
Associate Professor in Finance


Wissem Ajili Ben Youssef is an Associate Professor of Finance and joined EM Normandie in 2023. She holds a PhD in economics from Paris Dauphine University, obtained in 2007. Her thesis analyses the dynamics of public debt in developing countries from institutional, economic, and financial perspectives. His research focuses on the economic and social sustainability of public debt, in MENA countries. Her publications also cover topics such as resilience, sustainable finance, blockchain, and big data. She has also co-authored and co-edited books on finance and economics.

Professional experience

Since 2023 : Associate professor in finance, EM Normandie
2021-2023 : Director of the finance department, ESLSCA Paris Business School
2020-2021 : Director and co-funder of the Finance & Data Performance Program, ESLSCA

Law, finance & control
Matières enseignées
Analyse Financière Financial Accounting
2007 : PhD in Economics, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL


  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2007, 'La gestion de la dette publique selon les approches économique, institutionnelle et financière : application à une petite économie en développement, la Tunisie', PhD in Economics, Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, Paris, France.


    PhD Dissertation / Accreditation to Supervise Management Research

  • Zehri, C, Ajili Ben Youssef, W & Iben Ammar, L-S 2024, 'Uncovering asymmetrical contagion effects: US monetary policy and emerging', The Journal of International Trade and Economic Development. ABS : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Zehri, C, Iben Ammar, L.S. & Ajili Ben Youssef, W (forthcoming), 'A critical analysis of capital controls: implications for crisis prevention and economic performance', International Review of Applied Economics. ABS : 1.


    Academic articles

  • Ajili Ben Youssef, W & Rozet, E (forthcoming), 'L’impact de la gestion du besoin en fonds de roulement sur la rentabilité des entreprises du CAC 40 dans un contexte de crise', Revue d’Economie Financière, no. 154. FNEGE : 4.


    Academic articles

  • Zehri, C, Saleh Iben Ammar, L, Ajili Ben Youssef, W & Zehri, F (forthcoming), 'The temporal dimensions of policy responses to capital surges', Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. ABS : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2023, 'Les agences de notation extra financière sont-elles un acteur incontournable de la finance durable et de l’investissement socialement durable ?', Revue Droit & Patrimoine, N°334, Avril.


    Academic articles

  • Ajili Ben Youssef, W, Ben Slimene, I, Maliki, S, Kertous, M, Khalil, A, Nassiri, A & El Amine Abdelli, M 2023, 'Corporate Resilience in the Face of the COVID-19: A Proposal Measurement Index', Management International, vol. 27, pp. 60-74. FNEGE : 2.


    Academic articles

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2021, 'La finance durable : une finance de continuité ou de rupture ?', Question(s) de Management,  N° 36– Novembre. FNEGE : 4 ; HCERES : 4. 


    Academic articles

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W  & Rakotondratsimba, Y 2021, 'The Academic World Facing Transitions', Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, Vol. 24, Issue 6, June.


    Academic articles

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W & Ben Slimene, I 2021, 'Covid-19 and Resilience in Business and Management Research', Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, Vol. 24, Special issue 3, October


    Academic articles

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2020, 'Les cyber-risques : nature, étendue et moyens de couverture, Revue Droit & Patrimoine, N°298, pp.17-20


    Academic articles

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2020, 'Is Audit the Solution to the Sovereign Debt Dilemma?', Business and Management Research Journal, Vol. 10, Issue 9, pp. 157-167, November.


    Academic articles

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2020, 'Quels instruments de couverture pour la gestion du cyber-risque ?', Insurance and Risk management, vol. 87 (1-2), pp.69-99.


    Academic articles

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W & Ayoub, H. 2020, 'The Social Sustainability of Public Debt in the Framework of the Middle East and North African Countries: Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia and Turkey', Journal of Sustainable Development, vol.13, N°4, p.251- 267, July.


    Academic articles

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W & Ben Gara, Z. 2013, 'Quel avenir pour la finance islamique en Tunisie', Etudes en Economie Islamique, vol.7, N°. 1, June, pp.31-70.


