olivier faury

Olivier FAURY

Le Havre

Associate Professor in Supply Chain Management, Logistics


Olivier FAURY is an Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management and Logistics. He joined EM Normandie in 2016. He has a PhD in maritime economics from KEDGE Business School, Marseille, awarded in 2016. His thesis is an economic analysis of the Northern Sea Route. His research interests are how risk management, port development and the legal framework affect the attractiveness of Arctic shipping lanes for cruise tourism, container traffic and bulk shipping. Prior to his doctorate, he worked for 10 years for various freight companies in France and Morocco in sales and management roles.

Professional experience

Since 2016: associate professor in supply chain management, EM Normandie
2011-2013: sales manager, Stef International Normandie Nord Ouest
2007-2010: key account manager, Universal Express, Bolloré Group
2006: sales manager, ITS Maroc
2005-2006: operation manager, Exel Maroc
2004-2005: sales representative, SDV Maroc, Bolloré Group
2002-2003: key account manager, R3D Ingénierie, Sylis Group

Supply Chain & Management Digital
Matières enseignées
Logistics Supply Chain Management
2016 : PHD in Maritime Economy, Kedge Business School Marseille
Read the articles on the blog


  • Faury, O 2016, 'The impact of economic, climatic and infrastructure developments on the shipping Northern Sea Route attractiveness', PhD in Maritime Economy, Kedge Business School, Marseille, France.


    PhD Dissertation / Accreditation to Supervise Management Research

  • Fedi, L, Faury, O, Etienne, L, Rigot-Muller, P & Cheaitou, A (forthcoming), ‘Application of the IMO taxonomy on casualty investigation: Analysis of 20 years of marine accidents along the North-East Passage’, Marine Policy. ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Zaatar, T, Cheaitou, A, Faury, O & Rigot-Muller, P (forthcoming), 'Arctic Sea Ice Thickness Prediction Using Machine Learning: A Long Short-Term Memory Model', Annals of Operation Research. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Cheaitou, A, Faury, O, Etienne, L, Fedi, L & Rigot-Müller, Stephenson, S (à paraître), 'Impact of CO2 emission taxation and fuel types on Arctic shipping attractiveness', Transportation Research Part D. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Cariou, P, Cheaitou, A, Faury, O & Hamdan, S 2021, ‘The feasibility of Arctic container shipping: the economic and environmental impacts of ice thickness’, Maritime Economics & Logistics, vol. 23, pp. 615–631. ABS 1


    Academic articles

  • Cariou, P, Cheaitou, A, Faury, O & Hamdan, S 2021, ‘The feasibility of Arctic container shipping: the economic and environmental impacts of ice thickness’, Maritime Economics & Logistics, vol. 23, pp. 615–631. ABS 1


    Academic articles

  • Alix, Y & Faury, O 2020, ‘Pour un système portuaire national au service de la valorisation économique de l’Arctique russe’, Regards Géopolitiques, janvier. 


    Academic articles

  • Alix, Y & Faury, O 2020, ‘Pour un système portuaire national au service de la valorisation économique de l’Arctique russe’, Regards Géopolitiques, janvier. 


    Academic articles

  • Cajaiba-Santana, G, Faury, O & Ramadan, M 2020, 'The emerging cruise shipping industry in the Arctic', Annals of Tourism Research, vol. 80, January. CNRS: 3 ; FNEGE: 2 ; HCERES: A 


    Academic articles

  • Faury, O, Cheaitou, A & Givry, P 2020, 'Best Maritime Transportation Option for the Arctic Crude Oil: a Profit Decision Model', Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, vol. 136, April. CNRS : 2 ; FNEGE: 2 ; HCERES : A ; ABS 3


    Academic articles

  • Cajaiba-Santana, G, Faury, O & Ramadan, M 2020, 'The emerging cruise shipping industry in the Arctic', Annals of Tourism Research, vol. 80, January CNRS: 3 ; FNEGE: 2 ; HCERES: A 


    Academic articles

  • Faury, O, Cheaitou, A & Givry, P 2020, 'Best Maritime Transportation Option for the Arctic Crude Oil: a Profit Decision Model', Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, vol. 136, April. CNRS : 2 ; FNEGE: 2 ; HCERES : A ; ABS 3


    Academic articles

  • Fedi, L, Faury, O & Etienne, L 2020, 'Mapping and analysis of maritime accidents in the Russian Arctic through the lens of the Polar Code and POLARIS System', Marine Policy, vol. 118.​​​​​​​


    Academic articles

  • Fedi, L, Faury, O & Etienne, L 2020, 'Mapping and analysis of maritime accidents in the Russian Arctic through the lens of the Polar Code and POLARIS System', Marine Policy, vol. 118.


