Planning Manager at Kromatix
What does your job at Kromatix involve?
I'm currently working for Kromatix, a company that manufactures coloured solar panels for building facades without paint or pigments.
I'm in charge of planning, i.e. managing sales and production.
I also manage everything to do with meetings with the big customers who are part of our future projects.
What has been your career path since you left the School?
After graduating from EM Normandie, I continued my apprenticeship at ECAM in Lyon. It's an engineering school where I studied lean manufacturing.
I also did my work-study placement at Renault Trucks, where I was in charge of everything to do with lean and process improvement.
I then spent 2 years on a VIE placement in the United States, where I worked for Daher in the aerospace sector. I was logistics project manager for the A220.
I put in place actions linked to the delivery of parts for aircraft.
Finally, I worked for Nespresso as a production line manager in Switzerland. I moved to Kromatix at the beginning of January.
What contribution has the School made to your career?
EM Normandie gave me a very early insight into the world of work. During my studies, I was able to combine work and studies. That really made me want to work and discover different branches of the profession.
It's great to be able to explore different professions during your studies. It's been a real asset for me.
Do you have any advice for students at the school?
Do an apprenticeship to get your first taste of the world of work, while remaining in a somewhat protected environment.
See all testimonies-
Élodie Prunier-Taveirne
Deputy Director General HR at HAROPA PORT
A graduate of the class of 1998, Élodie looks back on her first impressions of the city of Le Havre and her first steps in the professional world within the port, a giant structure. She tells us about the merger between the 3 ports of Normandy and the challenges that this entails internally.
Lise Veauvy
Director of Operations, Leetchi
She tells us about her career path, from the big laundry groups to Leetchi, and explains how she fulfilled her thirst for curiosity and found a work/life balance.
Virginie Vast
Purchasing Manager at Amazon
From Siemens to Amazon via Vodafone, she tells us about her career in the purchasing sector and her numerous international experiences. She looks back on her years at EM Normandie and on the "Pink Ladies" association.
Vincent Méheut
Project Manager Packaging Equipments at Gebo Cermex
After graduating in 2014, Vincent Méheut went to work in the USA and then in Canada. Discover his testimony.
Camille - My Job in Montreal
Prototype Buyer at Volvo
Camille, currently working as a Prototype Buyer at Volvo in Canada, talks about her international career path and shares her experience of life in Montreal.
Juliette Dô
Logistics Site Manager, Volvo
She likes the purchasing business because it is unpredictable. She started out in the railway industry and now works for Volvo in Canada.