Patricia BAUDIER

Patricia BAUDIER


Professor in Marketing


Patricia Baudier is a Professor of Marketing and she joined EM Normandie in 2018. She has a PhD in management science from the Institut Mines-Télécom Business School and the Université d’Evry-Val d'Essonne (Université Paris-Saclay) awarded in 2013. Her thesis is on managing claims on Twitter: Impact on satisfaction of the client’s perception of the Community Manager. Her research interests are new technology, consumer behaviour and digital marketing. Patricia spent 28 years working in sales and marketing roles in American multinational companies (Apple France and Kodak Europe/Africa/Middle East).

Professional experience

Since 2018 : professor in marketing, EM Normandie 
2014-2018 : associate professor in marketing, Leonard de Vinci Business School 
2013-2018 : associate professor in marketing, Ecole International School of Luxury Marketing

Matières enseignées
E-marketing Marketing Customer relations
2013 : PhD in Management Sciences, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School and the Université d’Evry-Val d'Essonne (Université Paris-Saclay)


  • Baudier, P 2024, 'Acceptabilité et impact de l'innovation technologique sur les individus, les employés et les organisations', HDR (Habitation à Diriger des Recherches), Université Caen Normandie, France, 3 avril.


    PhD Dissertation / Accreditation to Supervise Management Research

  • Bally, F, Gauthier, C & Baudier, P (forthcoming), 'The role of information attainment on Front-of-Package labels and individual empowerment impacting boycott behavior', International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising. ABS : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Ammi, C, Kondrateva, G & Baudier, P (forthcoming), 'Sustainability of the healthcare industry: The medical staff's perceptions of artificial intelligence', innovations, Revue d’Economie et de Management de l’Innovation /Journal of Innovation Economics and Management. FNEGE : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Delannoy, A, De Vassoigne, T & Baudier, P 2024, 'Perceptions of ethical cosmetics: Health Behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic', Journal of Consumer Behaviour, vol. 23, issue 2, pp. 470-490. FNEGE : 4 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • De Boissieu, E & Baudier, P 2023, 'The perceived credibility of human-like social robots: Virtual influencers in a luxury and multicultural context', Journal of Organizational Change Management (JOCM), vol. 36, No. 7, pp. 1163-1179. ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Baudier, P, de Boissieu, E & Duchemin, M-H (à paraître), 'Source credibility and emotions generated by robot and human influencers: The perception of luxury brand representative', Technological Forecasting and Social Change, February, vol. 187FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3 ; HCERES : A.


    Academic articles

  • Lima, M, Baudier, P, Elsabeh, M.H & Dalmas, M (forthcoming), ‘Agilité et résilience de l’industrie du futur française pendant la pandémie de covid-19 : aperçus d’un cadre multidimensionnel’, Technologie et Innovation (Techinn).


    Academic articles

  • Conti, S, Baudier, P & Billot, R 2023, 'Impact de l'intelligence Artificielle dans les services clients', Management & Avenir, 2023/5, n.137, pp. 69-88. FNEGE : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Haikel-Elsabeh, M, Baudier, P, Gondrateva, G & Miraz, M-H 2023, 'Enablers for the adoption of contactless payment during the COVID-19 pandemic: Cross analysis between Asian and European regions', Gestion 2000, 2022/4, vol. 39, pp. 67-88. FNEGE : 3 ; HCERES : B.


    Academic articles

  • Baudier, P, Kondrateva, G & Ammi, C (forthcoming), 'COVID-19 & the future of Teleworking: Employees’ perception and acceptance', Gestion 2000. FNEGE : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Baudier, P, Kondrateva, G & Ammi, C (à paraître), 'Can Blockchain Enhance Motivation to Donate: The Moderating Impact of Religion on Donors’ Behavior in the USA’s Charity Organizations', Technological Forecasting and Social Chang. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3 ; HCERES : A.


