
Professor in Finance


Taher Hamza is Professor of Finance, he joined the EM Normandie in August 2021. He holds a PhD in Management Sciences from the University of Grenoble II awarded in 1993. His thesis focuses on the determinants of the success of hostile takeovers. His research interests include corporate finance and governance, mergers and acquisitions, and equity pricing. He is a former professor at the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Clermont-Fd (1992-2002), at the ISG-University of Sousse (2002-2014) and at the IHEC-University of Carthage (2015-2021). He has held the positions of vice-director at IHEC-University of Carthage and president of the thesis commission in management sciences at Sousse University. Is the author of several publications in various academic and professional journals and he wrote some case studies for CCMP.

Professional experience

Since 2021: Professor in finance, EM Normandie
2017-2021: Director of Studies et Adjunct Director, IHEC Carthage

Law, finance & control
Matières enseignées
Management Control Finance
1993 : PhD in management, Université de Grenoble


  • Hamza, T & Barka, Z (forthcoming), 'Firms’ Operating Leverage and External Shocks: Does Economic Policy Uncertainty Matter?', International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Hamza, T, Mhadhbi, R & Barka, Z 2024, 'CSR Investment and Operating and Financial Leverage under Competitive Pressure', International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, vol. 18, issue 4-5, pp. 375-394 . FNEGE 4 ; ABS : 2 ; HCERES : C.


    Academic articles

  • Nizar, H & Hamza, T (forthcoming), 'Institutional Cross-Ownership and Corporate Social Responsibility: Does Product Market Competition Matter?', Management International. FNEGE : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Hamza, T, Ben Haj Hamida, H, Mili, M & Sami, M 2024, 'High inflation during Russia–Ukraine war and financial market interaction: Evidence from C-Vine Copula and SETAR models', Research in International Business and Finance, vol. 70, part B, June. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Nizar, H, Hamza, T & Lakhal, F 2024, 'How does institutional cross-ownership affect firm productivity? The importance of the corporate social responsibility channel', International Journal of Finance & Economics (IJFE), vol. 29, issue 2, pp. 1988-2010. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 3 ; HCERES : B.


    Academic articles

  • Sghaier, A & Hamza, T (forthcoming), 'CEO power and risk taking: evidence from European banks mergers and acquisitions', Journal of strategy and management. ABS : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Ftiti, Z, Hamza, T, Zouhour, M & Louhichi, W 2024 'Innovative financing channels: International evidence from initial coin offering and project start-up success factors', Management International, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 127-142. FNEGE : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Hamza, T, Barka, Z, Verdie, J.F & Al Sayah, M (forthcoming), 'Economic Policy Uncertainty and SMEs' Investment Efficiency in France: Does Competitive Pressure Matter?', European Business Review. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Benkraiem, R, Hamza, T, Lakhal, F & Nizar, H (à paraître), 'Family Control, Institutional Cross holding, and Corporate Social Responsibility', Economics Modelling.    


    Academic articles

  • Barka, Z, Boubaker, S & Hamza, T 2024, 'Are institutional blockholders effective monitors? Evidence from corporate investment efficiency', Management International, Novembre (1681). FNEGE : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Benkraiem, R, Hamza, T, Lakhal, F & Nizar, H 2024, 'Family Control, Institutional Cross holding, and Corporate Social Responsibility', Economics Bulletin, vol. 42(4), pp. 2231-2247.    


    Academic articles

  • Hamza, T, Mhadhbi, R & Barka, Z (à paraître), 'CSR Investment and Operating and Financial Leverage under Competitive Pressure', International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics. FNEGE 4 ; ABS : 2 ; HCERES : C.


    Academic articles

  • Mrad, S, Hamza, T & Manita, R 2024, 'Corporate Investment Sensitivity to Equity Market Misvaluation', Review of Accounting and Finance, vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 1-38. FNEGE : 4 ; ABS : 2


    Academic articles

  • Amri, H & Hamza, T (forthcoming), 'The impact of risk-taking on performance of Islamic and conventional banks in Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE', International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation. ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Barka, Z, Hamza, T &  Mra, S 2023, 'Corporate ESG Scores and Equity Market Misvaluation: Toward Ethical Investor Behavior', Economic Modelling, vol. 127, October. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Barka, Z, Benkraiem, R, Hamza, T, Lakhal, F & Vigne, S 2023, 'Institutional investor horizon and stock price synchronicity: Do product market competition and analyst coverage matter?', International Review of Financial Analysis, vol. 89, October. FNEGE : 3 ; ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Hamza, T, Nizar, H & Lakghal, F 2023, 'Corporate social responsibility, industry competition and firm productive efficiency: evidence from semi-parametric and non-parametric analysis', Annals of Operations Research, December. FNEGE : 2 ; ABS : 3.


