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At the beginning of 2021, only a handful of investors had taken an interest in non-fungible tokens (NFT). By the end of 2021, NFT sales had soared with transactions exceeding $40 billion. According to Chainalysis, a company specializing in blockchain data analysis, over $44 billion was spent on non-fungible tokens in 2021. Given the way that the sector has taken off, we believe it is important to offer young people suitable training to help them enter the market and access the world of FinTech.
In an increasingly digitalized world, NFTs are the latest big thing in cryptocurrencies. This new technology, which means "non-fungible token", is now in the spotlight following a number of record sales at the beginning of 2022. A token is a digital asset issued by a blockchain. Bitcoin and XRP work in a similar way. NFTs are however different to other cryptocurrencies. “Non-fungible” means that each unit is unique, and cannot be reproduced. Bitcoins, on the other hand, are fungible.
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Il revient sur les raisons qui l'ont poussé à rejoindre l'EM Normandie puis à reprendre l'affaire familiale pour assouvir un besoin d'indépendance.
Le rôle du Money Chief Officer est de piloter la stratégie digitale d'une entreprise autour d'une activité liée aux paiements.
Vincent a intégré l'EM Normandie en admission parallèle et y a passé 3 années. Entré dans une grande entreprise d'électroménager, il gravi rapidement les échelons pour arriver jusqu'à la Direction européenne. Découvrez son parcours.