    Academic articles

  • Zao, Z-Z, Haikel-Elsabeh, M, Baudier, P, Renard, D & Brem, A (à paraître), 'Motivated consumer innovativeness as a driver of word-of-mouth in smart object early adoptions: An empirical examination in two product categories', International Journal of Technology Management. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 2 ; HCERES : B.


    Academic articles

  • Chang, V, Baudier, P, Zhang, H, Xu, Q, Zhang, J & Arami, M 2020, 'How Blockchain can impact financial services - The overview, challenges and recommendations from expert interviewees', Technological Forecasting and Social change', vol.158. CNRS : 2 ; FNEGE : 2


    Academic articles

  • Baudier, P, Ammi, C & Kondrateva, G 2020, 'The acceptability of telemedicine cabin by the students’, Journal of Innovation Economics and Management, 2020/2, n. 35, pp. 33-53. CNRS: 4 ; FNEGE: 3 ; HCERES: B  


    Academic articles

  • Hikkerova, L, Manita, R, Elommal, N & Baudier, P 2020, 'The digital transformation of external audit and its impact on corporate governance', Technogical Forecasting and Social Change, vol.150. CNRS : 2 ; FNEGE : 2 ; HCERES : A ; ABS 3  


    Academic articles

  • Baudier, P, Ammi, C & Kondrateva, G 2020, 'The acceptability of telemedicine cabin by the students’, Journal of Innovation Economics and Management, 2020/2, n. 35, pp. 33-53. CNRS: 4 ; FNEGE: 3 ; HCERES: B  


    Academic articles

  • Hikkerova, L, Manita, R, Elommal, N & Baudier, P 2020, 'The digital transformation of external audit and its impact on corporate governance', Technogical Forecasting and Social Change, vol.150. CNRS : 2 ; FNEGE : 2 ; HCERES : A ; ABS 3


    Academic articles

  • Baudier, P, Ammi, C & Fosso-Wamba 2020, ‘Differing Perceptions of the Smartwatch by Users within Developed Countries Review Complete’, Journal of Global Information Management, Vol. 28, pp. 1-20. CNRS 3 ; FNEGE 3 ; HCERES : B


    Academic articles

  • Kondrateva, G, Ammi, C & Baudier, P 2020, ‘Understanding Restaurant Clients’ Intention to Use Mobile Applications: A Comparative Study of France and Russia’, Journal of Global Information Management,  vol. 28, issue 3, pp.1-16. CNRS : 3 ; FNEGE : 3 ; HCERES : A ; ABS 2 


    Academic articles

  • Baudier, P, Ammi, C & Fosso-Wamba 2020, ‘Differing Perceptions of the Smartwatch by Users within Developed Countries Review Complete’, Journal of Global Information Management, Vol. 28, pp. 1-20. CNRS 3 ; FNEGE 3 ; HCERES : B


    Academic articles

  • Kondrateva, G, Ammi, C & Baudier, P 2020, ‘Understanding Restaurant Clients’ Intention to Use Mobile Applications: A Comparative Study of France and Russia’, Journal of Global Information Management,  vol. 28, issue 3, pp.1-16. CNRS : 3 ; FNEGE : 3 ; HCERES : A ; ABS 2 


    Academic articles

  • Baudier, P, Ammi, C & Lecouteux, A 2019, 'Employee’s acceptance of wearable devices: Source of Innovation In corporate HR policies’, Innovations : Revue d'Economie et de Management de l'Innovation / Journal of Innovation Economics and Management, 2019/3, no. 30, pp. 89-111. CNRS: 4 ; FNEGE: 3 ; HCERES: C 


    Academic articles

  • Baudier, P, Ammi, C & Lecouteux, A 2019, 'Employee’s acceptance of wearable devices: Source of Innovation In corporate HR policies’, Innovations : Revue d'Economie et de Management de l'Innovation / Journal of Innovation Economics and Management, 2019/3, no. 30, pp. 89-111. CNRS: 4 ; FNEGE: 3 ; HCERES: C 