    Academic articles

  • Mandjak, T, Lavissière, A, Hofmann, J, Bouchery, Y, Lavissière, M-C, Faury, O & Sohier, R 2019, 'Port marketing from a multidisciplinary perspective: A systematic literature review  and lexicometric analysis', Transport Policy, vol. 84, pp 50-72. CNRS: 3 ; HCERES: B ; ABS 2


    Academic articles

  • Mandjak, T, Lavissière, A, Hofmann, J, Bouchery, Y, Lavissière, M-C, Faury, O & Sohier, R 2019, 'Port marketing from a multidisciplinary perspective: A systematic literature review  and lexicometric analysis', Transport Policy, vol. 84, pp 50-72. CNRS: 3 ; HCERES: B ; ABS 2


    Academic articles

  • Cheiatou, A, Faury, O, Cariou, P, Hamdan, S & Fabbri, G 2019, ‘Ice thickness data in the northern sea route (NSR) for the period 2006–2016’, Data in brief, vol. 24, juin.


    Academic articles

  • Cheiatou, A, Faury, O, Cariou, P, Hamdan, S & Fabbri, G 2019, ‘Ice thickness data in the northern sea route (NSR) for the period 2006–2016’, Data in brief, vol. 24, june.


    Academic articles

  • Fedi, L, Faury, O & Gritsenko, D 2018, 'The impact of the Polar Code on risk mitigation in Arctic waters: a ‘Toolbox’ for underwriters?', Maritime Policy & Management, vol. 45, no. 4, March, pp. 478-494.


    Academic articles

  • Faury, O, Fedi, L & Gritsenko, D 2018, 'The impact of the Polar Code on risk mitigation in Arctic waters: a ‘Toolbox’ for underwriters?', Maritime Policy & Management, vol. (à paraître), pp.0-0


    Academic articles

  • Fedi, L, Etienne, L, Faury, O, Rigot-Müller, P, Stephenson, S & Cheaitou, A 2018, ‘Stakes, benefits, and limits of POLARIS system for arctic navigation’, Journal of Ocean Technology, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 54-67.


    Academic articles

  • Fedi, L, Etienne, L, Faury, O, Rigot-Müller, P, Stephenson, S & Cheaitou, A 2018, ‘Stakes, benefits, and limits of POLARIS system for arctic navigation’, Journal of Ocean Technology, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 54-67.


    Academic articles

  • Fedi, L, Faury, O & Gritsenko, D 2018, 'The impact of the Polar Code on risk mitigation in Arctic waters: a ‘Toolbox’ for underwriters?', Maritime Policy & Management, vol. 45, no. 4, Mars, pp. 478-494.


    Academic articles

  • Faury, O & Cariou, P 2016, 'The Northern Sea Route Competitiveness for oil tankers', Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol. 94, pp.461-469, December.; CNRS: 2; HCERES: A


    Academic articles

  • Cariou, P & Faury, O 2015, 'Relevance of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) for bulk shipping', Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol. 78, pp.337-346, August.; CNRS: 2; AERES: A


    Academic articles

  • Fedi, L & Faury, O 2016, 'Les principaux enjeux et impacts du Code polaire OMI', Le Droit Maritime Français, vol. (2016), pp.323-337


    Other academic contributions

  • Munim, Z.H, Sukke, M, Imset, M, Faury, O & Kim, H 2022, 'Public perception of autonomous ferries in the South-Eastern Norwegian context', IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Malaysia, December 7-10.


    Academic communications

  • Faury, O, Alix, Y & Montier, N 2020, ‘Analysis of Arctic port evolution during the last decade: the case of ports of Russian Arctic Range (RAR)’, IAME Virtual Conference, Hong Kong, June 10-13.


