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  • Français

Bachelor in Management in 3 years

Post Bac

Become a manager in 3 years

After your international school-leaving certificate, join the Bachelor in Management programme on the Le Havre or Paris campuses.

In 3 years, develop the key skills needed to become a middle manager in finance, human resources, marketing, logistics, etc.

Get a recognised degree, awarded by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research ( Bac+3), and certified by the RNCP, level 6 (RNCP36813 - DipViGrL - Diplôme d'enseignement supérieur en management international). Ranked in the national Top 10 (Le Figaro Étudiant, Le Parisien Étudiant and Challenges), this Bachelor's degree is your launch pad for a successful career.

3-year diploma
Caen Le Havre Paris Dublin
English French
Work-study On-site

Bac+3 and Bachelor's degree


Top 10 national rankings: Le Figaro Étudiant, Le Parisien Étudiant and Challenges

  • Strengths and Advantages
  • Programme
  • Admission
  • Career
  • Tuition fees and funding

3 reasons to join the programme

    Develop key middle management skills

    EM Normandie Business School blurs the boundaries between the academic and business worlds by structuring its programme around the key skills needed to succeed in the corporate world. Develop your know-how and interpersonal skills throughout your studies, and learn how to learn through interactive classes and real-life situations. English language courses are included throughout the programme, with the option of studying 100% in English. When it comes to expatriation, there are several opportunities: you can join the Dublin campus or go to a partner university for the immersive semester in Year 2, or complete your 3rd year as part of a university partnership and gain a double degree.

    An immersive semester in Year 2

    Exclusive in the world of business schools, the immersive semester allows you to devote 6 months to a project that is close to your heart, whether it is an international humanitarian mission, a civic department, a specialised training programme or an entrepreneurial project. It's a unique opportunity to explore your passions in practical terms while developing your skills.

    Face up to real-life situations

    With internships available every year, Business Games, work-study tracks in 3rd year on the Caen, Le Havre and Paris campuses, and association projects, the programme offers you plenty of opportunities to develop your professionalisation so that you can start working as soon as you graduate. You can also take advantage of the Career Path and the EM Normandie Alumni Association to boost your integration into the business world, by expanding your network and building a project that perfectly matches your skills and aspirations.

Your Bachelor in Management courses

    Courses, work placements, personal development workshops, association projects... Experience EM Normandie and develop the key skills that recruiters are looking for.

    Discover and master the fundamentals of business

    From the 1st year, learn about finance, marketing and contract law. Gradually master the fundamentals of management (operations management, supply chain, etc.) to optimise your company's overall performance and take informed strategic decisions.

  • Découvrez le programme en détail


    • Produire les états financiers
    • S'approprier les fondamentaux du Marketing


    • Appréhender le droit des contrats


    • Conduire une analyse financière
    • Expliquer les concepts et la philosophie de la gestion des opérations dans les entreprises
    • Elaborer un plan d'investissement et de financement


    • Utiliser les outils du webmarketing
    • Manager la Supply Chain (acteurs et process)


    • Se familiariser avec les outils juridiques du monde du travail
    • Piloter la performance globale
  • Make full use of data

    In addition to the office software tools that are essential in business (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.), develop your knowledge of digital tools (social networks, data analysis tools, project management software, etc.). Go even further: discover how artificial intelligence is transforming these tools and improving productivity. Your knowledge will help you stand out in front of recruiters and in your future assignments.

  • Accédez aux détails du programme


    • Utiliser les outils bureautiques et IA


    • Analyser des données quantitatives
    • Reconnaître les concepts fondamentaux des données


    • Identifier le rôle des SI dans l'entreprise
    • Réaliser une étude de marché


    • Appliquer les techniques du E-commerce


    En savoir plus sur l'acquisition de compétences digitales

  • Understanding your future professional environment

    Identify the key players in an organisation and determine your role by analysing the challenges of your job. Open up to different worlds to enrich your general knowledge and understand social, digital and environmental transformations so that you can contribute to a more responsible world.

  • Apprenez-en plus sur le programme


    • Comprendre les mécanismes économiques
    • Comprendre le monde de l'entreprise
    • Apprendre à se connaître


    • Comprendre les enjeux du développement durable
    • Développer son réseau


    • Analyser les enjeux géopolitiques
    • Développer une stratégie de recherche d'emploi efficace


    • Développer une posture de Business Ethic
    • Comprendre les enjeux de l'intelligence économique

    En savoir plus sur le Parcours Carrière

  • Implement a responsible action plan

    Identify your competitors and customers to define your positioning. Identify commercial opportunities by studying their behaviour and adapt your offer accordingly. Find out how to implement a marketing and sales plan in line with short and medium-term objectives, while ensuring financial follow-up to guarantee the profitability of your project.

  • Tout savoir sur le contenu du programme


    • Mener une campagne de vente en ligne et hors ligne (concours de vente)


    • Décrypter et déployer les stratégies d'entreprise
    • Imaginer une opportunité entrepreneuriale innovante
    • Contribuer à un projet DD RS


    • Accompagner un porteur de projet
    • Déployer son expertise dans le cadre d'un projet DD RS
  • Communicate effectively: convey and share your ideas

    Learn how to defend your ideas, using language and body language. Adapt your speech to your audience. Create effective communication tools and discover how to use digital tools to collaborate remotely.

