Nizar Ghamgui



Assistant Professor in Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Co-head of Strategy and Entrepreneurship Department


Nizar Ghamgui is an assistant professor of Entrepreneurship at the EM Normandie Business School. He joined the business school in 2023, and he holds a doctorate in Management Sciences from IAE Clermont in 2021. His thesis examines the nexus between individual and entrepreneurial opportunity. His research also focuses on entrepreneurial opportunity, entrepreneurial failure and women entrepreneurship. Recently, he has taken a particular interest in digital entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship in extreme situations. He is the author of several scientific articles and book chapters in these fields.

Professional experience

Since 2023 : assistant professor in strategy, EM Normandie
2021-2023 : assistant professor in strategy, EDC Paris Business School
2019-2020 : assistant professor in strategy, PSB Paris School of Business


Strategy & entrepreneurship
Matières enseignées
Entrepreneurship Green Entrepreneurship Research Methodology
2021 : PhD in Management Science, IAE Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France


  • Ghamgui, N 2021, 'Le lien entre l’individu et l’opportunité entrepreneuriale : une analyse en termes de cycle de structuration', PhD in Management Science, IAE Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France.


    PhD Dissertation / Accreditation to Supervise Management Research

  • Rezaei, M., Gündüz, C, Ghamgui, N, Pironti, M & Kliestik, T 2024, 'Navigating change: examining the influence of COVID-19 on knowledge-sharing dynamics in family firms within the restaurant and fast-food industry', Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. 28 No. 7, pp. 1978-1995. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Aissa, M, Ghamgui, N & Hentati, I 2024, 'Le fonctionnement des conseils d’administration des entreprises familiales tunisiennes : une étude descriptive', Revue Interdisciplinaire Droit et Organisations (RIDO), n° 7, pp. 75-98.


    Academic articles

  • Hentati, I, Louati, N & Ghamgui, N 2024, 'Hindrances to the development of auditors’ ethical judgment in Tunisian family businesses', Revue Sciences de Gestion, 2023/6-7 (N° 325-326), pp. 111-124. FNEGE : 4.


    Academic articles

  • Ghamgui, N & Soparnot, R 2022, 'Le lien entre l’individu et l’opportunité entrepreneuriale : d’une dichotomie ontologique à une réconciliation complexe', Management international-Mi, vol. 26(1), pp. 1-24. FNEGE : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Ghamgui, N & Sopranot, R 2021, 'Entrepreneurial opportunity discovered or created ? A Strong Structuration Theory perspective', Recherche en Sciences de Gestion, vol. 4(145), pp. 271-304. FNEGE : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Ghamgui, N & Soparnot, R 2020, 'Le lien entre l’individu et l’opportunité entrepreneuriale : une reconceptualisation du puzzle', Management international-Mi, vol. 24(2), pp. 153-165. FNEGE : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Ghamgui, N & Boumedjaoud, D 2024, '40 Years of Research on External Succession: Bibliometric Analysis and Literature Review', 17ème CIFEPME, Québec, Canada, October 22-25.


    Academic communications

  • Ghamgui, N, Hentati, N, Louati, N, Castellano, S & Khelladi, I 2023, 'Investigating the interrelated drivers of eco-innovations in developing countries', 5eme Editon ENIG 'Entrepreneuriat et Covid-19 : Nouvelles opportunités de croissance ?, Paris, France, May 23.


    Academic communications

  • Ghamgui, N, Castellano, S, Khelladi, I & Desgardin, E 2023, 'En quête de légitimité : la place des femmes dans la succession des entreprises familiales'Les 9ème Journées Georges Doriot, Montreal, Canada, July 5-7.


    Academic communications

  • Ghamgui, N, Castellano, S, Khelladi, I & Desgardin, E 2022, 'La construction de la légitimité sociale des femmes dans le cadre de la transmission des entreprises familiales', 16ème CIFEPME, Lyon, France, 25-28 octobre.


    Academic communications

  • 2020

    Articles in professional journals

  • Ghamgui, N & Soparnot, R 2019, 'Comment les entrepreneurs décèlent les opportunités ?', The Conversation, November 11.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Ghamgui, N 2025, 'Qu’est-ce que l’entrepreneuriat inclusif ?', Vidéo Fnege Médias, January.


    Scientific dissemination videos

  • Ghamgui, N 2025, 'Qu’est-ce que l’entrepreneuriat informel ?', Vidéo Fnege Médias, January.


    Scientific dissemination videos

  • Ghamgui, N 2025, 'Qu’est-ce que l’entrepreneuriat à impact ?', Vidéo Fnege Médias, January.


    Scientific dissemination videos

  • Ghamgui, N 2024, ‘Qu’est-ce que la Théorie de structuration ?’, Vidéo Fnege Médias, March.


    Scientific dissemination videos