Life in school

26 March 2024

EM Normandie joins the Institute of Research and Action on Fraud and Plagiarism in Academia

Research and Faculty

In the past few days, EM Normandie Business School has officially became a member of the Institute of Research and Action on Fraud and Plagiarism in Academia. Through this partnership, the School can engage further with this European scientific network and support the integrity science movement. It will also be able to use the Institute’s fraud and plagiarism expertise, while the Métis Research Laboratory will contribute to research in the field.

By supporting the Institute of Research and Action on Fraud and Plagiarism in Academia, EM Normandie has taken a positive step towards academic integrity. The European scientific network provides an international and interdisciplinary scientific forum on academic fraud and plagiarism, to help and support individuals and legal entities affected by these issues, develop theoretical and applied research in these specific fields, and develop and disseminate its fraud and plagiarism expert knowledge and mediation processes.

Research and action are at the heart of the Institute’s operations. The Board therefore calls on its members to deal with each case on a collaborative basis. These members are usually advisors and country representatives in the relevant areas, who seek feasible, long-term solutions. An “interactionist research” methodology is used to create new knowledge rooted in real-life situations, to move beyond simplistic or purely enforcement-based solutions. 

Sylvaine Castellano, Dean of Faculty and Research, is heavily involved in both the teaching and research areas of this topic. She considers this commitment to be a “natural expression of EM Normandie’s Academic Social Responsibility”.

EM Normandie’s Métis Research Laboratory has also got on board to support IRAFPA’s “Integrity Sciences Movement”, by contributing directly to research and action in the field. Through this collaboration, EM Normandie is now helping to develop and embed integrity best practice in its immediate environment. It is promoting systems within the organisation which outline how academic fraud and plagiarism should be disclosed and dealt with. It also provides crucial support to the Institution with its research and actions.

Within the framework of this collaboration, the School’s action focuses specifically on the future of academic integrity in a period of profound technological change and a range of ethical issues, both in higher education and research and in society as a whole

explains Ludovic Jeanne, teacher-researcher at EM Normandie’s Métis Research Laboratory and Head of Academic Integrity


Ludovic Jeanne

Ludovic JEANNE