    Academic articles

  • Lima, M, Baudier P & Boufaden, N, Business Model Canvas: Perceived usability and benefits- Innovations- (ISG)- 57(3), 59-85. (Rang 4), Février 2018


    Academic articles

  • Lima, M, Baudier P & Boufaden, N, Business Model Canvas: Perceived usability and benefits- Innovations- (ISG)- 57(3), 59-85. (Rang 4), Février 2018


    Academic articles

  • Baudier, P, Ammi, C & Deboeuf-Rouchon, M, Smart Home concept: The case of digital native’s motivations- Technological Forecasting and Social Change- (Rang 2), Juin 2018


    Academic articles

  • Baudier, P, Ammi, C & Deboeuf-Rouchon, M, Smart Home concept: The case of digital native’s motivations- Technological Forecasting and Social Change- (Rang 2), Juin 2018


    Academic articles

  • Dalmas, M, Baudier, P & Dejoux, C, Formation ouverte à distance- Revue Management et Avenir- N°91- p 39-63. (Rang 3), March 2017


    Academic articles

  • Lima, M & Baudier, P 2017, 'Business Model Canvas Acceptance Among French Entrepreneurship Students: Principles for enhancing innovation artefact in business education- Journal of Innovations Economics & Management - N°23 -p159-183. (Rang 4), Janvier.


    Academic articles

  • Lima, M & Baudier, P, 2017, 'Business Model Canvas Acceptance Among French Entrepreneurship Students: Principles for enhancing innovation artefact in business education- Journal of Innovations Economics & Management - N°23 -p159-183. (Rang 4), Janvier.


    Academic articles

  • Dalmas, M, Baudier, P & Dejoux, C, Formation ouverte à distance- Revue Management et Avenir- N°91- p 39-63. (Rang 3), Mars 2017


    Academic articles

  • Baudier, P & Ammi, C 2016, 'Impact des dimensions de la justice perçue sur la satisfaction dans le cadre de la gestion de réclamations sur Twitter : nouvelle échelle de mesure de la justice interactionnelle intégrant la dimension d’intimité sociale', Revue Française de Marketing, n °257-3/4- p23-38. (Rang 4), Septembre.


    Academic articles

  • Baudier, P & Ammi, C 2016, 'Impact des dimensions de la justice perçue sur la satisfaction dans le cadre de la gestion de réclamations sur Twitter : nouvelle échelle de mesure de la justice interactionnelle intégrant la dimension d’intimité sociale', Revue Française de Marketing, N°257-3/4- p23-38. (Rang 4), September. 


    Academic articles

  • Baudier, P, Chang, V & Arami, M 2022, 'The impacts of Blockchain on Innovation Management: Sectoral experiments', Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 2022/1, no.37, pp. 1-8.


    Other academic contributions

  • Baudier, P, De Vassoigne, T, Mitra, A, Delannoy, A & Germon, R 2024, 'User’s perception and acceptance of Metaverse in education', International Conference | DTS – 2024 (2nd edition), Naples Italy, May 23-24.


    Academic communications

  • Baudier, P 2024, 'The perception and acceptability of metaverse in the professional sphere', International Conference | DTS – 2024 (2nd edition), Naples Italy, May 23-24.


    Academic communications

  • Baudier, P, Delannoy, A & De Vassoigne, T 2023, 'Can the Edtech shape the future of education? The acceptance of Metaverse', FEMIB, Prague, Cezch Republic, April 23-24


    Academic communications

  • Baudier, P, Ammi, C & Kontradeva, G 2020, ‘The Digital Natives’ paradox: Adoption of Telemedicine Cabin’, 19th International Marketing Trends Conference, Paris, January, 16-18.