    Academic communications

  • Faury, O, Cheaitou, A, Etienne, L, Fedi, L & Rigot-Muller, P 2020, ‘The loading capacity of convoy for the transit of container along the Northeast Passage’, Nord Univesity workshop, Bodø, Norway, Mars 20.


    Academic communications

  • Faury, O, Cheaitou, A, Etienne, L, Fedi, L & Rigot-Muller, P 2020, ‘The loading capacity of convoy for the transit of container along the Northeast Passage’, IAME Virtual Conference, Hong Kong, June 10-13.


    Academic communications

  • Faury, O, Cheaitou, A, Etienne, L, Fedi, L & Rigot-Muller, P 2020, ‘The loading capacity of convoy for the transit of container along the Northeast Passage’, Nord Univesity workshop, Bodø, Norway, Mars 20.


    Academic communications

  • Faury, O, Cheaitou, A, Etienne, L, Fedi, L & Rigot-Muller, P 2020, ‘The loading capacity of convoy for the transit of container along the Northeast Passage’, IAME Virtual Conference, Hong Kong, June 10-13.


    Academic communications

  • Fedi, L, Faury, O, Cheaitou, A, Etienne, L & Rigot-Muller, P 2020, ‘Application and analysis of the IMO taxonomy on casualty investigation over 20 years of marine events in the Russian Arctic’, IAME Virtual Conference, Hong Kong, June 10-13.


    Academic communications

  • Fedi, L, Faury, O, Cheaitou, A, Etienne, L & Rigot-Muller, P 2020, ‘Application and analysis of the IMO taxonomy on casualty investigation over 20 years of marine events in the Russian Arctic’, IAME Virtual Conference, Hong Kong, June 10-13.


    Academic communications

  • Faury, O, Alix, Y & Montier, N 2020, ‘Analysis of Arctic port evolution during the last decade: the case of ports of Russian Arctic Range (RAR)’, IAME Virtual Conference, Hong Kong, June 10-13.


    Academic communications

  • Faury, O Cheaitou, A, Etienne, L, Fedi, L, Rigot-Muller, P & Stephensson, S 2019, ‘Analysis of Murmansk as a gateway for the Arctic production’, IAME 2019, Athens, Greece, June 25-28.


    Academic communications

  • Faury, O, Cheaitou, A, Etienne, L, Fedi, L, Rigot-Muller, P & Stephensson, S 2019, ‘How attractive is the Northern Sea Route for container shipping? An economic model, IAME 2019, Athens, Greece, June 25-28.


    Academic communications

  • Faury, O, Cheaitou, A, Etienne, L, Fedi, L, Rigot-Muller, P & Stephensson, S 2019, ‘How attractive is the Northern Sea Route for container shipping? An economic model, IAME 2019, Athens, Greece, June 25-28.


    Academic communications

  • Faury, O 2019, ‘Analysis of Murmansk as a gateway for the Arctic production’, IAME 2019, Athens, Greece, June 25-28.


    Academic communications

  • Faury, O 2019, ‘Analysis of Murmansk as a gateway for the Arctic production’, IAME 2019, Athens, Greece, June 25-28.


    Academic communications

  • Faury, O Cheaitou, A, Etienne, L, Fedi, L, Rigot-Muller, P & Stephensson, S 2019, ‘Analysis of Murmansk as a gateway for the Arctic production’, IAME 2019, Athens, Greece, June 25-28.


    Academic communications

  • Rigot-Müller, P, Etienne, L, Faury, O & Stephenson, S 2018, ‘Ship routing and scheduling for the assembly of a LNG plant in the arctic: a decision support system’, 25th EUROMA Conference, Budapest, Hungary, June, 24-26.


    Academic communications

  • Rigot-Müller, P, Etienne, L, Faury, O & Stephenson, S 2018, ‘Ship routing and scheduling for the assembly of a LNG plant in the arctic: a decision support system’, 25th EUROMA Conference, Budapest, Hungary, June, 24-26.


