CRM and DMP Consultant at Ineox
Can you introduce us to your company?
I work for a corporate consulting company that works on all aspects related to digital.
INEOX supports companies in all sectors of activity (banking-insurance, retail, pure players, multimedia, tourism...). We are not specialised in any particular field.
Today, everyone is doing digital, this is what we call digital transformation. As an agency, our job is to help companies that don't necessarily have the resources in-house, either in terms of human resources or skills, to implement digital strategies and the associated actions.
What does your job as a CRM consultant involve?
My core business is digital marketing. This discipline is very broad because it covers many activities. For my part, I mainly manage customer/prospect data: how to capture it? How to make this data talk?
Capturing mass data is still pretty straightforward. Anyone can do it. But the hard part is being able to understand it, organise it and activate it. Activation consists of setting up operational actions to be able to reach its customers and prospects. Once these actions have been implemented, it is necessary to be able to calculate the return on investment.
What is your expertise in CRM?
The first part of my job is to help companies manage the communication associated with their CRM. These are in fact the first assignments I have been able to carry out in my career. I work on CRM tools, that is to say on the management of customer and prospect databases.
In the context of their SMS and emailing campaigns, I support them in the redesign of their programmes. I analyse the campaigns in place, the products concerned, and the associated business processes. I support them both in their activation use cases and in the implementation of new cases in collaboration with their teams.
What do you like about your job?
I've always worked in consulting, it's something I really enjoy because it allows me to address multiple issues. I'm never in my comfort zone because I'm faced with many challenges. Reporting to the marketing division, I manage projects from their framing to their implementation.
My job is transverse and I am always on the lookout for new ideas.
My position is cross-functional as I have to work with technical profiles. The "data" team is the expert in artificial intelligence and data manipulation. The IT team is made up of engineers and architects who implement use cases for clients.
As a project manager, my role is to guide them in their missions by giving them back the customer need. This is one of the big challenges of my job: being able to identify the client's problem by making all the data collected "talk" and then proposing actions to be carried out.
What was your training?
I finished my studies at EM Normandie in 2014. For my part, it was the M2 "Marketing Strategy and Business Development" programme that made me aware of consulting methods in a digital context.
To have a quality profile, you need to have a wide range of skills and a command of digital tools. You can't come onto the market and only be able to manage emailing campaigns settings. To have a real added value in consulting or with the advertiser, you have to be able to go outside your perimeter.
During internships and experiences during my studies, I learned to land on HTML code for example. This allows me to better understand the work of technicians and therefore to gain efficiency.
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Anaëlle Thomas
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Léa Pestre
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Jonathan Kam
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Richard Aurey
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