Clovis Réant shares his vision of the EM Normandie Experience
What do you think are the strengths of the School?
The network
The possibility of building a professional network with the Alumni and the encounters you make during your years at the School.
The excellence of the programmes
There are also the professors, most of whom are professor-researchers, experts in their field, who pass on their knowledge with passion.
You become more professional thanks to the numerous internships, work-study programmes and projects carried out in collaboration with companies.
Did you expect this type of experience?
Yes. My sister also went to a Business School before me. I knew what to expect before I entered the school, especially the international part.
Can you describe the student experience in a Business School?
You discover so many new things, new subjects, like law for example. You apply your knowledge through business games, teamwork, case studies, orals, etc. We are in groups of 40 and for languages in half-groups of 15-20 students, which creates a sense of closeness between everyone.
What are the differences between a Business School and a University?
The student-professor relationship is not the same. They know us better.
The choice of EM Normandie Business School
Why did you choose EM Normandie?
I had the choice between 3 schools, including EM Normandie, which I finally chose for its flexible course because you can choose where to go each year, change campuses in France or abroad or go to a partner university.
What are the EM Normandie campuses like?
The Caen campus is nice but you stay there mainly for classes as it is a bit more out of the way than Le Havre which is right in the city centre. In Caen, you mostly meet in the city centre or in the study room to do group work and the Chill room to relax.
Would you recommend EM Normandie to your friends?
Yes, especially if you are interested in business, management or marketing training.
Teaching methods
How many hours of lessons do you have?
I had between 17.30 and 20 hours of lessons per week, not counting group work, association projects, and the responsible project.
What is your favourite subject this year?
I found the project management course really good because it was very interactive. The teacher explained the methodology and we had to hand in our projects. He was always kind in the way he evaluated us to allow us to progress. These management courses speak to me a lot because I want to become an entrepreneur later on.
What is your relationship with the teaching profession?
The relationship is more friendly than at the university. Last year (before Covid), I regularly bumped into my professors on campus and sometimes even off-campus.
Integration into a Business School
Do you make many friends in a Business School?
Yes, I met most of the good friends I have through the integration at the beginning of my course. And this year, I was a sponsor for the integration of the newcomers at the beginning of the year.
What are the key factors for integrating well into a Business School?
You should not be afraid to reach out to others. In the first year, nobody knows each other or almost nobody. The atmosphere is friendly and benevolent, so integration goes well.
Day-to-day organisation
Can you describe a typical day at a business school?
If you live away from your parents, you have an 'adult life'. You start with classes in the morning. The afternoon is free to work, relax, play sports and spend time with other students. In the evening, you can go out.
Do you have a lot of personal work?
About 80% of the work to be done is group work, especially this year. So we necessarily have work to do outside the classroom.
How do you manage your accommodation and transport?
I live in the centre of Caen, on the port. I found my flat through an agency because I was in Costa Rica when I looked for it. The first year, I was in a student residence on campus, which allows me to make new friends. And it's easier to manage. I usually come by car or tram.
What equipment do I need?
A laptop is compulsory, and some teachers ask for notebooks but this is rare.
See all testimonies-
Benjamin Paumier
Balancing studies and top-level sport
Study and sport at the same level, it's totally possible. You need to succeed in joining a school like EM Normandie Business School, which supports each of its students and their various projects.
Julie Paing
Julie Paing shares her vision of the EM Normandie Experience
Julie shares with us her vision of studying at a business school and gives you some valuable advice on how to make the most of your student life.
Julie arrived at the School in her 3rd year after a DUT, and chose to specialise in marketing. -
Guillaume Boixel
Guillaume Boixel shares his vision of the EM Normandie Experience
Guillaume shares with us his views on studying at a business school and gives you some valuable advice on how to make the most of your student life.
Guillaume arrived at the School in 3rd year after a preparatory course, and chose to specialise in finance. -
Gabin Ernoult
Gabin Ernoult shares his vision of the EM Normandie Experience
Gain shares with us his vision of studying at a business school and gives you some valuable advice on how to make the most of your student life.
Gabin arrived at the School in 3rd year after a preparatory course and chose to specialise in finance.