  • En savoir + sur le programme


    • Développer sa pensée critique
    • Élargir son cadre de réflexion


    • Construire sa démarche de recherche


    • Retour d’expérience - rapport d’activité


    • Mon pitch en 180 secondes
    • Valoriser sa démarche de recherche


    • Langue vivante optionnelle
  • Develop your leadership skills and contribute to collective success

    Learn how to make the most of collective intelligence and how to manage while taking into account the cultural specificities of the people you work with. Develop your analytical skills so that you can make ethical and responsible decisions, aligning your actions with the strategic direction of your future company.

  • Explorez le contenu complet du programme


    • Gérer un projet en équipe
    • Manager une équipe
    • S'approprier les notions et concepts de base du DD/RS



    • Évoluer dans un environnement de travail multiculturel, pluriel et inclusif


    • Comprendre et exercer le leadership
    • Diagnostiquer une organisation


    • Gérer une équipe en leader responsable
  • Highlights

    Carry out a market study

    ‘Discover and exploit data’ block S3

    Learn how to conduct market research. Put your knowledge straight into practice by working in a team for a semester on a study for a partner company. Analyse the results and identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) in order to inform your partner's strategic decisions.

    Career path: build your career plan

    "Understanding your future professional environment" block

    Throughout the course, learn about yourself, identify your values, your talents and your motivating factors. Find out about jobs, functions and business sectors by interviewing professionals and graduates. Learn how to interpret internship offers, write an effective CV and practise selling yourself at job interviews.

    All about the Career Path


    Immersive semester: a new opportunity to reveal yourself

    ‘Understanding your future professional environment’ block

    Discover the Immersive Semester, a unique experience in the world of Grandes Écoles. Offered in semester 4, it allows you to devote 6 months to a project that you are passionate about. For example, join an international humanitarian association, get involved in protecting the environment as part of a civic service, follow a training programme to acquire additional skills, embark on an entrepreneurial project, or join the EM Normandie campus in Dublin.

    Business Game: becoming a company manager

    ‘Deploy a responsible action plan’ block S6

    Over several seminars, take part in an immersive and stimulating experience to learn how a company operates. Work as a team to develop your business and compete with the other groups of your year. Face up to a constantly changing market and make strategic decisions in marketing, finance, human resources and logistics. Receive evaluation reports to measure the impact of your choices and develop the most successful model.

    Responsible Project: innovating for tomorrow

    ‘Deploy a responsible action plan’ block S6

    In semester 6, work in teams on behalf of companies on real Sustainability issues. For a full semester, like real consultants, help companies to integrate sustainable development and CSR into their strategy and organisation in order to meet environmental and societal challenges. Find out about your customer and its environment, explore market opportunities, define a business model and a differentiating management system, suggest an action plan, etc.


    Perfect your English

    ‘Communicate effectively: convey and share your ideas’ block

    Throughout the course, take advantage of classes in english to improve your fluency in both spoken and written English. Strengthen your grammar, diversify your vocabulary and perfect your pronunciation to communicate effectively in everyday and professional life. You'll also gain an appreciation of cultural specificities so that you can work with confidence in a multicultural environment, and further enhance your language skills by practising a second language if you wish.

    Write a dissertation

    Block ‘Communicate effectively: pass on and share your ideas’.

    Deepen your knowledge of a specific issue and strengthen your critical thinking skills by writing a dissertation. Make this long-term project a real asset on your CV.

    Associative Project and Citizenship Project : get involved in a passion project

    ‘Develop your leadership and contribute to collective success’ Block S2

    An essential pillar of the EM Normandie Business School Experience, student associations give you great freedom of action. With the support of the Community Life Department, you can put your knowledge into practice and develop new skills by getting involved, as part of a team, in a project that you are passionate about. Whether it's in sport, humanitarian aid or sustainable development, join one of the School's associations or launch your own project. Broaden your horizons by taking part in the Citizenship Project and contribute to the work of the Restos du Cœur, the Ligue contre le cancer, UNICEF, the Pompiers Volontaires, an NGO, etc.

    All you need to know about citizen projects


    Home campus

    • 1st year
      Le Havre - courses in English or in French
      Paris - courses in French

    • 2nd year
      Le Havre - courses in English or in French
      Paris - courses in French
      Dubai or Dublin - courses in English

    • 3rd year
      Le Havre - courses in French or English
      Partner university - Double degree
      WORK-STUDY TRACK: Caen, Le Havre or Paris - courses in French


    Holders of non-french diplomas: application form required

    The programme is open to students under 22 who hold or are in the process of obtaining a non-French diploma equivalent to the French Baccalauréat.

    Due to the covid-19 situation and the closure of certain examination centres, we are offering candidates the opportunity to take an online language test. Please contact us for more information: applyto@em-normandie.fr.


