Logistics Site Manager, Volvo
Can you tell us about the job of a buyer?
I really like it because you have to be very versatile.
Above all, being a buyer is a job where you never get bored!
There are always emergencies to deal with and unforeseen events to manage. These events call into question everything we had planned in our organisation. It's really this unexpected aspect that I like about the purchasing profession.
What has been your career path?
I started with an internship at Bombardier in the railway industry. Following this internship, I was hired and worked for five years in this company.
I then decided to change direction and work in a medium-sized company in the food industry. I wanted to stay in purchasing but wanted to see the organisation of a smaller structure. I stayed there for two years and finally returned to my first love at Bombardier.
Later, I was approached by Volvo in Canada to work in their purchasing department via a consulting firm. I guess the LinkedIn network works pretty well!
I am currently working at Volvo as a purchasing project manager for the bus business. I have more responsibility with a team to manage on some projects.
Why did you choose to work in logistics?
Logistics is a very broad field. Working in purchasing was a gateway for me to be able to touch everything.
I'm in contact with a lot of people, such as engineers, procurement and transport departments.
The purchasing department has a global view of the entire logistics process.
We are also the guarantor of the correct supply of parts in due time. For all these reasons, I wanted to go into the field of purchasing within the broad field of logistics.
What advice would you give to a student?
If you want to become a buyer, you have to be organised and like challenges. Every day, you have to do everything you can to get the parts you need. You have to go back to the suppliers to negotiate the best possible cost, quality or even delivery time.
To do this job, you really have to be a hard worker and have a taste for a challenge.
When I was doing my internship, I discovered a technical plan for the first time. I had to learn to familiarise myself with the spare parts. You discover the whole reality of the job and acquire a lot of new knowledge.
It's like going from being a student to a professional who has to master his subject in an instant.
You have to learn to immerse yourself in a new environment. The world of trains was not necessarily a passion for me at the beginning. But when I arrived in the railway field, I quickly got a taste for it. You can adapt very quickly if you have a thirst for learning.
Can you tell us about your studies?
My years at EM Normandie were a great experience. I find that having a gap year between M1 and M2 is an interesting opportunity to do internships abroad or in France.
This additional year of experience allows you to enter the job market with a good background.
As far as the curriculum is concerned, I noticed a strong evolution between the first and the last year of studies. The end of the course is much more focused on professionalisation.
My Master's specialisation in Supply Chain was really interesting because professionals came to speak every week on very specific areas. These experts came to share their field experiences. This perfectly complemented the theoretical contributions of the professors.
Another point that makes the strength of EM Normandie for me is the assignments that we carry out throughout the course.
They allow us to put into practice everything we have learned in class.
See all testimonies-
Élodie Prunier-Taveirne
Deputy Director General HR at HAROPA PORT
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Lise Veauvy
Director of Operations, Leetchi
She tells us about her career path, from the big laundry groups to Leetchi, and explains how she fulfilled her thirst for curiosity and found a work/life balance.
Virginie Vast
Purchasing Manager at Amazon
From Siemens to Amazon via Vodafone, she tells us about her career in the purchasing sector and her numerous international experiences. She looks back on her years at EM Normandie and on the "Pink Ladies" association.
Vincent Méheut
Project Manager Packaging Equipments at Gebo Cermex
After graduating in 2014, Vincent Méheut went to work in the USA and then in Canada. Discover his testimony.
Camille - My Job in Montreal
Prototype Buyer at Volvo
Camille, currently working as a Prototype Buyer at Volvo in Canada, talks about her international career path and shares her experience of life in Montreal.
Constance Caruel
Planning Manager at Kromatix
Constance Caruel, a graduate of the class of 2018, is currently Planning Manager at Kromatix and tells us all about her career.