, vol. 12(2), pp. 155-166.  


    Academic articles

  • Alqahtani, A, Sharma, P, Davcik, N & Kingshott, R 2024, 'How do brand evaluations affect online brand engagement? Mediation impact and evidence from Facebook', the Global Brand Conference, Edinburg, UK, April 22-24.


    Academic communications

  • Davcik, N & Sohier, R 2024, 'Digital Brand Equity: Systematic Literature Review and Lexicographic Analysis', the 25th World Marketing Congress, Bel Ombre, Mauritius, June 25-29.


    Academic communications

  • Davcik, N, Langaro, D & Nascimento, R 2019, 'Users’ perceptions of non-sponsored branded User generated content', 14th Global Brand Conference, Berlin, Germany, May 8-10.


    Academic communications

  • Davcik, N, Langaro, D & Nascimento, R 2019, 'Users’ perceptions of non-sponsored branded User generated content', 14th Global Brand Conference, Berlin, Germany, May 8-10.


    Academic communications

  • Vaniala, I, Davcik, N & Priem, R 2018, 'The Effects of Consumer Response on Inter-firm Competitive Dynamics', Competitive Dynamics Conference, Kingston, Canada, June 2-4. 


    Academic communications

  • Vaniala, I, Davcik, N & Priem, R 2018, 'The Effects of Consumer Response on Inter-firm Competitive Dynamics', 2018 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA, August 10-14. 


    Academic communications

  • Vaniala, I, Davcik, N & Priem, R 2018, 'The Effects of Consumer Response on Inter-firm Competitive Dynamics', Competitive Dynamics Conference, Kingston, Canada, June 2-4. 


    Academic communications

  • Vaniala, I, Davcik, N & Priem, R 2018, 'The Effects of Consumer Response on Inter-firm Competitive Dynamics', 2018 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA, August 10-14


    Academic communications

  • Vaniala, I, Davcik, N & Priem, R 2018, 'The Role of Consumers’ Responses in Interfirm Competitive Dynamics', 21 World Marketing Congress, Porto, Portugal, June 27-29. 


    Academic communications

  • Vaniala, I, Davcik, N & Priem, R 2018, 'The Role of Consumers’ Responses in Interfirm Competitive Dynamics', 21 World Marketing Congress, Porto, Portugal, June 27-29. 


    Academic communications

  • Vaniala, I, Davcik, N & Priem, R 2018, 'The Role of Consumers’ Responses in Interfirm Competitive Dynamics', EURAM 18, Reykjavik, Iceland,  June 19-22. 


    Academic communications

  • Vaniala, I, Davcik, N & Priem, R 2018, 'The Role of Consumers’ Responses in Interfirm Competitive Dynamics', EURAM 18, Reykjavik, Iceland,  June 19-22. 


    Academic communications

  •  Davcik, N & Grigoriou, N 2017, 'How an unequal intra-firm distribution of dynamic marketing capabilities affect market share', IRMBAM 2017, Nice, France, 5-6 July. 


    Academic communications

  •  Davcik, N & Grigoriou, N 2017, 'How an unequal intra-firm distribution of dynamic marketing capabilities affect market share', IRMBAM 2017, Nice, France, 5-6 July. 


    Academic communications

  • Davcik, N & Grigoriou, N 2017, 'How an unequal intra-firm distribution of dynamic marketing capabilities affect market share', 12th Global Brand Conference, Kalmar, Sweden, 26-28 April.


    Academic communications

  • Vaniala, L, Davcik, N Priem, R 2017, 'The Role of Consumers’ Responses in Inter-firm Competitive Dynamics', Academy of Management Journal “New Ways of Seeing” paper and idea development workshop, London, Ontario, Canada, June 2-3.


    Academic communications

  • Davcik, N & Grigoriou, N 2017, 'How an unequal intra-firm distribution of dynamic marketing capabilities affect market share', 12th Global Brand Conference, Kalmar, Sweden, 26-28 April.


    Academic communications

  • Vaniala, L, Davcik, N Priem, R 2017, 'The Role of Consumers’ Responses in Inter-firm Competitive Dynamics', Academy of Management Journal “New Ways of Seeing” paper and idea development workshop, London, Ontario, Canada, June 2-3.


    Academic communications

  • Ly, A, Esperança, J & Davcik, N 2016, 'What drives Foreign Direct Investments (FDI): the role of language, geographical distance, information flow and technological similarity'. European International Business Academy 2016 Conference, Vienna, Austria, December 02-04. 


    Academic communications

  • Ly, A, Esperança, J & Davcik, N 2016, 'What drives Foreign Direct Investments (FDI): the role of language, geographical distance, information flow and technological similarity'. European International Business Academy 2016 Conference, Vienna, Austria, December 02-04. 


    Academic communications

  • Davcik, N, Sharma, P & Grigoriou, N 2016, 'Exploring the Role of Brand Equity and R&D as Drivers of Product Innovation and Market Performance', 19 World Marketing Congress, Paris, France, July 19-23.