    Academic communications

  • Baudier, P, Ammi, C & Kontradeva, G 2020, ‘The Digital Natives’ paradox: Adoption of Telemedicine Cabin’, 19th International Marketing Trends Conference, Paris, January, 16-18.


    Academic communications

  • Baudier, P, Ammi, C and Kondrateva, G 2019, ‘The Acceptability of Telemedicine Cabin by students’, RNI 2019 Conference, Naples, July, 17-19.


    Academic communications

  • Baudier, P, Ammi, C and Kondrateva, G 2019, ‘The Acceptability of Telemedicine Cabin by students’, RNI 2019 Conference, Naples, July, 17-19.


    Academic communications

  • Chang, V, Taiyu L, Yujie, S & Baudier, P 2019, ‘Smart Healthcare and Ethical issues’, FEMIB 2019, Heraklion, May 3-5.


    Academic communications

  • Chang, V, Taiyu L, Yujie, S & Baudier, P 2019, ‘Smart Healthcare and Ethical issues’, FEMIB 2019, Heraklion, May 3-5.


    Academic communications

  • Baudier, P, Manita, N-E, Haikel-Elsabeh, M & Hikkerova, L 2019, ‘The remote olfactive technology adoption in the perfumery industry: The case of Digital Natives’, 2nd International Conference on Digital, Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Financing, Valencia, Spain, December 2-3.


    Academic communications

  • Baudier, P, Manita, N-E, Haikel-Elsabeh, M & Hikkerova, L 2019, ‘The remote olfactive technology adoption in the perfumery industry: The case of Digital Natives’, 2nd International Conference on Digital, Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Financing, Valencia, Spain, December 2-3.


    Academic communications

  • Baudier, P (2014), L'Entreprise et son Environnement : Entreprendre, apprendre, s'adapter : Ouvrage collectif des enseignants de l’EMLV disponible sur Amazon- Chapitre 7- Le concept de fidélité- p147-158. December 2014.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Baudier, P (2014), L'Entreprise et son Environnement : Entreprendre, apprendre, s'adapter : Ouvrage collectif des enseignants de l’EMLV disponible sur Amazon- Chapitre 7- Le concept de fidélité- p147-158. Décembre 2014.


    Research books and book chapters

  • C.Lovelock, J.Wirtz, D.Lapert, A.Munos, Baudier, P (2008), Marketing des services, Etude de cas sur Autolib 7ième Page 588- édition Pearson


    Research books and book chapters

  • C.Lovelock, J.Wirtz, D.Lapert, A.Munos, Baudier, P (2008), Marketing des services, Etude de cas sur Autolib 7ième Page 588- édition Pearson


    Research books and book chapters

  • Manita, R, Elommal, N & Baudier, P 2019, ‘Comment le digital et les big data vont transformer le métier des cabinets d’audit’, The Conversation, 26 septembre.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Manita, R, Elommal, N & Baudier, P 2019, ‘Comment le digital et les big data vont transformer le métier des cabinets d’audit’, The Conversation, september, 26.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Baudier, P, 2015 Marketing : Changement de paradigme. Magazine des Grandes écoles et Universités, Hors-série Spécial Marketing et Finance n°1 « Spécial jeunes diplômés », May


    Articles in professional journals

  • Baudier, P, « Les métiers du marketing et de la finance » Investir pour rapporter… les types d’actions marketing. Magazine des Grandes écoles et Universités, Hors-série Spécial Marketing et Finance n°2, Décembre 2015


    Articles in professional journals

  • Baudier, P, « Les métiers du marketing et de la finance » Investir pour rapporter… les types d’actions marketing. Magazine des Grandes écoles et Universités, Hors-série Spécial Marketing et Finance n°2, December 2015


    Articles in professional journals

  • Baudier, P, 2015 Marketing : Changement de paradigme. Magazine des Grandes écoles et Universités, Hors-série Spécial Marketing et Finance n°1 « Spécial jeunes diplômés », Mai


    Articles in professional journals