    Academic communications

  • Rigot-Müller, P, Etienne, L, Faury, O & Stephenson, S 2018, ‘Sea ice navigation risk assessment in the Arctic using POLARIS - The Baltic Sea: gateway or cul de sac ?’, Klaipeda, Lithuania, May, 16-18.


    Academic communications

  • Rigot-Müller, P, Etienne, L, Faury, O & Stephenson, S 2018, ‘Sea ice navigation risk assessment in the Arctic using POLARIS - The Baltic Sea: gateway or cul de sac ?’, Klaipeda, Lithuania, May, 16-18.


    Academic communications

  • Faury, O & Fedi, L 2018, 'Risk management in the cruise industry', 14th Arctic Shipping Forum (ASF 2018), Helsinki, Finland, April, 17-20.


    Academic communications

  • Rigot-Müller, P, Etienne, L, Faury, O & Stephenson, S 2018, ‘Analysing the impact of the POLARIS Risk Index in shipping project planning', Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) 2018 International Conference, Granada, Spain, October 22-24.


    Academic communications

  • Rigot-Müller, P, Etienne, L, Faury, O & Stephenson, S 2018, ‘Analysing the impact of the POLARIS Risk Index in shipping project planning', Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) 2018 International Conference, Granada, Spain, October 22-24.


    Academic communications

  • Faury, O 2017, 'The outlook for Ice-class preference and NSR attractiveness with regard of Global Warming and, seasonal climatic, technical and economic conditions', IAME 2017, Kyoto, Japan, June, 27-30


    Academic communications

  • Faury, O 2015, 'Risk Management in the artic from an underwriter’s perspective', IAME 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August, 24-26


    Academic communications

  • Faury, O & Cariou, P 2015, 'How sailing conditions impact the North Sea Route (NSR) economic competitiveness?', 11th Arctic Shipping Forum (ASF 2015), Helsinki, Finland, February, 24-26


    Academic communications

  • Faury, O, Cariou, P, Rivas-Hermann, R & Rigot-Müller, P 2023, 'A structured analysis of sustainability in Arctic transport studies', in Towards a sustainable Arctic: International Security, Climate change and Green Shipping, pp. 191-212, March.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Faury, O, Cariou, P, Rivas-Hermann, R & Rigot-Müller, P 2022, ‘A structured analysis of sustainability in Arctic transport studies’ in M. Goodsite &  N. Swanström Towards a Sustainable Artic, October, Ed. World Scientific, pp. .


    Research books and book chapters

  • Faury, O, Fedi, L, Etienne, L, Rigot-Müller, P, Stephenson, S & Cheaitou, A 2019, ‘La Route Maritime Nord : complément ou concurrent des routes conventionnelles ?’ Baltic-Arctic: Strategic perspective, Edition Océanides, septembre, pp. 169-190.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Faury, O, Alix, Y, Kerbiriou, K, Pelletier, J-F & Serry, A 2019, ‘Analysis of the Russian Arctic Infrastructure Capacities along the Western Northern Sea Route (NSR)’  in F. Lasserre & O. Faury, Arctic Shipping. Climate Change, Commercial Traffic and Port Development, ed.Routledge, 174-194, sept. 


    Research books and book chapters

  • Faury, O, Fedi, L, Etienne, L, Rigot-Müller, P, Stephenson, S & Cheaitou, A 2019, ‘La Route Maritime Nord : complément ou concurrent des routes conventionnelles ?’ Baltic-Arctic: Strategic perspective, Edition Océanides, septembre, pp. 169-190.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Faury, O, Alix, Y, Kerbiriou, K, Pelletier, J-F & Serry, A 2019, ‘Analysis of the Russian Arctic Infrastructure Capacities along the Western Northern Sea Route (NSR)’  in F. Lasserre & O. Faury, Arctic Shipping. Climate Change, Commercial Traffic and Port Development, ed.Routledge, 174-194, sept. 