    Academic articles

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W , Ayoub, H & Raffinot, M 2013, 'Dette publique intérieure et développement financier dans le contexte des pays méditerranéens : Cas du Liban et de la Tunisie', Techniques Financières et développement, N°110, March, pp. 45-65.


    Academic articles

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W & Ayoub, H 2011, Quelle éthique pour la gestion de la dette publique ? Etude des cas libanais et tunisien', Revue Pertinence-Revue de recherche scientifique de l’Université Antonine, Questions éthiques, N°4, 2011, pp.137-157.


    Academic articles

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2008, 'La gestion de la dette publique tunisienne : trois questions fondamentales', Le Mensuel de l’Université, # 24.


    Academic articles

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2007, 'The “Twin Deficits” Are They Really Twins? An Empirical Investigation in the Case of a Small Developing Economy', The IUP Journal of Applied Economics-Icfai, vol. VI-2007, 1, pp.42-73.


    Academic articles

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2023, 'La nouvelle Économie Institutionnelle de la Blockchain', 62ème Congrès de l’Association Internationale des Économistes de Langue Française (AIELF), Beyrouth, Liban, May 23-25.


    Academic communications

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W & Nsangou, A.R 2023, 'A Proposal for a Model to Prevent Bank Failure Risk in Cameroon: The Camel(s) Rating', 2nd Gulf University International Conference in Accounting and Finance (GUICAF2023), online, Bahrein, December 12-13.


    Academic communications

  • Rakatondratsimba, Y. & Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2021, 'The Academic World Facing Transitions', World Finance Conference, Agder, Norway, August 3-6.


    Academic communications

  • Aijli-Ben Youssef, W & Ben Slimene, I 2021, 'Corporate Resilience in the Face of the COVID-19: A proposal for A Business Resilience Index', Third International Conference on European Studies, Milan, Italy, June 14-16.


    Academic communications

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W & Ben Slimene, I. 2021, 'Business Resilience in the Face of the COVID-19 Pandemic: An International Investigation', The 55th Annual Meeting of The Canadian Economics Association CEA, Canada, June 3-5.


    Academic communications

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2021, 'The Social Sustainability of Public Debt in the Framework of the MENA Countries', 41st MEEA/ASSA Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA, January 3-5.


    Academic communications

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2020, 'Sovereign Debt and Market Discipline', 10th SCF International Conference on Institutional, Economic and Social Impacts of Globalization and Liberalization, Antalya,Turkey, October 8-11.


    Academic communications

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2020, 'What Hedging Tools Should Be Used to Cover Cyber Risks?', XII International Conference on Economics, EconWorld, Tbilisi, Georgia, August 26-28.


    Academic communications

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2020, 'Is Audit the Solution to the Sovereign Debt Dilemma?', XI International Conference on Economics, EconWorld, Porto, Portugal, January 23-25.


    Academic communications

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2019, 'Le cyber-risque : nature, étendue et moyens de couverture', Colloque Intelligence artificielle et cybersécurité, Paris, France, September 25.


    Academic communications

  • Khalila, A., Ajili-Ben Youssef, W, Ben Slimene, I. & Abdelli, M 2022, 'Comprendre et mettre en oeuvre le contrôle interne : Réglementation, concepts et applications', Editions Dunod- Paris


    Research books

  • Abdelli, M., Ajili-Ben Youssef, W, Ozgoker, U &Ben Slimene, I 2021, 'Big Data for Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development', December, 2021, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.


    Research books

  • Ajili Ben Youssef, W & Mansour, N 2024, 'Finance in the Digital Age: The Challenges and Opportunities' in Alareeni, B., Hamdan, A. (eds) Technology: Toward Business Sustainability, ICBT 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 927. Springer, Cham, pp. 45-59.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Ajili Ben Youssef, W & Mansour, N 2024, 'The Factoring 2.0 in the Era of the Fintech Revolution Context' in A. Hamdan, B. Alareeni & R. Khamis Digital technology and changing roles in managerial and financial accounting: Theoretical knowledge and practical application, Studies in Managerial and Financial Accounting, Ed. Emerald Publishing, vol. 36, chapter 4, pp. 37-52.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Ajili Ben Youssef, W & Mansour, N 2024, ‘The Factoring 2.0 in the Era of the Fintech Revolution Context’ in Digital Technology and Changing Roles in Managerial and Financial Accounting: Theoretical Knowledge and Practical Application- Studies in Managerial and Financial Accounting, Ed. Emerald Publishing, vol. 36, 37–51.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2023, 'La nouvelle économie institutionnelle de la blockchain : les apports et les limites', in Monnaies Finances, Développements, Association internationale des économistes de langue Française, éditions de l’USJ. 


