16 October 2023
EM Normandie Business School obtains the renewal of the BSIS Label, a guarantee of a strong impact on the Normandy and Ile-de-France regions
School's life
EM Normandie Business School has just been awarded the renewal of the International BSIS label for a maximum of 3 years. In particular, the auditors highlighted the School's very significant development since the last assessment in 2017, with an overall financial impact of more than €417 million.
Created by the FNEGE and then adapted for international use thanks to a partnership with the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Education), the BSIS (Business School Impact System) label measures the extent and nature of a business school's impact on its local, national and international environments, covering 7 impact dimensions: financial, educational, business development, intellectual, regional ecosystem, societal and image.

The first BSIS accreditation for EM Normandie Business School dates back to 2013. The experts' 2023 report estimates that the overall financial impact in the audited impact zone - Normandy and Ile de France - exceeds 417 million euros and, in terms of educational impact, praises in particular the "strong regional recruitment on each of the French campuses and the ability to retain graduates, with a very marked increase on the Paris-Clichy campus; the offer of international courses on the Normandy sites, or via the campuses abroad and the concern for the quality of the student department".
In terms of business development, entrepreneurship, the school's partnerships, the monitoring of work-study students and "the assignments, internships and projects carried out by students for the benefit of local companies" are all considered to be strong assets.
"EM Normandie Business School has a remarkable teaching/research alignment" and "demonstrates excellent regional roots, which are appreciated by the partners who regularly renew their support: the School is thus an effective and relevant partner to help with reflection and decisions within the region". "EM Normandie Business School has put in place a research policy and appropriate resources that have led to exceptional growth in research and its dissemination, both qualitatively and quantitatively. This policy is part of a general development and internationalisation strategy that is ambitious, but realistic and well implemented" and "The orientation towards themes anchored in the region is displayed and encouraged, at all levels and with high-quality partnerships with local players" are the main points noted for the impact on intellectual production criterion.
The experts also pointed out that, in terms of its impact on the regional ecosystem, "The School is perfectly integrated into its region" and that "This is all the more remarkable given the complexity of the area". For example, almost 20% of graduates from the Master in Management (Programme Grande École) have chosen to work in the region after graduating. This figure rises to 35% for graduates of the Bachelor International Management programme. All the school's communications work has a "direct and positive impact on its image at all levels, but also helps to strengthen the image of its region".
Finally, with regard to the impact on society, the auditors welcomed the new strategy implemented, which places SD/CSR issues at the heart of the School's activities, noting that "its global approach is relevant and has a fairly pronounced differentiating character".
For more than 150 years, we have been working for and through our local roots. We are delighted to be making a greater contribution to the national and international development and influence of our historic Normandy region, and to be extending our impact to the Ile-de-France region, thanks in particular to our recent move to Clichy. All of the School's activities and stakeholders, from research to associations, including training programme, partners, students and Alumni, entrepreneurs and employees, form a virtuous ecosystem with a very high impact of which we can be proud.
Explains Elian Pilvin, Managing Director of EM Normandie Business School.
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