    Research books and book chapters

  • Lavissière, A & Faury, O 2019, ‘Free ports as a tool to develop navigation in the Arctic’ in F. Lasserre & O. Faury, Arctic Shipping. Climate Change, Commercial Traffic and   ort Development, ed.Routledge, pp. 195-215, sept.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Cariou, P & Faury, O 2019,  ‘An economic analysis on the NSR viability of an Ice Class 1A oil tanker vessel’ in F. Lasserre & O. Faury, Arctic Shipping. Climate Change, Commercial Traffic and Port Development, ed. Routledge, pp. 57-70, sept.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Lavissière, A & Faury, O 2019, ‘Free ports as a tool to develop navigation in the Arctic’ in F. Lasserre & O. Faury, Arctic Shipping. Climate Change, Commercial Traffic and   ort Development, ed.Routledge, pp. 195-215, sept.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Cariou, P & Faury, O 2019,  ‘An economic analysis on the NSR viability of an Ice Class 1A oil tanker vessel’ in F. Lasserre & O. Faury, Arctic Shipping. Climate Change, Commercial Traffic and Port Development, ed. Routledge, pp. 57-70, sept.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Lasserre, F & Faury, O 2019, "Arctic Shipping. Climate Change, Commercial Traffic and Port Development", ed. Routledge, septembre, 234p.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Faury, O,Têtu, P-L, Daudet, B & Verny, j. O 2019, ‘An analysis of Arctic ports’ in F. Lasserre & O. Faury, Arctic Shipping. Climate Change, Commercial Traffic and Port Development, ed. Routledge, pp.159-173, sept. 


    Research books and book chapters

  • Lasserre, F & Faury, O 2019, "Arctic Shipping. Climate Change, Commercial Traffic and Port Development", ed. Routledge, september, 234p.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Faury, O,Têtu, P-L, Daudet, B & Verny, j. O 2019, ‘An analysis of Arctic ports’ in F. Lasserre & O. Faury, Arctic Shipping. Climate Change, Commercial Traffic and Port Development, ed. Routledge, pp.159-173, sept. 


    Research books and book chapters

  • Pralong, J & Faury, O 2023, 'L’attractivité du secteur de la logistique : un enjeu économique et sociétal', Monde des Grandes Ecoles et Universités, April 17. 


    Articles in professional journals

  • Faury, O, Roten, Y.S & Delannoy, A 2022, 'L’extra mural : une expérience pédagogique digitale optimisée pour les étudiants ?', Monde des Grandes Ecoles et Universités, 5 septembre.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Faury, O, Fedi, L, Etienne, L, Rigot-Müller, P, Stephenson, S & Cheaitou, A 2019, 'POLARIS, quelle influence sur la sécurité de la navigation en Arctique ?', Le Journal de la Marine Marchande, no. 5093, janvier, pp. 10-11.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Faury, O, Fedi, L, Etienne, L, Rigot-Müller, P, Stephenson, S & Cheaitou, A 2019, 'POLARIS, quelle influence sur la sécurité de la navigation en Arctique ?', Le Journal de la Marine Marchande, no. 5093, January, pp. 10-11.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Faury, O 2018, ‘Les routes maritimes arctiques, une concurrence encore lointaine', The Conversation, 15 novembre.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Faury, O 2018, ‘Les routes maritimes arctiques, une concurrence encore lointaine', The Conversation, November 15.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Fedi, L & Faury, O 2018, 'Comment les compagnies d'assurance utilisent-elles le code polaire ?', Le Marin, pp.33-33, February, 15.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Delannoy, A & Faury, O 2017, 'Les croisières en Arctique, un marché de luxe', The Conversation, September, 7.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Diard, C & Faury, O 2017, 'Livraison par drone, les nouveaux pilotes ?', The Conversation, pp.0-0, March, 1st.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Diard, C & Faury, O 2017, 'Drones : chronique d’un décollage annoncé', The Conversation, 23 octobre.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Faury, O & Fedi, L 2017, 'Apports et insuffisances du Code Polaire', Le Marin, no. 3659, pp.36-36, September, 14.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Diard, C & Faury, O 2017, 'Drones : chronique d’un décollage annoncé', The Conversation, october, 23.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Faury, O 2017, 'La route maritime du Nord, eldorado ou miroir aux alouettes ?', The Conversation, pp.0-0, August, 15.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Faury, O & Diard, C 2017, 'Navigation arctique : quels risques pour les navires croisiéristes ?', The Conversation, pp.0-0, August, 31.


    Articles in professional journals