Master of Science (MSc) Digital Strategy and Innovation
After a 4-year non-french undergraduate degree


Develop your digital marketing and strategy expertise with this programme developed in collaboration with leaders from multinational technology and retail companies.
- Strengths and Advantages
- Programme
- Admission
- Career
- Tuition fees and funding
- Course taught in English
- A unique course compared with similar programmes: the only course that places a central focus on strategic vision and governance
- Explores strategic perspective and digital marketing
- A program developed with the support of executives and experts from multinational technology and retail companies as well as consulting firms specialising in digital strategy for global brands (Amazon, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, World Bank, Celonis Singularity, Shields & Co...)
- An ideal location on the Paris campus, in a dynamic economy consisting of more than 7,000 companies, a stone’s throw from the headquarters of major national and international groups
- A sponsorship system to facilitate the creation of a business network
- Dual degree : CGE Label and Master’s level approved by France’s Ministry of Higher Education and Research
Join a cutting-edge Master of Science in digital strategy and innovation
The objective of this programme is to train future professionals capable of driving and leading a digital strategy, e-commerce and innovative processes, to expand into new markets and generate new value propositions and new services. Future graduates acquire fundamental knowledge of digital strategy and the transferable skills required to design and implement it: critical thinking, problem-solving, strategy definition, people and product management, decision-making, creativity, research and communication. This course is particularly aimed at international students and opens the door to career opportunities around the world.
Digital transformation continues to gain momentum and is completely changing the processes of companies and organisations as they differentiate themselves and strive to remain competitive, efficient and profitable. This shift calls for a real change in organisational culture, and requires businesses to digitalise their processes, activities and sales and marketing channels. The course equips future graduates with a broader knowledge of the issues inherent in digital technology, and the skills and expertise needed to meet these ethical, cultural and technological challenges.
Highlights of the Master of Science in digital strategy and innovation
- Digital workplace and contemporary topics in organisations
- Managing fluid teams
- Recent technological applications and societal challenges
- Managing digital risk and cybersecurity
- Legal and ethical perspectives
- Digital business and environmental forces
- Fundamentals of corporate strategy
- Measuring performance in digital business
- Digitalisation and corporate finance
- Cases in ethical and sustainable development
- Change management and organisational transformation
- Business models and performance
- Leading in multicultural environments
- Digital disruption and industry 4.0
- Critical issues in management
- Workshops and Groupwork
- 2-Day Innovation Challenge
- Internship: 4 to 6 months
- Professional thesis
Semester 1
Digital workplace and managing fluid teams
Technological challenges of digital economy
Strategic, legal and ethical issues in digital business
Business strategy and digital performance
Digital innovation and consulting
One elective of choice:
Semester 2
Digital marketing techniques
Branding in the digital world
Value proposition through environment, social and governance strategy
Two electives of choice:
French language
Workshops and groupwork
2-day innovation challenge
Career path
Professional thesis
Professional experience
- Les candidats doivent être titulaires d'un diplôme de quatre ans dans l'enseignement supérieur (licence en quatre ans, BBA, master, 1 an ou équivalent ou équivalent). D'autres profils peuvent être acceptés en dérogation à ces critères.
- Ce programme est également disponible sur deux ans pour les candidats titulaires d'un diplôme de trois ans de l'enseignement supérieur (licence en trois ans, BMI, licence, ou équivalent). Frais de scolarité sur demande.
- Sélection sur la base de l'examen du dossier de candidature : sérieux du dossier, qualité du profil sur un plan académique et/ou professionnel.
- Entretien à distance avec un responsable académique : pour mieux connaître le candidat, ses projets et ses objectifs. La décision d'admission (admis, refusé) est prononcée quelques jours après l'entretien de motivation.
- Le candidat admis reçoit un mail formel l’invitant au versement des arrhes (déductible des frais de scolarité), qui permet de réserver sa place dans le programme et déclenche l’édition d’une lettre d’acceptation définitive.
- votre CV (en anglais),
- votre dernier diplôme obtenu,
- vos relevés de notes des années passées ainsi que votre attestation de scolarité pour l'année en cours,
- votre lettre de motivation (en anglais),
- une copie de votre pièce d'identité (recto et verso) ou de votre passeport,
- parcours anglophone : un justificatif de votre niveau d'anglais (TOEIC, TOEFL,IELTS)..
Well-being and Inclusion
Inclusion of students with disabilities
For several years now, EM Normandie has been committed to the inclusion of students with disabilities and has been striving to make it as easy as possible for them to learn, to continue their studies, to live socially within the school and to find employment. Specific training for its teachers and support services, school facilities, digital accessibility, etc. EM Normandie promotes values of equal opportunities and respect for differences, through the sharing of an inclusive culture and the continuous development of its practices. Are you disabled or have a chronic disabling illness? We can provide you with comprehensive support, whether it be in the context of your classes/exams, your search for internships, work-study programmes or jobs, or even in preparing for your expatriation.
Admission mode
Selection based on application file and individual motivation interview.
User's guide for application form
Conditions d’admission
Aucun score au test de langue anglaise n'est requis pour les étudiants titulaires d'un diplôme anglophone. Pour les candidats non-natifs, les exigences linguistiques sont : IELTS 6, TOEIC 790, TOEFL IBT 83 ou preuve que l'anglais a été la langue d'étude ou de travail du candidat pendant au moins un an.
Étapes d'admission
Pièces justificatives obligatoires à la constitution du dossier :
Informations complémentaires pour les candidats financés
Les candidats à un financement sont priés de récolter les informations nécessaires le plus tôt possible afin de permettre l’établissement des documents administratifs dans les temps impartis.
Career opportunities
- Digital Transformation/Strategy Consultant
- Influencer Marketing Manager
- Digital Procurement Specialist
- Digital Communications Specialist
- Digital Product Manager
- Web Mobile Product Manager
- Digital Marketing Manager
- Customer Relationship Manager
- E-commerce Manager
- Analytics and Optimisation Analyst
- Key Account Manager
- Business Developer...
General information about the employment market
According to the latest report from the European Commission, 58% of French companies that have hired or tried to hire digital experts report difficulties in filling these positions. In some twenty other European countries, more than 50% of employers agree that it is difficult to find digital experts. A trend that clearly highlights the shortage in the job market. Each year, there are thousands of posts to be filled, with a strong demand for young digital strategy and digital marketing professionals. Graduates join many types of companies (startups, multinationals, consulting firms specialising in strategy, organisation or management) in all different industries.
Examples of positions
This programme opens up a range of employment opportunities in various business, associative or locally-based activities:
- MSc Digital Strategy and Innovation: €15,500
Tuition fees include the membership fee for EM Normandie Alumni Association, which gives you access to all services and a life membership. - €50 charged to candidates in order to study their profile
- The contribution to CVEC (Contribution Vie Etudiante et de Campus), amounting to €103, by connecting to the dedicated plaftorm.
Various options are offered to students to fund their studies:
- Grants: Campus France
- Country of origin scholarships for international students
- Paid student jobs offered by the School’s Junior Enterprise and Jobs Services
International payment methods
We are a partner of the Flywire platform
This online tool facilitates the procedures of international students by offering the following services:
- Online tracking of transfers
- Payment in the national currency, which reduces costs
- Choice of many payment methods
Master of Science tuition fees
Tuition Fees for 2025-2026
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