    Academic communications

  • Davcik, N, Sharma, P & Grigoriou, N 2016, 'Exploring the Role of Brand Equity and R&D as Drivers of Product Innovation and Market Performance', 19 World Marketing Congress, Paris, France, July 19-23.


    Academic communications

  • Davcik, N & Sharma, P 2016, 'The role of product innovation in marketing performance: Empirical study in FMCG market', 19 World Marketing Congress, Paris, France,  July 19-23.


    Academic communications

  • Davcik, N & Sharma, P 2016, 'The role of product innovation in marketing performance: Empirical study in FMCG market', 19 World Marketing Congress, Paris, France,  July 19-23.


    Academic communications

  • Davcik, N & Turyna, M 2015, 'The Role of Brand Equity in Solving the Ambiguity of Firm Performance under Dynamic Conditions', 18 World Marketing Congress, Bari, Italy, July 14-18.


    Academic communications

  • Davcik, N & Turyna, M 2015, 'The Role of Brand Equity in Solving the Ambiguity of Firm Performance under Dynamic Conditions', 18 World Marketing Congress, Bari, Italy, July 14-18.


    Academic communications

  •  Davcik, N, Silva, R & Hair, J 2014, 'Brand value: a definition, conceptual and research design', 9th Global Brand Conference, Hatfield, UK, April 9-14.


    Academic communications

  • Grigoriou, N, Davcik, N & Sharma, P 2014, 'Exploring the influence of brand innovation on marketing performance using signaling framework and resource-based theory (RBT) approach', 2014 AMS Annual Conference, Indianapolis, USA, May 21-23.


    Academic communications

  • Grigoriou, N, Davcik, N & Sharma, P 2014, 'Exploring the influence of brand innovation on marketing performance using signaling framework and resource-based theory (RBT) approach', 2014 AMS Annual Conference, Indianapolis, USA, May 21-23.


    Academic communications

  • Davcik, N & Grigoriou, N 2014, 'How dynamic marketing capabilities affect market share performance output: An innovative brand oriented approach', 17 World Marketing Congress, Lima, Peru , August 5-8. 


    Academic communications

  • Davcik, N & Grigoriou, N 2014, 'How dynamic marketing capabilities affect market share performance output: An innovative brand oriented approach', 17 World Marketing Congress, Lima, Peru , August 5-8. 


    Academic communications

  •  Davcik, N, Silva, R & Hair, J 2014, 'Brand value: a definition, conceptual and research design', 9th Global Brand Conference, Hatfield, UK, April 9-14.


    Academic communications

  • Pantelic, D, Davcik, N, Zehetner, A & Gillpatrick, T 2013, 'Sustainability as a marketing doctrine (In different economic conditions)', Cross Cultural Conference, Graz, Austria. 


    Academic communications

  • Pantelic, D, Davcik, N, Zehetner, A & Gillpatrick, T 2013, 'Sustainability as a marketing doctrine (In different economic conditions)', Cross Cultural Conference, Graz, Austria. 


    Academic communications

  •  Davcik, N 2013, 'The role of brand equity and innovation in obtaining price premium', 8th Global Brand Conference, Port, Portugal, April 3-5.


    Academic communications

  •  Davcik, N 2013, 'The role of brand equity and innovation in obtaining price premium', 8th Global Brand Conference, Port, Portugal, April 3-5.


    Academic communications

  • Davcik, N 2012, 'Price Premium: A Multi Research Approach in Branding', 41st Annual Conference EMAC, Lisbon , Portugal, May 22-25.


    Academic communications

  • Davcik, N 2012, 'Price Premium: A Multi Research Approach in Branding', 41st Annual Conference EMAC, Lisbon , Portugal, May 22-25.


    Academic communications

  • Davcik, N 2010, 'Brand differentiation: A driver of the brand performance outputs', 6th International conference of the Academy of Marketing’s Brand, Identity and Corporate Reputation SIG, Barcelona, Spain, April 9-11.


    Academic communications

  • Davcik, N 2010, 'Brand differentiation: A driver of the brand performance outputs', 6th International conference of the Academy of Marketing’s Brand, Identity and Corporate Reputation SIG, Barcelona, Spain, April 9-11.


    Academic communications

  • Davcik, N, Boesso, G & Favotto, F 2009, 'Innovation Drives Differentiation: Functional, Organic & Wellness Food in Italy', 5th Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management, Athens, Greece, April 6-7.


    Academic communications

  • Davcik, N, Boesso, G & Favotto, F 2009, 'Innovation Drives Differentiation: Functional, Organic & Wellness Food in Italy', 5th Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management, Athens, Greece, April 6-7.


    Academic communications

  • Davcik, N 2009, 'Antecedents of Successful Brand in Enriched-Food Industry, Branding and Society: The Social, Cultural and Financial Impacts of Brands in the 21st century', Academy of Marketing, Cambridge, England, September 1-3.