    Apply to this programme

    User's guide for application form

    Admission procedure

    1. Selection based on examination of the application file: seriousness of the application, quality of the academic and/or professional profile.
    2. Remote interview with an academic advisor: to find out more about the applicant, their plans and objectives. The admission decision (admitted, refused) is made a few days after the interview.
    3. Admitted candidates receive a formal e-mail inviting them to pay a deposit (deductible from tuition fees), which enables them to reserve their place on the programme and triggers a final letter of acceptance.


    Supporting documents required for your application:

    • your CV (in English for the English-speaking programme),
    • your most recent degree,
    • your transcripts from previous years and your certificate of enrolment for the current year,
    • your covering letter (in English for the English-language course),
    • a copy of your identity card (front and back) or passport,
    • English-language course: proof of your English level (TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS).
  • Well-being and Inclusion

    Inclusion of students with disabilities

    For several years now, EM Normandie has been committed to the inclusion of students with disabilities and has been striving to make it as easy as possible for them to learn, to continue their studies, to live socially within the school and to find employment. Specific training for its teachers and support services, school facilities, digital accessibility, etc. EM Normandie promotes values of equal opportunities and respect for differences, through the sharing of an inclusive culture and the continuous development of its practices. Are you disabled or have a chronic disabling illness? We can provide you with comprehensive support, whether it be in the context of your classes/exams, your search for internships, work-study programmes or jobs, or even in preparing for your expatriation.

Opportunities after Bachelor in Management

    The Bachelor is a short, professionally-oriented course, well suited to the needs of companies, guaranteeing fast integration into working life or further study towards a Master's degree.

    Insertion survey 2024

    Professional integration survey conducted on behalf of the Conférence des Grandes Écoles (CGE) by EM Normandie and the EM Normandie Alumni Association between February and March 2024. The response rate for 2023 graduates of the Bachelor Programme is 51%. The progression rates mentioned refer to the 2023 integration survey.


  • Insertion rate

    • 89%

      net employment rate

    • 68%

      of working graduates found a job before graduating

    • 100%

      are satisfied with their 1st job

    • 33%

      of graduates hold an international position

    • 96%

      Insertion rate in targeted jobs

  • Positions held

    • 28%
      Trade, Business Development
    • 20%
      Audit, Consulting
    • 12%
      Finance, Management, Accounting
    • 12%
      Logistics, Supply Chain, Purchasing
    • 12%
      Marketing, Communication
    • 8%
      General Management
    • 4%
      Human Resources
    • 4%
      Other positions
  • Company sizes

    • 16%

      Large companies
      > 5,000 employees

    • 32%

      Mid-cap companies
      250 to 5,000 employees

    • 40%

      Small and medium sized companies
      10 à 249 employees

    • 12%

      < 10 employees

  • Further studies

    Master in Management at EM Normandie :

    • Complete a 2-year work-study track
    • Spend more than 2 years abroad
    • Take your course 100% in English, on our campuses
    • Earn a double degree at a partner university in France or abroad


    Choose from over 40 tailor-made courses (specialisations, double degrees, work-study track, optional year, etc.).

    Find out more about Master in Management

    MSc® 2-year Programme at EM Normandie :

    Master the challenges of globalisation, digital transformation and sustainable development and provide effective support to organisations in these areas.

    • Take your course 100% in English, on our campuses.
    • On Year 1, consolidate and refine your management skills.
    • On Year 2, you can enter the MSc® programme in the specialisation of your choice.

    Find out more about MSc® 2-year Programme

  • Indicators for the Bachelor International Management work-study track - 2023 graduates

    BMI3 apprenticeship contracts


    • Total number of candidates: 226
    • Pass rate: 97
    • Drop-out rate during the course: 1
    • Breakdown rate of apprenticeship contracts signed: 3

    3-month integration survey

    • Number of graduates who responded: 110
    • Survey return rate: 50
    • Study continuation rate: 83
    • Percentage of graduates in employment: 15
    • Net employment rate*: 88.9
    • Rate of satisfaction with their job: 100
    • Rate of satisfaction with the course: 94.1

    *Net employment rate = graduates in employment / (graduates in employment + graduates looking for work)

Tuition fees and financing

    Application fees

    • Application fee for file admission - students holding a non-French diploma equivalent to the French Baccalauréat
    • A €50 application fee will be requested when the application is submitted.

    Cost of the course for the year 2025-2026 :

    • 1st year BMI: €8,500
    • 2nd year BMI: €8,500
    • 3rd year BMI:
    • - Post-bac admission: €8,500
    • - Parallel admission: €9,200
    • - Work-study: €11,000 tuition fees paid by host company

    Student and Campus Life Contribution (CVEC): €103 by logging on to the dedicated platform.

    The cost of the course includes the EM Normandie Alumni Association entrance fee, which gives access to all the Association's services and lifetime membership.

    Fees for students enrolling for the first time in 2025.

  • Fundings

    Various options are offered to students to fund their studies:

  • International payment methods

    We are a partner of the Flywire platform

    This online tool facilitates the procedures of international students by offering the following services:

    • Online tracking of transfers
    • Payment in the national currency, which reduces costs
    • Choice of many payment methods
    Rhea Shivan

    Rhea SHIVAN

    Admission officer

    India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka

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