    Research books and book chapters

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W & Rakotondratsimba, Y. 2022,'Future Research Avenues for Finance' in “Financial Transformations beyond the Covid-19 Health Crisis", World Scientific Publishing, May.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Ben Slimene, I & Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2021, 'Industry 4.0, and Digital Supply-Chain Management: ERP-SCM Implementation' in 'Big Data for Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development'  Taylor & Francis Edition.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W & Ben Slimene, I  2021, 'Finance, Digital Disruption, and Sustainability: Issues, Challenges, and Future Directions' in 'Big Data for Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Development' Taylor & Francis Edition.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2020,Do We Have to Rethink Sovereign Debt of Developing Countries?' In Yilmaz, B. Handbook of Research on Institutional, Economic, and Social Impacts of Globalization and Liberalization, November, IGI Global.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2008, A value-at-risk approach to assess exchange risk associated to a public debt portfolio: the case of a small developing economy, in Risk management and value: valuation and asset price, World Scientific Studies in International Economics, Vol.38, pp. 11-60.


    Research books and book chapters

  • Ajili Ben Youssef, W 2024, 'Les systèmes d’information de gestion des risques (SIGR) à l’épreuve des risques ESG', The Conversation, December 2.


    Articles in professional journals

  • 2021

    Articles in professional journals

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2021, 'Black Rock : le géant qui a tiré parti d’un monde en mutation', eslsca.fr, September 29.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2021, 'La finance durable : les acquis et les défis', L’Économiste maghrébin, March 20.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2021, 'La finance face à la disruption technologique, L’Économiste maghrébin, February 7.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2020, 'Covid-19 : Les effets anticipés et quasi-certains de la crise', L’Économiste maghrébin, May 2.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2020, 'Pourquoi la crise Covid-19 est -elle aussi inédite ?',  L’Économiste maghrébin, May 1.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2020, 'Pourquoi la crise Covid-19 est -elle aussi inédite ?',  L’Économiste maghrébin, May 1.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2020, 'La Blockchain : opportunité ou menace ?', L’Économiste maghrébin, N°786, p.50-52.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2020, 'Les cyber-risques : nature, étendue et moyens de couverture', Revue Droit & Patrimoine, N°298, p.17-20


    Articles in professional journals

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2020, 'Les effets encore incertain de la crise Covid-19', L’Économiste maghrébin, May 3.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Ajili-Ben Youssef, W 2019, 'Pour une soutenabilité sociale de la dette souveraine des pays en développement : La Tunisie comme exemple', L’Économiste maghrébin, N°870, p.50-54.


    Articles in professional journals

  • Ajili Ben Youssef, W & Bouebdallah, N 2024, 'L'impact de la technologie Blockchain sur l'audit financier : cas des Big Four', Vidéo Fnege Médias, September.


    Scientific dissemination videos

  • Ajili Ben Youssef, W 2024, 'Les agences de notation extra-financière : un acteur clé de la finance durable', Vidéo Fnege Médias, September.


    Scientific dissemination videos

  • Ajili Ben Youssef, W & Bouebdallah, N 2024, 'La finance durable entre continuité et rupture ?', Vidéo Fnege Médias, September.


    Scientific dissemination videos

  • Ajili Ben Youssef, W 2024, ‘Qu'est-ce que la Fintech ?’, Vidéo Fnege Médias, March.


    Scientific dissemination videos

  • Ajili Ben Youssef, W 2024, ‘Qu'est-ce que la finance décentralisée ?’, Vidéo Fnege Médias, March.


    Scientific dissemination videos