    Academic articles

  • Hamza, T, Nizar, H & Allaya, M 2022, 'Institutional Ownership and Firm Productive Efficiency: Is It All About Time? Evidence from France', Gestion 2000, 2022/4, vol. 39, pp. 17-44. FNEGE : 3 ; HCERES : B.


    Academic articles

  • Nizar, H & Hamza, T (à paraitre), 'Product Market Competition, Ultimate controlling shareholder and Firm Productivity: The mediating effect of R&D', Revue Française de Gouvernance d'Entreprise. FNEGE : 4 ; HCERES : C.


    Academic articles

  • Boubaker, S, Chourrou, L, Haddar, M & Hamza, T 2019, 'Does employee welfare affect corporate debt maturity?', European Management Journal, vol. 37, no. 5, October, pp. 674-686. CNRS : 3 ; FNEGE 3 ; HCERES : B ; ABS : 2



    Academic articles

  • Boubaker, S, Chourrou, L, Haddar, M & Hamza, T 2019, 'Does employee welfare affect corporate debt maturity?', European Management Journal, vol. 37, no. 5, October, pp. 674-686. CNRS : 3 ; FNEGE 3 ; HCERES : B ; ABS : 2



    Academic articles

  • Boubaker, S, Hamza, T, Vidal Garcia, J 2018, "Financial distress and equity returns: A Leverage-Augmented Three Factor Model", Research in International Business and Finance, vol. 46, 1–15. ABS 2; ABDC B.


    Academic articles

  • Boubaker, S, Hamza, T, Vidal Garcia, J 2018, "Financial distress and equity returns: A Leverage-Augmented Three Factor Model", Research in International Business and Finance, vol. 46, 1–15. ABS 2; ABDC B.


    Academic articles

  • Boubaker, S & Hamza, T 2014, 'Les cibles de prises de contrôle en France: caractéristiques et probabilité d’acquisition', Gestion 2000, vol.31, n°6,  pp. 107-128. FNEGE : 4 ; HCERES : C.


    Academic articles

  • Boubaker, S & Hamza, T 2014, 'Les cibles de prises de contrôle en France: caractéristiques et probabilité d’acquisition', Gestion 2000, vol.31, n°6,  pp. 107-128. FNEGE : 4 ; HCERES : C.


    Academic articles

  • Boubaker, S & Hamza, T 2014, "Does managerial overconfidence matter in explaining debt financing policy?", Economics Bulletin, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 2324-2339. CNRS : 3 ; HCERES : B.


    Academic articles

  • Boubaker, S & Hamza, T 2014, "Does managerial overconfidence matter in explaining debt financing policy?", Economics Bulletin, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 2324-2339. CNRS : 3 ; HCERES : B.


    Academic articles

  • Boubaker, S & Hamza, T 2014, “Short and Long-term Wealth Gains from UK Takeovers: The Case of the Financial Industry”, Journal of Applied Business Research, vol. 30, n°4, pp. 1253-1262. CNRS : 3 ; FNEGE : 3 ; HCERES : B.


    Academic articles

  • Boubaker, S & Hamza, T 2014, “Short and Long-term Wealth Gains from UK Takeovers: The Case of the Financial Industry”, Journal of Applied Business Research, vol. 30, n°4, pp. 1253-1262. CNRS : 3 ; FNEGE : 3 ; HCERES : B.


    Academic articles

  • Barka, Z, Lakhal, F, Hamza, T & Benkraiem, R 2022, 'Carbon Performance and Stock Price Synchronicity: Do Economic Policy Uncertainty and Climate Risk Matter?', The International Conference on Sustainability, Environment, and Social Transition in Economics and Finance (SESTEF), Paris, France, December 13-15.


    Academic communications