    Academic communications

  • Davcik, N 2009, 'Antecedents of Successful Brand in Enriched-Food Industry, Branding and Society: The Social, Cultural and Financial Impacts of Brands in the 21st century', Academy of Marketing, Cambridge, England, September 1-3.


    Academic communications

  • Davcik, N 2009, 'Modeling the Brand Value: Brand Equity Approach, Branding and Society: The Social, Cultural and Financial Impacts of Brands in the 21st century', Academy of Marketing, Cambridge, England, September 1-3.


    Academic communications

  • Davcik, N 2009, 'Modeling the Brand Value: Brand Equity Approach, Branding and Society: The Social, Cultural and Financial Impacts of Brands in the 21st century', Academy of Marketing, Cambridge, England, September 1-3.


    Academic communications

  • Boesso, G, Davcik, N & Favotto, F 2008, 'Health-enhancing products in the Italian food industry: multinationals and SMEs competing on yogurt', 15th International Product Development Management Conference, EIASM, Hamburg, Germany, June 29-July 01.


    Academic communications

  • Boesso, G, Davcik, N & Favotto, F 2008, 'Health-enhancing products in the Italian food industry: multinationals and SMEs competing on yogurt', 15th International Product Development Management Conference, EIASM, Hamburg, Germany, June 29-July 01.


    Academic communications

  • Davcik, N, Sharma, P & Grigoriou, N 2017, 'Exploring the Role of Brand Equity and R&D as Drivers of Product Innovation and Market Performance' in Marketing at the Confluence between Entertainment and Analytics, Developments in Marketing Science, P. Rossi (ed.), p. 13.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Davcik, N, Sharma, P & Grigoriou, N 2017, 'Exploring the Role of Brand Equity and R&D as Drivers of Product Innovation and Market Performance' in Marketing at the Confluence between Entertainment and Analytics, Developments in Marketing Science, P. Rossi (ed.), p. 13.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Davcik, N & Sharma, P 2017, 'The Role of Product Innovation in Marketing Performance: Empirical Study in FMCG Market' in Marketing at the Confluence between Entertainment and Analytics, P. Rossi (ed.), p.273. 


    Research books and book chapters

  • Davcik, N & Sharma, P 2017, 'The Role of Product Innovation in Marketing Performance: Empirical Study in FMCG Market' in Marketing at the Confluence between Entertainment and Analytics, P. Rossi (ed.), p.273. 


    Research books and book chapters

  • Grigoriou, N, Davcik, N & Sharma, P 2016, 'Exploring the influence of brand innovation on marketing performance using signaling framework and resource-based theory (RBT) approach', in Let’s Get Engaged! Crossing the Threshold of Marketing’s Engagement Era, Obal et al. (eds.), p.813.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Davcik, N & Grigoriou, N 2016, 'How dynamic marketing capabilities affect the market share performance output: An innovative brand oriented approach', Marketing Challenges in a Turbulent Business Environment, Developments in Marketing, Groza, M & Ragland, C,  (eds.) p.133.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Davcik, N & Grigoriou, N 2016, 'How dynamic marketing capabilities affect the market share performance output: An innovative brand oriented approach', Marketing Challenges in a Turbulent Business Environment, Developments in Marketing, Groza, M & Ragland, C,  (eds.) p.133.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Grigoriou, N, Davcik, N & Sharma, P 2016, 'Exploring the influence of brand innovation on marketing performance using signaling framework and resource-based theory (RBT) approach', in Let’s Get Engaged! Crossing the Threshold of Marketing’s Engagement Era, Obal et al. (eds.), p.813.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Davcik, N 2015, 'How Much Do Product Differentiation, Marketing Investments and Brand Equity Actually Affect Price? An Empirical Study in the Consumer Market, Campbell', in Looking Forward, Looking Back: Drawing on the Past to Shape the Future of Marketing, C. & Ma, J. (eds.), p. 619.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Davcik, N 2015, 'How Much Do Product Differentiation, Marketing Investments and Brand Equity Actually Affect Price? An Empirical Study in the Consumer Market, Campbell', in Looking Forward, Looking Back: Drawing on the Past to Shape the Future of Marketing, C. & Ma, J. (eds.), p. 619.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Davcik, N, Boesso, G &Favotto, F 2010, 'Does Branding Drive Price Differentiation? Functional, Organic & Wellness Food in Italy', in Contemporary Issues in Brand Research, Christodoulides, Christodoulides, G, Veloutsou, C, Jevons, C, de Chernatony, L & Papadopoulos, N (eds.), ATINER, Athens, pp. 293-305. 


    Research books and book chapters

  • Davcik, N, Boesso, G &Favotto, F 2010, 'Does Branding Drive Price Differentiation? Functional, Organic & Wellness Food in Italy', in Contemporary Issues in Brand Research, Christodoulides, Christodoulides, G, Veloutsou, C, Jevons, C, de Chernatony, L & Papadopoulos, N (eds.), ATINER, Athens, pp. 293-305. 


    Research books and book chapters